Wednesday, June 4, 2008


June 4, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Cancer

Someone has said, that she is a personality and I find that words have a way of getting in the way. I mean semantics, but also words can define what a person believes and so what does it mean when you say personality? I like to look at this word in two parts one is the person and the other is the reality. It is one's personal sense of reality that one defines ones self by. Now isn’t that a bias to define all of reality by ones interpretation, based on ones personal view of what one thinks reality is or means.

Now if your personal view of reality is based on a physical one or the one your grew up with from your parents and your sociological roots or even your genetic and biological roots such as race, country language etc is that really your roots and is that where you really come from? Do you base your personality on what you are thinking and isn’t the sum total of all your thoughts come from your past and all of your conditioning of the past.

There is that which is called the outer self that come from the outer world of experiences and is just and effect of what you think you are and some of that can be interpreted as a good person.

But there is also that which come from within, the inner You, the original You and that comes from a Source different from the source you think you come from. It comes from Spirit and that is what is called your Individuality and is an Expression of the whole of what Everything is and is unlimited and is omniscience, omnipresent and is omnipotent. It the original everlasting Spark of Life. You are an Original. You are not a copy or an imitation. you are the real things and the other you called you your personality is a concept or what you think and believe you are.

Your personality is your belief in a mortal self a limited self and is based on a three dimensional view point. It is the mask that you wear that you let other people see you as and how you see yourself. It is your belief in separation and that you are separate and independent from others. We are not independent from others and we do not have a mind that is independent from others. We have a whole mind that each of us partakes of individually. We are interdependent on each other as we are dependent on God or our Source of being.

Personality to me is like being a certain color. I am not red, blue, yellow or any one color. I am a rainbow of colors and at the same time no color at all. Its like defining ourself as a race or a clasification. Everything you see on your drivers licence is not You. I am not a color race. I am of the human race and even that is conditional. I am an eternal being.I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I will always be a eternal being. I am a citizen of the Universe and I will always be a citizen of the universe. I am not a nationality and I am not ethnicity. I am one Self one with God.

I have memory that I have lived before and as other races such as Asian, Indian, Peruvian, etc.

I am a race of many colors just like the rainbow.

Your personality as I am seeing it is really character of your limited viewpoint. The real you is your essence of being and that essence is the spark of your innate Divinity that has no boundaries or lines to define you in your totality of existence.

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