I received from guidance the need to do journaling each and every day when possible and that is to be the first writing of the day. It doesn’t matter what it says and what I write. It is not to be edited, but after meditation and the reading for the day then will come the journaling. I feel this way that it will give expression to my inner mind and Self and my guide. It will be a dialog between my inner and outer mind.
To journal is to dialog with ones’ self. It is from the periphery of the circle or the boundary of one’s experiences that defines the self one has made to the SELF at the center of you and the entire universe that is unmade and always was. This SELF is eternal. This SELF is the Identity that ALL is and is the Reality that defines everything else and is the basis for everything that is. I am one with that Self being the only Self that is and the only Self that I am. It is one as I am one and there is no separation from being it otherwise it could not be what it is that I am. I am happy being it now as I am sure it is happy being me. I open my heart and mind now in this moment because that is what I am choosing to do and what you choose to do is what will happen or what you will experience happening if you choose to let it be. If you choose to be happy then you are saying that the happiness is there already available for you to experience if you choose nothing else. If you are experiencing anything else but happiness it is because you have already made another choice and so choose again. In eternity you have already chosen happiness which is your birthright to experience and you choose it by virtue of what you already are as God the one Nameless Cause as chosen for you or created you. In time you have made a different choice otherwise you would not be making that choice again you would instead be experiencing your happiness or yourself being happy right here and now. So if you are asking for happiness or that is what you want then choose again to be happy once more and forgive any other choices that our contrary to the choice that you are making now. If you want to be happy then you are saying that you have made another choice to be sad. What we see in our brother is the mask that we have made for our self and if we see our brother unhappy it is because we have made our self unhappy. We can never make the SELF that is unmade unhappy, only the self we made unhappy, which is therefore and illusion of our real SELF and so we can see this mask our brother is wearing as not the real SELF and ask that which is eternal to unmask it for us and show us our brothers real SELF the one SELF we all are. We are then asking the ETERNAL to show us our real identity in our brother who is the Christ in us all. May you find the Christ that you all ARE and be reborn again to the SELF that was never made and that you always ARE.
I do not have much to say except I share Gods will for happiness one person at a time and it starts with me. The way to save the world or the healing of God’s Son is one person at a time. You connect with your Source that still point your connection with Universal Being and then you extend from there the Happiness that you feel the entire Wholeness of Being.
Journaling is like painting a picture or playing an instrument. It is a form of communication and can be used as a tool or instrument to communicate with the Divine. It can be used as a means to have dialog with the eternal and the Nameless. Eternity is a realm of being and when you bless anything with love it then is translated to Heaven and to the eternal realm of being and as long as you hold it in your mind as a loving thought so will it be in the Mind of God. Every loving thought is true and anything else is and appeal for help and healing.
When you repeat a thought of God in remembrance and give it to the Holy Spirit the word that you silently speak then becomes enflamed and comes alive with energy and light and being and it becomes deeper and deeper a matter of experience.
Say very slowly with your breath, “God being Love is also Happiness” and say it with feeling saying it as if God was saying it to you and He is from that place or pure Spirit and complete silence within. Let the word speak out from you and transform your world of experience as one of oneness. Let the word be spoken to everything you see and everyone you meet. Let the Word speak out from the Holy Spirit your right Mind that is the Mind of God when you experience that Mind as one.
Say it with true devotion so that your attention is on the word itself that each word that comes out of the mouth of God is like Honey to your lips sweet, loving and eternally bright, each new thought is like new and fresh and alive with the experience of infinite Love, Joy and Happiness. Realize the truth of those words as matters of experience and that is the right of everyone to be experiencing Now.
In your devotion to your brother who may not as yet experienced the truth of those words. Speak those words in the silence of your being for your brother that it will also dawn in him as the words of Spirit that is also is right to experience Now and so let it be. Plant the seed and God will give you the increase.
Be the extension of what your brother is really being Love, Peace and Happiness and speak it to His mind, “I seek what belongs to me in Truth.”
Journaling is like painting a picture or playing an instrument. It is a form of communication and can be used as a tool or instrument to communicate with the Divine. It can be used as a means to have dialog with the eternal and the Nameless. Eternity is a realm of being and when you bless anything with love it then is translated to Heaven and to the eternal realm of being and as long as you hold it in your mind as a loving thought so will it be in the Mind of God. Every loving thought is true and anything else is and appeal for help and healing.
When you repeat a thought of God in remembrance and give it to the Holy Spirit the word that you silently speak then becomes enflamed and comes alive with energy and light and being and it becomes deeper and deeper a matter of experience.
Say very slowly with your breath, “God being Love is also Happiness” and say it with feeling saying it as if God was saying it to you and He is from that place or pure Spirit and complete silence within. Let the word speak out from you and transform your world of experience as one of oneness. Let the word be spoken to everything you see and everyone you meet. Let the Word speak out from the Holy Spirit your right Mind that is the Mind of God when you experience that Mind as one.
Say it with true devotion so that your attention is on the word itself that each word that comes out of the mouth of God is like Honey to your lips sweet, loving and eternally bright, each new thought is like new and fresh and alive with the experience of infinite Love, Joy and Happiness. Realize the truth of those words as matters of experience and that is the right of everyone to be experiencing Now.
In your devotion to your brother who may not as yet experienced the truth of those words. Speak those words in the silence of your being for your brother that it will also dawn in him as the words of Spirit that is also is right to experience Now and so let it be. Plant the seed and God will give you the increase.
Be the extension of what your brother is really being Love, Peace and Happiness and speak it to His mind, “I seek what belongs to me in Truth.”
What comes to mind is asking to be filled by being empty and simply listening, I am giving myself time to commune with Spirit or the Father by listening. The act is listening, the key word is listening and that there is someone on the other end of the line that is there and has something to say or communicate.
Now in the place of stillness and where there is no thinking and I am being quiet is the place of listening. It is in the stillness that I am choosing to listen. It is where I am abandoning my mind as the thinker that I am able to be still and listen. I am come empty to be filled. I ask for the Truth to correct all errors in my mind. Let me be still that I may listen to the Truth.
Now I do not know exactly what I am doing listening or what that really means, but I am listening just the same. I started to first use my breath and let my breath be as a sharp razors edge that allows me to cut through my thinking part of my mind and come to a place where there is rest and stillness a quiet place where I am aware of a still point that I feel I am my attention is being drawn.
I also use the lesson of the day and repeat it over and over using a string of beads to keep track of my breath and the mantra I am using. For instant, with my breath on the in breath I say mentally “Truth correct all errors in my mind.” And on the out breath, “To give and to receive is one in Truth.” Or with each bead I will say on the in breath, Truth corrects all and on the out breath errors in my mind.
Now I have my eyes closed and my focus is on the breath and on the chant and if I am aware of any thoughts I just notice then and bring my attention back to my breath and the remembrance I am using. As I am giving over the words or the Thoughts of God to the Holy Spirit the words become transform and I can feel the word not just as word but as being real and not that as a separate self speaking the words but my own right mind is speaking them to me the Holy Spirit and to whoever I may direct my attention too.
Now that I am able to bring my attention this center I see within which is where this very Presence of Light, Life and Love is coming from the God within, I am able to dwell there and find rest. It is here at this place this altar that I listen and wait for an Answer to my prayer and my desire to commune with the Almighty. This is where I find my Power and what God is willing in me and in my mind. It is where I am truly inspired and I am moved.
At first I find in this presence that there is this emptiness in me and it here that I am filled. It is here that I am answered with Love. It is here that God comes to me. It is here that God fills me with His/her love.
It is here that I know that I am known and I am loved. It here, I recognize my real Self that is not made and eternal. It is here that I find my place in the Father and I am known as his Son and I know God as my Father. It is here that I find my Source and it is here that I extend my Self to you.
My prayer to you Father Mother God is fill me, that I am over flowing and that my cup does runneth over with your complete Love for me as I am one with you. Fill me Father that I may know you once again. You are the One the Nameless One that completes me and where I complete you.
My only desire that is true is that I be one with you which is a reflection of your desire to be one with me that we are one in and with each other in full and complete Awareness.
Here is my mind to direct as you see fit and fill it with your Knowing. My mind is an instrument of your peace. Peace to my mind and let all my thoughts be still. Today I give my mind to the Holy Spirit and give it service to do as you see fit.
Fill my mind my Father that in it I may see my brother as my Self that I may have the gift of Vision to see all of creation as a gift of your Love and that I may see and Know all as One. Father I do now accept your vision and I do accept your true Word that is upon Thy lips. I so accept my Self as Thy true son and May I see all of creation as your one Son/Daughter the Christ of all.
I am here to be of service to all, because by being in that place where I am truly in the service to all I again may Know my true Self and by Knowing my Self to be true I am set free.
Let thy Light shine in the mind of all mankind and by that all man may Know the Truth of Thy Being and Knowing Thee may Know themselves as One. Amen
In the mind I think I am, in the heart I know and feel that I am, in the soul I am that I am and in the Spirit of all that is I am.
I rest in eternal Love; I am as eternal Love created me. I thank eternal Love for the Love that I eternally am.
It is from the still waters of Spirit that I can see my reflection in the deep waters I know that I am. From beyond the clouds of doubt, guilt and illusion at that peak on the highest mountain top and where the clouds of fear and guilt have parted I see my face in the Sunlight of the Spirit as it illuminates the world and all that’s in it I again see my reflection as in a mirror at first darkly and then face to face I can see my gentle reflection of all that is.
My brother man who is my Self, I can see my reflection again and all that I survey I can see my Self as I truly am in all my brothers and sisters and in all the land. In all the stars of the universe and in the universe of universes itself I can see my reflection. I am spirit as I speak these words of life. I am spirit as I am whole. My body now that is the visibility of my Self as I am eternal love now identifies fully with all that I am perfect, whole and complete in every way I am.
There is nothing lacking in me the all that I am and all is in me as I am in all. I am not my body. My body is in me as the entire universe is in what I am infinite still I am as I breathe through the leaves as wind in the trees, I am. I am filled as I declare my emptiness and Gods Spirit rushes to fill me and my heart is glad and I know I am. Any part of me I think I lack there is Spirit Gods eternal love filling me with His/her well spring of eternal joy and I am free once again to Know my Name is Love.
Forgiveness the key to happiness See in the mind all those who presented to you the image of your enemy and see in your minds’ eye also those who represented you friend and then see yourself in your minds’ eye playing in a play or a drama where these figures you think you see as playing in the drama (dream) with you and then the dream is over and all of you in all of your parts have awoken and have given their bows to the audience being the one who is observing and all realizing that this all has been a play, drama or a dream and that it is not real as far as your real Self is.
See in your minds’ eye all the actors are a projection of your thoughts and then see the real You wake up in each of them and all now become not just actors playing this part that you have assigned to them but are your brothers and sister of the one Self.
As I was doing the lesson 121 “Forgiveness is the key to Happiness.” as instructed I noticed in my mind the enemy and the friend were showering me in light that I first saw in them. I could also see them having the realization that I was having that this was all a dream and we were playing roles that each of us assigned one another that was our judgment of our self. I also realized as they were too, simultaneously that there was only one Self to realize in each other and that we were that one Self undivided singular but each and aspect yet whole.
I also saw myself in all the prisons of my mind that I found myself in and saw in these prisons the worst enemies and the worst fears and all of the guilt and judgment that I gave myself as I projected this prison of my mind as if it was a real prison where I was bound hand and foot. I then offered forgiveness to myself by offering it to all those who were bound with me to look beyond the illusion and witness for the real Self that was there all the time while I was dreaming dreams and I say to my Self “Thank God I am free at last.”
What if we are all dreaming a dream to wake up that we scripted or planned for with our guides and invisible agents who are helping direct us to this wonderful event of being totally awake?
What I mean is it not possible that all the circumstances, events and those who cross our path are part of a larger script that we are playing out here in this drama, play or dream and that on the inner planes we are lucid awake to what the drama. Play is about and the players we are playing our part with. I am seeing our guides and angels and ourselves who are in a state of wakefulness as far as the dream is concern working together in a educational environment while we are sleeping each night and we are rehearsing each part that we will play in our waking dreams. I means that we as actors and our guides and those who are Awake are directing us on the inner planes to play out these sequences or script which at first is on a ego level and then is transformed as our guides are allowed to intervene and give us new direction so that we have a completely different script then the one we realized before.
One is full of miracles and the other is waiting for the miracle to occur. Remember a miracle is an intervention.
Let me remember I am one with God, at one with all my brothers and sisters and my Self in everlasting holiness, happiness and infinite peace.
What I am remembering here is that I am one with God already and I just need to remember that is so and that is the truth of my being and what I am. I am already one with God. I just need to fully remember that is so. The memory of that fact that I am one with God is already there in my mind because God placed it there when he remembered Him Self as me. I am the face of God and Christ is the face of me.
Nothing can ever interfere with the truth that I am one with God. No matter what I think I am doing, no matter the circumstance of my life at this time, I am still one with God. Let me remember God I am one with you. Let me remember God I am your Son. Let me remember that I am one with all my brothers and let me see the face of your Son in all o f my brothers and my Self that I am one with.
No matter what the appearance may be to me or how far removed I may feel at the time it does not matter. I am one with God and God is with me always. No matter how dark in despair I may think I am, I am one with God. No matter what negative experience I may seem to be having at the moment and no matter how much my brother or myself seem to be suffering, I am still one with God and my brother and it is by remembering that is so will I see my brother free and I will be able to save my brother and me. I will be able to bring peace and comfort to his weary mind. I will be able to heal him and perform any miracle that needs be. When I remember that I am one with God. Let me remember I am one with God that is my saving grace. I thank God for this memory that is place in my mind. I am now remembering that I am one with God eternally and forever.
Lesson 125 In quiet I receive Gods word to day.
The first thing that came to my mind as I read the lesson today is that there is a quiet place already there in your mind and that there is a reality to these words, “In quiet I receive Gods Word today.” Today is always the present and the quiet is that place of silence within your mind where there is no thinking. It is calm so deep and inpenetrable that nothing on the outside can penetrate it, only the mind itself in the form of attention. When one places their attention on this point or place of stillness the Holy Place one finds that there is depth and that the depth is endless and supportive at the same time.
When one speaks the words of power and transformation from that place of stillness as if you are the true Self that speaketh (you are the Son of God) there is Movement and a stirring of a Knowingness and an awareness that one Knows thy Self as the one that speaketh. At first it seemed that the words are speaking outside from that place of the outer mind. Then as one repeated the Word over and over slowly and silently with the breath and one is focusing on that silence within placing ones attention there in the quiet. Now if there is a disturbance or a distraction coming from the outer mind or the invitation to be distracted, one then notices it and brings one’s attention back to the stillness. Then, if one has lost that place momentarily, then one again brings the attention to the breathing, chanting the mantra until once again one finds that place of stillness and brings the attention there again. I find as I rest my attention there and listen in the stillness there is something that speaks to mind and stirs my awareness to an activity within where I am still at rest. It is very comforting and I feel like sinking deeper into this stillness.
I am feeling this intuitive part of me is now telling me things and I feel guidance from within. Some of the things are pretty mundane at first and then the mundane becomes transformed into the magnificent. I am open to receive Gods Word and I by hearing it am transformed with a new mind.
One of the thoughts that came to my mind in an instant was that I was not aging but becoming youthful that I had reach a point in my awareness where I am returning back to my source the fountain of Youth and so my body too is returning back to its youth vibrant and alive with a new zest for life and vigor.
My body is not aging and decaying but it is youthing and ageless. I need to watch myself talk that tells me my body is getting old and will decay in time. Instead I am telling my body and I am speaking to my mind that I am youthful and I am returning to full awareness of my eternal youth that never ages nor never dies. I am eternal spirit.
The Word that I am speaking has Authority because it speaks the Truth of what I am. When you speak the truth from that place of being and the one Mind it is then truth you are speaking. The Word has life and is able to move mountains if that is what it decrees and therefore can move any obstacles on your path because it witnesses for what is beyond and is yet here right now. There are no stones to trip on or obstacles to bar your Way. This Word if you speak it will calm you mind and still your breath and heal all that which is not whole just in the same way that Jesus healed the sick and calmed the Sea this is the same Word of Power. It is the Word of a Knowing Mind the Mind of God is that which speaks.
Use this Word as an expression of the Will of God being set in motion. The Word of Power sets all things in motion all creation is in motion because of this Word. It is Love in motion. The thing I am remembering is I can only receive this Word when I am still. It is then the Word speaks to you. I have no thoughts of my own separate from what Gods Thoughts are and the Word that speaketh in my mind and in my mouth are the Thoughts of God and that is what God is being right now in me.
Now this direction of your mind as Gods mind may very well say to you get a job or check the news paper, or cross the street. Go this way. It will always, I am hearing speak to your greatest need the one that you are now ready to express and identify for you fulfillment and where you are most willing and ready. It will always speak to where you are right now and because it knows what you need before you ask it, It will identify that need to you and the way you may experience your need being filled.
In quiet I am hearing and I am receiving what God Word is to me and now I am speaking it to you. , and listen. Listen in Joy! Listen in Peace, but listen.
New Moon in Taurus
Lesson 126: All that I give is given to my Self.
There is only one Self in all of us and everything returns back to the Source from which it came. The drop of water in the ocean goes out and returns to the sea. The spark that is in the flame returns back to the flame. As I speak this Truth, All that I give is given to my Self from that place of the heart and the center of all being I am reminded of what I really am. I am in the ocean. I am in the sea. I am in the drop of water. I am what returns to me.
As I am repeating the words of remembrance of who and what I am, I am reminded as I am observing my breath that there is a source within me that I goeth and I cometh, just like the breath. It too is part of the whole, being whole within itself. Being a whole part of what is being that is everything there is, there is an oneness in it all.
I feel a part of something that is greater then I. I rest and I give all that is myself. I surrender to the all of what it is and I surrender to the truth of my being and I am. I see myself float on this sea of life and tranquility I am rested and I am still in the stillness of what is being in that moment I breathe. I have been rescued from that weary shore of discontent and I am comforted in Knowing I am never alone and that my every step is guided to that distant shore that I may call Home.
It is not so in the distance now as I am nearer my God to thee. I have come home and I have arrived only to meet my Self again. I have returned and I am welcomed and there is a feast that awaiteth us. I feel joyed and I am in peace knowing I am home again.
There is now I Know rest for the weary and a lamp to light the way. Now I Know I am healed and I am Whole and I am one with thee for I am Soul.
I feel deep within me that I do not want leave this place. I stay one more moment and to me is an eternity. Less and less to I want to come back to this world that I thought I made that is as nothingness as it return to back from which it came back to the Love of God and Now another world appears that is fresh and new and sparkles in the Son of God and in the Sun of God. I am in this light that reveals my Self to me and the Self that all is the very Self of God that I am one with all my brothers in all of the universes of universes.
I am touched by this immortal being and my heart is glad as tears come to my eyes and I feel this immortal Love that comes from you and through you as I realize myself as one with you and that many that you Are.
I am infinite spirit in all that is finite. I am One and you are One with me. I touched with my heart of Love and you touched me in that place I am eternally still. I am Love and I love and I am loved by you as you Love me. Thank you that all of you are here and thank you for all that you are that God created you to be. Thank you for you just being you as I am.
All that I give is given to myself.
There is, I am sure in all of this a greater Harmony I am Knowing at this moment which all is one a Universal Harmony and a planetary Harmony and there is a music of the Spheres. We all are created out of this infinite harmony that is so pleasing to the Self of our Maker. It is the true Relationship of all relationships that exist for us to be. One can say that this inner Harmony that is reflected in the earth, sky and sea is also the very art of being who and what you are in this very moment of Love. May you if you have not already found this harmony, this condition, in which all things are, may you find it Now. It is there and it has not changed and it is always waiting for your return, though it KNOWS you never left at all. I am in harmony with you as you are with me. We are all family of one family tree.
Sickness is a defense against the Truth. I now accept the Truth of what I am and let my mind be completely healed today. God the Truth of my Being is all there is of me. I let go of all of me and let myself be all there is of God. I am in God and God is in me. There is only one Self to be that I am and that is the Self of God. God is all in all and for all. I am as God has created me. All that I perceive that is of me is really of God. I let go of everything as I breathe in and I let go of everything as I breathe out. Even my breath is the breath of God. My very Life that is my very breath is God. God is my Life, Light and Love and that I share with God. I thank you God for what I am and being all there is of me. Being that you are everything there is I am everything with you. We are one. I am a center point of your Self Expression.
Instead of aging I have taken a reverse course and I go back to Thee as my Source and I am now Youthing. The aging process has reversed and has slowed down to a complete stop and is now instead of aging and decay. I am Youthing with new life and regeneration. The Holy Spirit is my own right Mind the Mind of the Father is regenerating me and recreating me in his image and likeness. I am like the Father as the Father is like me. I am one with the Father.
All the cells of me body organism are as one and act as one co-ordinate in perfect harmony and symmetry. All the cell that identify my being work in unison and as a complete whole there is a consciousness there a complete awareness of pure intent to declare God’s handiwork and glory.
I feel resurrected and completely revived a new man in Christ I am. I do not accept any invitations to the contrary that would say that I am not what I am. I withdraw any authorizations to the contrary that say that I am not perfect as God has created me and that my body is the witness of that perfection in me that I am. I am happy healed and whole today.
I stand in the Holy Place in the Silence and declare my Self one with God. It is in the Silence that I KNOW my Self as I am. It is the Silence of pure intent that I Know that I am one with God and can feel my being speak to me as I am.
I let go of my mantra and my beads and everything else that appears outside of me and go within to that Holy Place that I may be the Witness for the Supreme and the Everlasting and I am glad. I do not know how God is going to reveal Him Self Her Self It Self to me. All I know is His Presence His Light is there with me and I am Home.
I listen for His eternal Guidance and Direction for today and ask what His Will is for me now and I am glad. Thank you Dear God for answering my Prayer my desire to know Thee has my Self and to Know that I am your Son. Thank you for your Love and your healing. I needed you and you came. Amen
Before engaging in any affairs of the day or the busyness of the day give audience to the Self within. Give place for one internal Guidance. Ask God of your understanding what His Will is for you this now and this day. Ask for His power to do his Will or bidding and then be still and listen for His Answer. Give enough time for His Answer to register with you and expect an Answer is forth coming. The when you feel that you are ready you can begin the business of the day from that centered place and from a peaceful center.
Hold to that center throughout the day using whatever technique that helps remind you of your center such as a thought of God or a mantra or phrase that help you to stay centered and to act from that centered place. The throughout the day enquire from within for further guidance and direction for the day’s activities and when a decision is required defer the decision to the Father or the voice for Truth.
Let your mind be filled with a fresh new awareness of everything. Let it be filled with the recognition of everyone and everything as being what it Real.
Live in the Presence of the Now that is facing you every moment and with every moment let it extend even further to Eternity which is the extension of the present into the future. Let every future moment be now. Be still with your Self and with your world and with everyone your meet or encounter and ask in that moment to reveal to you the truth of what this moment brings and what this encounter is for. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what your brother is being in that moment of encounter and union.
When you see that part of your mind that is the thinker or the thinking mind, remember to bring back your attention to the awareness of your being or that center where Knowing will occur.
Listen for the truth of what your brother is saying. Listen to the Truth that is the Holy Spirit in your brother the Spirit of Truth. Be still with your mind and listen for the Truth.
My mind holds only what I think with God. My mind holds only what I share, create, communicate and extend with God.
June 1, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Taurus
Ok, today is a new day and a day with a lot of potential for many things. We are coming up to a new moon and that means new beginnings.
As far as journaling is concern, it is important to keep a clean empty slate to write on so that new ideas can emerge. Journaling for me is a way to have a dialog with my Self and my Guide. It is a medium of communication with what I am calling right now the Higher Mind.
I need to first clear my mind of all thoughts through a meditation practice and by becoming still enough that I can hear my inner thoughts or the inner dialog that comes from the Higher Consciousness that I am aware that shows its Self in the Present of what I am doing. In this case being still, this inner awareness can fill my mind and communicate to my outer awareness what I am needing to hear or do.
I feel that I am directed to write down my thoughts from this inner awareness first. I am not to read anything unless I am directed to do so otherwise that will clutter up my mind of fill it with non essentials. It does not mean that the reading is not good at some point, but the order of things for me after I arise is to meditate, write and then read.
I desire to write original thought and to write from a completely clean slate and not to refer to anything else by reading or looking at other sources of information, but to dip into the pool of knowledge that comes from the inner mind or the inner awareness of a consciousness that is different from my ordinary consciousness that describes to me a limited self awareness that I know in truth is no my real Self.
There is in me or within me another Self that I am aware of that is a center of being where I know that I am truly a live and conscious knowing my Self being what I am. This one Self is where I seek to draw my Knowledge from. This Self I feel is one with me and knows me as I truly am. It does not think It, a Self, It Knows It a self and It Know It a Self as complete with everything else that exists. It is a Center for all that is being the totality of all that is. It is one with the Center of the Universe.
Anyway, I do not want to write what someone else has said or written unless I am inspired to do so from within my inner Awareness of an inner mind.
I desire to communicate with all that is the one being that is Self Existent and is Supreme to everything else and is the greater than the Sum of all its Parts the Creator and the First Cause of everything and I call that First Cause that is Changeless, God, Creator, Father and Source of all that is and my Source of Being and it is at that Center that I am Caused to Know my Self as an Expression of this First Cause and that is identical with it at the very source. This Identity is right now for me the microcosm within a macrocosm and I am as a cell within this greater being that I draw my existence from.
This is what I desire to know completely as my Self and as one with it and therefore one with everything else this great Being is. I desire to know God as my Self, because if God is everything, then God is also my Self and I know that is true because that experience of God being my Self has been revealed to me and I saw my Self for a moment in eternity as what God was being and that that Self that God or this greater I or being was also me as I truly am.
I feel my Self is merging in the consciousness or the realization that there is really only one Self that is not divided but is one with everything else. My Self is one.
As far as a separate and distinct personality that divided or give the appearance of another Self then the one I truly am, it must become subordinate to it so that is only a means or a way my Self can communicate to Itself until there is only the realization that there is only one Self and that one Self that I am is realized as what it truly is God Self expression of the I am that I am.
We duplicate in form what God is being in essence. Once we realize that this personality that we have claimed as our self independent from the source of what God is being and is only a aspect or a facet of God total being and is not separate from it at all we will relinquish any hold or attachment that we may have assumed as being only ours.
The truth is I am only using words to describe something that may seem intangible and too abstract to really say anything about and that is okay. I am reaching into the Unknown and as far as I can. I am listening for the Voice for God. I do not know what the Voice for God is, but I do know that there is something there an inner consciousness that speaks to me in words and in other ways as well. This Voice leads me and guides me to what I feel a place where I really am. When I am writing or channeling this voice I feel it leading me somewhere and that somewhere is where I truly am. I need to listen to that voice because when I listen to it I feel my Self is being empowered, inspired, filled with a new awareness of my Self being what I am more closer to what my real Self is. I feel this voice is reminding me of something I already Know.
I want to listen to this voice directly as if I was listening to you face to face without any interpretation of what this voice is telling me or with our any conditions for me to listen to this voice. I want to be a pure or clear channel for this voice, which I am calling this Voice for now the Voice for Truth.
I know this voice is with me all the time and is a communication link with my real Self. I feel this real Self meaning what I would call the totality of what everything and everyone is being right this second or moment is the Macrocosm and I am here to realize fully that my Self in its fullness is this macrocosm or God Being, but I step out of this Self or this Self that I am extended Itself into an individual Expression of me or the or what is Individualized Self Expression or what is called in religion the Son of God which is God the Father the total Self and being is God’s Self Expression.
The Question is then if the Self is all there really is or this one Singular Reality is the only Reality there really is then is that what I am. I can be no other then what I am. Is there a point where creation realizes Itself as being one with the Source, Cause or Father of Being and that they all are infinitely the one and the same Self?
It is time I feel to listen to my guide and give this time to my guide and answer this age old question who and what am I really?
Shamballa: This is an important question and one in which all have asked, even myself at one time and one from this level of understanding cannot be answered accurately because it is not an answer that your human language and intellect can really understand all together. You can say in one sense it is and it isn’t at the same time meaning the one Self is and at the same time isn’t because we are talking in infinite terms and so in order for the Infinite Self to be what it is, it also at least conceptually to be what it isn’t meaning how can something that is infinite be also finite. There is always that, which is still to be discovered, but there is a point of being in which that discovery is made know and that is within you. This point of being is where everything finds expression in you and anything that has found expression in you is created or becomes manifested, but there is that which is beyond what you would define your point of being or Expression that defines what you uniquely are or the individualized expression of You in your totality and that individualized expression of You is your Individuality or what is called Gods Self Expression and anything that is as yet potential or left undiscovered as you or the unmanifested Self meaning it has not been differentiated yet from the Whole of what you are would be called The First Cause and the First Center that is yet still to be realized Itself and that is what Its creation is all about to realize Itself as that first Cause and Center of what everything is being.
The Infinite Self is beyond ever being fully realized because there is always potential for more, more to be discovered. The universe is infinite space still to be realized or discovered or occupied or filled. When in actuality what we call space is that yet to be discovered and when we discover it we find that there is something there and that it has always been there but had not yet been discovered.
We are explorers and discoverers of a new land a pure land and that pure Land is what we are and what Reality is and when it is discovered by any one of us it becomes our land and our home and a part of our point of being.
So move into the new land the new territory that has yet to be discovered by you and the way to discover it is at the very center and core of your being because that is where the unknown becomes KNOWN.
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