June 3, 2008
Journey with one’s Guide
Shamballa: It is important to learn to receive and to give, but it is also important at this stage to practice inner guidance. To go within to that place where you are quiet and you are willing or you are allowing yourself to receive from within and ask for guidance. This guidance is your wisdom of you real Self or it is the Wisdom of your Guide one who has traveled this way before you on this journey back home.
It is okay to learn from others especially those who are masters of wisdom or what is called the Enlightened Brotherhood or fourth dimensional beings who have realized their fourth dimensionality of being. But it is more important to trust in your own guide or inner Teacher and trust in your own guidance as it registers with you.
The reason being is that the guidance that resonates with you or from your teacher is that which matches up with your energy and is in closest proximity with where you are on your path of Awakening. Your inner guidance is your path to Awakening to your inner Self. It is your path to Self Realization and only on this path will you truly realize your Self.
Each person has his own particular path that is unique to him or her and is their souls journey because this is a journey through a region that is been called soul awareness or your souls memory which is a ancient path because it is one that you have been on before, but this time you using this same path not to make up a self along the way, but to return to your source. This path will go back through all the memories of experiences that you had traveled before so that you can unmask the false you.
The difference there is in one path and anothers is the experience of what is your path will be yours and it will be your unique realization your point of reference where you will be able to envision or see the whole and it is where you will identify yourself with being the whole.
To follow someone elses path will not be your wisdom or your experience no matter how enlightening it can be it is still someone elses experience.
That is why children must leave the nest and go out on their own to find their true Identity. What they have learned up to this point as guided them and protected them as being under the wing of their mother, but now they must find the protective wing of their real self and find that inner guidance or inner Teacher which is their real Self to protect them now.
It is good to listen to the wisdom of others as long as it will lead you to the wisdom of your Self. I am your guide and I am aquainted with all of your type of experiences. We correspond to the same ray of light and energy of being. It is this correspondence with this ray of Intelligence that we are connected to each other.
There are other rays of light that others correspond to that match up with their personal uniqueness or individuality which is a soul expression of many life times before. I am or shall I say vibrate a certain ray of energy or Intelligence that you are able to register with and so we are able to communicate with each other as if we are one and we ARE. You can say that I am your elder brother who has traveled this way before both in the human element and now in the Divine. I know the way best for you as your companion, friend and guide and it is by learning to trust in my guidance or the guidance your receive within that you will know the path is true.
Now there are others that will travel along with you some of them will appear to be a little ahead of you at times and others will appear to travel a little behind you but you are all in the same place, but experiencing yourself as if you are different. That is only in time and space will you see each other that way, but in eternity or in the eternal oneness of being you are all the same and are at one.
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