Thursday, May 29, 2008


The question has come up for me about what happens when one transitions to the other side or the spiritual realm. I have heard Raj speak on this subject from time to time and I have read materials from different sources on this subject, such as NDE, Esoteric subjects, Wisdom teachings, Channelings and of course Religious material.

What I have actually experienced has been a fourth dimensional experience of being in the here and now. What I am asking the Higher Mind or my guide is what happens to you when you go through transition from a 3 dimension frame of reference. what are some of the experiences from a third dimensional frame of reference.

The first thing to remember is where your state of consciousness is when you are experiencing this plane of existence as the spirit world. Are you experiencing it from your limited three dimensional perceptive reality, or one where you are experiencing your Self as fourth dimensional and what is the form that it takes.

There is a waiting station for those who transition over from a unconscious state of awareness and where they realize that they have passed over and once they wake up to the other side they realize that they didn't die and that they have a body that is still intact in everyway but is now energetically seen by others and is more translucent then before.

The transition they may still need to adjust to is the idea that what ever they may thought about life from a three dimensional plane is not at all what life is about as they thought they knew or believed it was, before their transition into the after life.

This state of adjustment is before their life review, as they come over to the other side not as a self concept believing that there existence is still dependent upon a body that they wore and identified with according to their own concept that they developed in the life before.

They need time to adjust to this new body they are now experiencing and so for all the reasons they believed they had to die, because now they see a new body vehicle and that there are very much alive there are those who help them through this transition and to accept the new existence they are now experiencing.

There are levels to adjust to physically or energetically because now they have a body that is not dense as before and they realize the body or the remains that was buried in the ground or was cremated was the remains of an idea and was only a after image of something that was believed to be true, about something that is true. This energy or light body that they are now seeing with is now they realize is there true vehicle of expression and that this vehicle is made of light and is eternal.

All their religious views or beliefs also have to be adjusted to what they are experiencing now. Any beliefs they had before about a body or a physical existence also must be adjusted to this new view and way of being.

This means that there is a retraining of the mind and a new direction of thought which is for them to become a student again, but a student of life.

The difference now is they have the proof of the unseen and didn't before. Everything was taken on some form of faith. now they have the actual experience offered to them to experience Reality as it really is. This is again a sorting out what is true for them and what was false and by knowing now what is true for them because they are having a direct experience with what is true.

They now know what is false and they can release it from their mind and it is to the degree that the are willing to let go of these limited perceptual beliefs is the degree to which they rise up to that Higher Mind crossing over all veils of illusion into the heaven world and join with those who are Awake.

Part of learning process is helping those who like you are crossing over and all the stages that are involved for you to move pass body identification to spirit identification. You will be assigned to a soul or souls and assist them or journey with them as a supportive helper that is available to answer any questions that may arise and guide them over just as you were guided until you reach the next point of your gradual ascent or stage on the ladder helping another soul upward into the experience of oneness and identifiable love with the Creator Source.

This learning process is really a unlearning process where you are actually stripping away the unessentials or the unmasking of your real self and Reality. Remember you are always being helped along the way with one who has already taken the journey that you have decided to embark upon.

As you reach the higher perceptions of Reality or the enlighten plane of all you brothers you will meet with your true Master of Wisdom or your true Guide.

As you move through these layer of consciousness you will re-remember that you were here before and you will meet with those you knew before and those you knew in the previous life before. It is a gradual awakening until you have ascended all the planes of existence three dimensionally and fourth dimensionally.

These planes that your rise up through are seven major planes that would correspond with what you may call your energy centers that each plane centers around and which there is a body or and attachment of a body of record. There is what you call a physical plane which hold for you a memory or record of your experience while you were on the earth plane. Then there is and emotional body or plane that holds all of your emotional memories, the mental plane that holds all of your thoughts and a spiritual plane that holds all of your conceptualizations and there is also three higher planes that are out of the body or transcend the body level of experience.

You will arise or ascend through each of these areas and again you are assisted all the way and one can transcend all of these planes and reach the very life center of impulse of being and remember this is all taking place within your own consciousness so you are really gravitating to your own individual spark of life that you really are and when you reach that divine spark and merged your consciousness of Self or what is called Soul Consciousness with that Spark.

You have attained Cosmic Consciousness and now your are ready to join with the enlighten brotherhood and what your next mission will be for you as your universal function, whether to return back to the earth plane fully conscious and fully enlightened or to go else where or even to say where you are being assign to one who was like you before and now can be assisted by you for his life time as a personality. Maybe you will for a time assist in training those who have crossed over to there newly enlightened experience or realization. The Universe is infinite and so are your roles or function.

One more thing that needs to be clarified and that is you are rising in consciousness in the heavens worlds or mansions not descending or regressing. There is a natural movement of life that is ever moving toward its center ever moving back toward its source, just like that drop of water returning to its Source the ocean of life.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Guidance for me from that Centered place within is a link with the Infinite Mind whether by way of one's guide, Holy Spirit or directly with that Infinite Consciousness of mind being the Father or that pure vantage point where one can see into everything there is as what it is in its true nature of its being.

I feel for me in order for there to be a clearer perception in my mind or for me to work on my self on a personal level I must drink deep ot the infinite so that intuitely I am able to see things more as a whole then a fragmented sense of self and that includes all my brothers too. It is in that intuitive awareness that is the all seeing eye that can see all thing as they are or has a truer vision of Reality that I am being objective. Objectivity is a key to pure awareness. It is non' judgemental of itself and it unconditional love.

In meditation I allow my self to drink deeply of that infinite bliss and as I do so I let go even more into my peace. There is this center inside of me that I am aware of that connects me with all things. It is there I am intuitively guided by that which is Supreme Mind.

Guidance for me is a living eperience and our not dead words that were true at one time in that moment, but that moment has changed into this moment of living and I am again reintegrating with the Self Knowingness and i am again recreated in my awareness of this new moment that is once again alive. There is this constant movement of life and knowingness that one can become attune to constantly and respond only to that.

I find that it would be wise for any of you that still hang on to what some one who is inspired or is channeling and that you are posting to open up to your own guidance and post that. Some of you my brothers are doing just that and know the true benefit to come from one's own Self Knowingness. That does not mean not to post what other people are saying along those spiritual and intuitive lines, but it would also be good to hear from your from the depths of your being what is your guide saying to you in the moment, what do you have to share. Ideas increase by how much you share them with the masses.

I would like to hear from your own inner guide or the Holy Spirit in you not that I am not hearing that now in the form of letting others channel for you. I would like to hear it from you directly and open to channel.

I know in the beginning of my waking up to this facility to channel I had the fear that what was coming through would be thought crazy by the masses, but by practicing doing so with my tape recorder or with some person or on the internet, I have found that it is not so and instead I have found many who supported me doing so. It was as if the Universe was supporting me and it is.

I feel there is much needed info that is still to come and the more that we put it out we are preparing the masses for the much needed new age that is now dawning upone us and preparing us to meet with our celestial brothers and the movement that is occuring on the planet right now.

Thank you all for all of your inspirations and keep them going.

You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Happy Memories one and all,

Wow what amazing thoughts passing through my minds awareness. I throw my hook into deeper waters of spirit and doing so I ask these questions which are answers being formed in my mind as questions.

These are the age old questions that have been asked before. Who am I and what am I, but even further do I seek to penetrate the depths of my being such as God, what are you really, beyond the words and definitions that we have given you so many names of God or Creator and Source of being.

My question I ask you is what are you really? What is the Truth of your being. What is the Reality of what you Are? I desire to know beyond the bonds of being, beyond any definition we have given to you for your Reality. Beyond any name that has been spoken for Thee Oh Nameless One Eternal Father and Mother, because there could not be a Father without there also being a mother and there could not be a eternal Father and Mother with out there being a off spring in the form of son or daughter.

Eternal Spirit who and what are you really? I desire to Know Thee as Thou truly art and I desire to Know Thy Son as Thy true Self that I am. I desire to know thee beyond any human definitions or correspondences such as religious or even scientific. I desire to penetrate the very Depth of your being and to know the very core of your existence. I desire to know your being your Center as my Self. There can only be one Self a singular Reality that all is and that is what I desire to know your one Self as I am.

Your Will is to Know Thy Self as I am Known. What is Love, eternal Love infinite Love? I desire to know you as this Love that we all Are. My desire is to Know you beyond all boundaries or descriptions mankind as given to you as your image and likeness.

I desire because it is my birth right to know you as it is my right to Know my Self beyond any so called limitations and I desire to know Thee directly as One. I am not afraid to Know Thee Oh great Creator, or am I afraid to Know my Self once again as I truly am.

I now ask my Guide to answer me on these questions or anything else that needs to be heard.


Greetings to you from the Celestial realm and beyond. The questions you are asking are real questions because they deal with what is true Reality and with the questions, prompts an answer and we could say in your human language, words and more words to describe this Glorious Splendent Being called in your language God.

The truth is,it is not the words that matter, but the experience and the willingness to allow your self to plunge the depths of depthless being and to penetrate the unknown and that comes from a willingness and a allowance on your part to let in a different aspect of your eternal being. It is what you call a revelation that is actually revealed to you in your mind by that limitless light that identifies all things that are in a tangible and recognizable way.

In order to do this or allow this revelation to transpire which means in a real sense to be transported in time, which is a linear definition of what you in human consciousness call realty, into a different aspect of Reality as the Whole of everything infinitely so.

In effect, as consciousness is concerned you are being transported from an illusionary time constraint to an eternal aspect of your Self or a to a different state of mind. It is an expansion of consciousness and as you let in more light, the more you will see the Truth in its infinite aspect, because all things are in their true reality an infinite aspect of your Self or infinte being.

Now I am using words with Jonathan that are used here, but that does not mean these are the only words to describe one's Immortal Being.

The only thing is, to describe something there must be and experience of the thing your are describing or a witness. Truth needs a witness or you will never know Truth or the truth of anything unless you are open in you mind which is the laboratory where one can experience the validity of a thing or its actuality.

Once you have a true direct experience of something that is not covered over with interpretations then you have the facility the ability to communicate it to one's Self or others.

There can never be and end or a beginning to something that is eternal that is forever being or infinite that is forever everywhere. Every moment of being is an opportunity to experience the moment anew.

There is an experience that awaits you that is the totality or all that can be experienced right now as an infinite Expression of what is, but in that territory or infinitude of being there is that which is still there to be explored and Known. It is what is called the unmanifested Kingdom of God and what is that but the You that is still unmanifested and therefore not Known. Your are the creation of that which is in both its manifold states of consciousness and being. One being that which is Known and that which is still to be revealed.

There is always a infinite experience of You as eternal ,as everything else that is True and Self Existent not as a limited self made concept of you, but as a actual existence of You in your Actuality of being.

Know within you self there is a place for revelation to take place a place of revealing and unmasking of who and what you are. It is the meeting place of Self with self. It is here at this center that one can move with and if one will allow and not resist the experience be transported to an experience of one's Eternal Being being and center, one with what is called the first Cause and Center. That can be experienced right now to the degree one chooses to let down any defenses or resistance from one Knowing this one Self in all.

The more you let go and give you self to it in recognition it will reveal its self to you and as You, not the limited self that you have constructed or made. The more you unmask and reveal your self to it, it will reveal to you as you really are. This is a vantage point of that you call the Father.

That answers the question for now, but if you in your meditations will be in that place of emptyness and allow your self in your awareness to be filled with this new consciousness of being, that in itself will truly answer the question you are asking.

Shamballa signing off. I will leave you now in this way, but we are always available to any of you for any dialogue you seek with us.

Sunday, May 25, 2008



Moon in Aquarius (Memory of Etheric Vision or the Heavenly Vision of our Father, Infinite Mind in Heaven.)

It is good to be here in this way again and share with you from that centered place the inspirations I am feelings at this time. One of the things that I am more aware of in this youthing process is coming back not only into the awareness of my right Mind the Holy Spirit, but also coming into the awareness of a perfect body once again. One way I am realizing my body perfect is by consciously and with full intent loving it for what it is.

I am saying to my self as I am loving my body. I love you eyes and I love my seeing which is a reflection of what is the Divine seeing in me and in my own mind which is a part of Gods. I love you ears forhearing for me all this time all that I have needed to hear and how perfect my hearing is to hear the Voice for truth. I love your brain as the organ of translsation and the storing of thought. I love all of you brain cells that are infinitely perfect and I love all the cells of my body right now as infinitely perfect expressions of the Divinity with in and my perfect individuality that has been designed perfectly with in a Divine Mind and that alway was and so is now.

My mind hold only what I think with God . I love my whole body all of the organs that I have. My heart I love you, my lungs, I love you.

I visit each part of my body and I hold it in my mind at the highest level in which I am perceiving my Self as Light and Love. My body is life, living love. I give thanks for my body for all service it has given to me and all of the experiences it has allowed me to have and will continue having. I am thankful for the body I have. I can see it all in light. I can see my body as a body of light golden white and I can feel the consciousness I am experiencing with my body enfold and expand at the same time and I can feel the inner realms as I am transported there in mind. It is a wonderful feeling to feel that being within connect with you in your consciousness or mind.

My message to you is to witness for your body lovingly as you would love a child that is in your arms and that you are Fathering or Mothering and tending to its individual needs. Love your body as you would love your self and if you see a imperfection in it heal it and love it and see its perfection and know that it is only in your limited perception of mind that you are seeing it that way and remind your self that is is not that way and tell each of you cells you love them dearly just like little children or your little brood. It is all of you and each cell in your body is an aspect of what you are being and identifies clearly your individuality that spark of light that is an emanation or a cell within the mind or body of your Creator.

I was having a dream this morning that I would wake up from and then go back to it and it would recur again and again. Now my dreams have evolved in the sense when i am aware of my self or my body as flying, instead of flapping my arms. I am with just my intent of will can levitate or transport myself through the air.

I am now more and more aware of an inner realm where I can be transported or I can at will transport my self and it is getting more familiar now and comfortable to be there then it was before. I am feeling more at home in this other realm then I feel in the world three dimensionally speaking. It does not feel foreign to me as before or even alien, but I am feeling right at home and I feel also in my awareness and i can picture certain figures that are there with me that I am not alone on this journey.

Now to continue that conversation with my guide I know as Shamballa I have asked the question about be transported or having a appearance with them either I am appearing to them where they are at, or they are appearing to me where I am at. No matter there is a appearance or a visitation taking place. I now leave it open to Shamballa to speak.

Greetings from the celestial realm of being. I am Shamballa and I am happy to be with you all in this way. Some of you may know be or heard of me before either through Jonathan or some other of my students on the Path.

I am also Known as DK in other circles and with Jonathan he has known me for a long time before this life and knows me by the name of Shamballa because that relates to our relationship before this incarnation.

Shamballa is a place both in the celestial realms and also on the earth. It is also another name for Shangri la or a place where you never die or grow old or become sick and as long as your stay there you will remain in your youth. That describes what the celestial ream is all bout being freem of any decay or degeneration.

You have different names for this realm one being Heaven and the other Nirvana. I am here to tell you that these are only names for something that is nearer your hands and feet and is in truth right where you are at right now. It is your home and your birth place even though in reality your are even now birthless, ageless and deathless. You are the fountain of youth that in your world of the senses a certain explorer was looking for.

The fountain of youth is at the very root or source of your being and there you are forever young and new fresh as a spring or pure mountain water .

This idea of visiting us the Awakened Ones is really a shift of awareness from a 3D point of view to a 4D point of view. It is looking beyond your physical sight and what appears you are seeing and opening up to the idea of something more there to see.

As I said before there is a place in your mnds eyes which is located above the brow which is a window of the soul and where one can peer into the infinite space beyond such as where we gather and where i am speaking from or sending thought to now one of my receivers Jonathan.

Now any of us if your are willing to let go of your definitions of time and space for a moment will assist you in visiting us or you can invite us into your own front room. We are availalble because we want so much to converse with you at your table in in your living space as you would do with any friend or guest that you have invited in.

You may also visit us at one of our conclaves and transport your body with you. It is done all the time even though some of your may not be aware of it just yet. This mode of travel is really no more different then getting in your vechicle of choice and traveling to your destination.

There are other vehicles of choice that you can use to transport your self and not just an automobile or a plane, but your own thought and intent and your willingness to allow your self to be moved in this way. This kind of movement is at the speed of thought. It is to coin one of your phrases instantaneous.

Instead of where you are seeing in a living room space with your eyes and are so much familiar with as your particualar reference point at this time, or where you are looking out the window at some familiar scene that you have seen before. Here you are looking through a different window or the mirror of your own mind or awareness and you are inhabiting a difference space in mind because all you really know is expereinced from that vantage point of infinite mind or infinite awareness. it is only localized because of the reference points you are trying to establish as your physical reality.

But look, even though you appear to be localized in this one sitting room there is in your home other rooms or points of awareness that can bring familiarity or memory back to your mind. Even though every thing appears defined or localized it is really from a universal vantage point infinite and can be experience any where in your universe at the very core or root of your being as being there now.

So your want to visit yonder star will in reality the star is a aspect of your consciousness which is in reality an aspect of the Consciousness of the whole of Everthing.

What is needed then is a willingness on your part to allow your consciouness or your reference point to expand and allow the movement of your thought that you are envisioning such as yonder star to take your self there instantly.

An exercise that will assist you that Jonathan has experienced time and time again is to sit in your room and look beyond the walls of your room. Now you are not looking through the walls, but beyond them. You are in fact placing your consciousness or your awareness in that other room and then looking in that room just as you where looking in the room you appear to be in before.

This of course takes some practice and some allowance of time but if you will begin to do it we on what you call this side will assist you by helping to expand your consciousness with light which will act as a vehicle of a new consciousness to dawn in your mind.

Now to end this session as your become familiar with this new territory and explore it more and more your will begin to see things you have not seen before and will become more in focus just like adjusting the lens of a camera you are adjusting the lens of your new perception. We are looking to see all of you there again and consciously with your whole self and being.

One other thing we also visit your in the dream worlds and in your sleep you do visit us though you may as yet not be able to bring back the memory of that ocasion, but as you visit us in a more conscious way and with the full intent to travel you will realize that you have been here with us before and that in a real sense have never left.

We here at Shamballa are looking forward to meeting with you again and remember we are even closer then your hands and feet.

Signing off with love and admiration for you all Shamballa.

Edited by phoenixinspirit888 2008-05-25 9:47 AM

You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

Being in His Presence

Chapter 1 “He Spoke”

As anyone might expect, the Master’s presence is awsome. I was also privileged to know how human, warm, caring, and even humorous He can be. Until recently, however, that was an untold aspect of my experience with Him, even though it was the best part for me. The unique and wonderful aspect about a visitation which lasted for more than four months is that there was enough time to be personal, to share, and to become acquainted in the way friends do. In this conscious and caring communion, we had many conversations about topics large and small.

Altogether, it was more than I could share with others for more than four years. So I regarded our communion as simply His private gift to me. When anyone would ask me for deeper insights about the visitation, I would just say, "Love is what it’s all about.”

From time to time, I would mention to my husband, Brian, and others that Jesus and I had exchanged some bits of communication. That seemed to fit within the scope of their expectations, for after all, if a vision could be so alive and so enduring as to “sit for a portrait,” then why wouldn’t there also be some measure of communion which could be translated into words? That was their logic, and so I left well enough alone, preferring to let a blanket of silence conceal the fact that we had [extensive conversations] during our time together. Once the floodgate was open, I knew there would be no stopping the questions that would pour through it, most especially, “What did He say?” However, in the spring of 1996, Jesus appeared to me again and asked me to speak.

There is a staggering responsibility that goes along with relaying His words. There are a number of good reasons why I had been reluctant to bring His messages into a public forum. In the first place, they were presented as a subjective response to my inquiries, issues, and pursuits. The questions I asked were, in many ways a mirror of [my] soul and His answers were often directed to the core of [my] being. It has taken four years of distance from the point of subjective impact for me to think upon His words with any objective detachment.

It is also not my desire to filter His presence for you, or to tell you what to think about Him. I am certainly not a theologian. It is my hope that I can clearly relay His messages as if they were spoken to you in the first person. Then you can interpret them as you will. They can touch your heart and mind in a manner appropriate to your understanding of Him or you relationship to Him. For this reason, I have chosen to present all of His words in italics. That way you may understand them in their original context or separate them, if you wish, from any nuance or meaning cast upon them from my side of the equation.

Above all, I recommend that you receive these messages through the heart, and remembering always, this was a conversation, not a dissertation. He was not composing a new scripture; neither was He delivering a new Sermon On The Mount. He was simply talking to a friend. Like any normal conversation, ours would have many ramifications. One thing would lead to several other related topics without prescribed agenda as the drift carried it, and as our hearts directed. The conversations grew in power, length, and intensity as our relationship developed over that period of time. I have harvested the jewels from it and, hopefully, if I have strung the pearls together well, His words will provide you a personal message which is greater than the sum of its parts.

It was only with respectful restraint that I ever asked anything at all. I did not want to take advantage of His position. He had honored me enough by just being present, and I did not want to assume rights that might not exist, to pry into subjects or areas of knowledge that were not mine to pursue. As a measure of that respect, I waited for Him to initiate all conversations in the beginning.

The first thing He ever said to me was [“Glenda, love is who you are.”] At that moment, I had no idea how important His statement was or how central it would be to everything He would say. For the time being I was just content to hear His voice. It was baritone, rich and melodious, full and manly. The sound of His voice was so deeply nurturing and satisfying that I felt like the Biblical “woman at the well.” It was like clear water that quenched my thirst. Hearing it was enough. How often do we read and seek, only to find ourselves even more thirsty? Not with Him. He could speak one word and I was quite content. There was no need to supplement His words with other readings, or to ask endless questions. Even though I often felt like a child in His presence, the feeling never extended to the point of regarding him as a “Daddy” whose patience could be tried with childish curiosities. You might be thinking, “Glenda, you could have asked the secretes of the universe.” Eventually I did, but for the most part it was enough to know the One who had [mastered] the universe. Why did I need to ask anything? His presence brought with it a wonderful serenity and contentment that kept me always at peace.

At first I was afraid that I would not be able to work in His presence and still be absorbed in my typical studio routine. Art is a process which goes best when the artist surrenders to random and unpredictable possibilities. Frankly, the physical side of an artist’s environment is often less than tidy, although stronger adjectives than that may appropriately describe my workspace! How could I “roll out the red carpet” and still be my usual, creative, sloppy self?

Miraculously, Jesus made that possible. I supposed He considered it His first task to make me comfortable enough to do my job, which was to produce the painting. It was necessary that I be able to paint in my normal way and He assumed responsibility for that.

He took pleasure in the things I enjoyed, was patient with my coffee breaks, amused Himself with my procedures, and often made polite suggestions as to how I might do it better. He made me feel pretty, even though I usually wore blue jeans and sweatshirts, often had smears of oil paint on my face instead of makeup, and smelled of turpentine instead of roses. A perfect gentleman, He was kind, thoughtful, and relaxed. Never in His presence, did I feel deficient. At the same time, He led me to heights of perception, understanding, and inspiration which would have been inconceivable only days before, all with a grace and ease that made it seem so natural.

From the very beginning, I was in awe of how well He mastered the small as well as the large. The least thing, the simplest courtesy, the tiniest observation were al important to Him.

Actually, our conversations began with one small observation which was quite humbling to me. That first day, as I was drawing my initial sketch, I was sitting very close to the canvas, perhaps a foot away, because my eyesight was less than optimum. In the last few years I had become near-sighted, but I did not want to admit it. It was a condition I had decided to tolerate as long as possible, because my love for visual beauty was too pure to have it filtered through ground glass. If I could have persuaded the highway department to renew my driver’s license, then I would have had the problem well in hand. But Jesus saw me straining, and said, “Glenda, are you having some trouble with your eyes?”

I deflected the question, not wanting to answer it fully. So I remarked, “I’ve just been having some eye strain lately from my nervousness. And I didn’t get much sleep last night . . . the excitement and all.” It bothered me, however, as I wasn’t being completely truthful.

Later than night, Brian asked me how the day went, and I said, “Oh, it was wonderful. I don’t have the words to describe it, but I have to confess I feel a little guilty about one thing. He asked me a question which I didn’t answer honestly.” I explained what happened, and despite all consolations, there was no containing my nervousness about still having the same problem the next day when I would see Jesus again.

It was not until a couple of weeks after the painting was finished that I discovered a miracle had happened. As I straightened my desk, there were those glasses, abandoned beneath layers of clutter. It’s possible that I wore them once or twice, but somewhere in the course of being in His presence the affliction was healed. The reason I hadn’t noticed it until that moment was that in His presence, everything was always perfect. There were no negative standards for measuring or exposing deficiencies!

A few weeks later, when I went to get my driver’s license, my eye test revealed that I had 20/20 vision without the glasses. I never wore them again.

If I had to regard anything as the crowning jewel of His message it would be the rulership of the heart. So many times He would say, “Remember, Glenda, you are love.” He would then proceed to give me greater understanding of the heart'’ importance. His first comment to me about the heart triggered another response of embarrassment.

We were only two or three days into the painting and I was trying to make small talk with Him, mostly to put myself at east. In my years a s portraitist, I had learned the importance of creating a comfort zone by directing attention away from the sitting. In relation to my esteemed guest, however, the pursuit of trivia seemed utterly inappropriate. So I nervously rebounded to the opposite mode of trying to impress Him. I shared with Him a color wheel which is my own original design. During my college years, I had expanded my curriculum to include physics as well as art in order to pursue the subject of optics, and to understand color more fully as light. From that pursuit, I developed and advanced color theory which had given me a nice little professional edge. This was a formula which had served me well and has given a unique flavor to my paintings. Most people who knew about it were impressed, and those who didn’t understand it just got quiet, or a little defensive. He simply looked at me—a bit sad. I was stunned with His silence. How could I respond to a feather wall . . .a point of no resistance?

After a while, He asked, “Glenda, what is it about color that frightens you?” It was like an arrow that went straight through the veil, right into my heart. No one had ever seen through me in that area about which I felt so confident. No one had ever seen through my defenses. He had [burst my bubble!] I sat there almost in tears because I had been seen so easily. I groped for words: “Why did you say that?”

“Well, your mind is working overtime to compensate for something with which you are clearly uncomfortable. You do not have to know in order to love, for love is the power.”

Exposed in my vulnerability, I struggled to explain, “It’s just that I love light and color so much, I never felt I could do them justice. The beauties of the universe thrill me to the core, and I feel inadequate in their presence.”

He assured me I had accomplished more by expressing the passions of my heart and releasing my fear, than I could eve had done through mental comprehension. He went on to say how the mind will look for troubles of the heart as fertile ground for dominating it. “The mind will actively seek to compensate or to exploit the heart’s troubles, but it will never seek to remove or to cure them. For the heart’s despair is the mind’s option for power.”

“Is the mind always that way?” I queried.

Well, often. But actually the mind can be a very good servant, if you allow it to be just that. You must realize and hold firmly to an understanding that the mind has no power of its own. The mind either integrates and projects form experience, or else it develops a logical matrix to serve, to explain, and to implement the powers of the heart and the soul. The problem arises when the heart is oriented negatively in some way toward life, because when the heart gives the mind a negative impulse such as insufficiency, insecurity, fear, or anger, the mind operates with reverse logic.”

We have all seen that work. But at the moment I couldn’t think of any examples, so I asked him for one.

“The most obvious example is imply the absence of data or experience—a tangible mystery—which the mind fills with its own inventions for fear of losing control.”

“But now, let’s look at this. When a man’s heart has become attuned to scarcity, his mind will work overtime to generate ways and means of making money. There’s a certain logic to this in relation to survival pressures, but it never solves the problem or changes the basic belief. The man just copes, or grows rich, to finance and perpetuate poverty consciousness in himself or others. And so he overworks to support a kind of material wealth which dominates his life but never results in a deep and true sense of prosperity. There is only compensation for lack, for the mind only solves problems of logic or balance—never problems of life.

“The man’s poverty consciousness resulted from wearing so many blinders to the abundance of life that he eventually believed in scarcity and then invested in it. Now by comparison, there was another man who beheld the wondrous universe with awe as he expressed his gratitude for the infinite supply. This man has given his mind a positive impulse, and so his mind will seek ways to make that abundance real in his life.

With less effort, greater prosperity is attained. The same is true of physical well being. A man who believes in illness will struggle all of his life to be well. And his mind will provide him many ways to prevent or to remedy the ailments without ever removing the source of trouble. Yet a man who believes in health and wholeness will set his mind to the positive service making it true. Given any negative belief or impulse the mind will operate dysfunctionally. There may be perfect logic, but applied in reverse mode (as if reflected by a mirror) to compensate for—not solve—the problem.”

Then with a sense of wonder, He looked around and out and said, “My Father’s universe is infinite and infinitely abundant. By beholding and believing in this the mind can then work in a direct and proper way to bring abundance. If given a positive impulse the mind works properly. If given a negative impulse, the mind works in reverse. That is its logic.

“Just behold infinity. Behold, and be in awe of the infinite everlasting creation.”

~~~~excerpt from Love Without End--Jesus speaks by Glenda Green

In 1992 Jesus Christ materialized to Glenda Green, a world reknown portrait artist whose paintings hang in the Smithsonian Institute and sat with her for four months while she painted his portrait. They spoke of many things "as friends do" and their conversations are recorded in her book, "Love without End--Jesus Speaks" He has subsequently appeared to her once more and a second portrait was made. Website:

Raj has subsequently confirmed that he did indeed appear to her.



Elite Veteran

Posts: 1097
Location: Portland Ore

Journalings is for me a way to give expression to that part of me that is called the Inspired Self. It comes to me after a meditation period and where I am coming from that centered place.

It is also a way to give expression to what I am receiving as a Dialogue with the Eternal or the Holy Spirit. I do not edit it or preface it with a interpretation or some kind of analysis, but I let it come to me just as it is and what it will be which I have not the faintest idea what that will be. I call on my guide and the voice for Truth to speak for me that which I can not utter from my self meaning the independent self or thinker.

I guess if you would like to call it channeling for the Voice for Truth and by doing this channeling or inner communication it sets up a dialogue with my guide and me as one voice.

Before I journal, I become still and ask within at that time what questions I may have at that moment and for the day and then I allow my self to be still and dwell in the silence or that territory of my being where the Self Knowingness may occur. I give it at least 15 to 30 min or what ever time is needed for this shift to occur.

Then I before i do anything else, start the journaling. It is a good way to start a conversation with my guide or just let my guide speak though me in my mind.

So with that Shamballa what do you have to say at this moment?

I am glad to hear you say that and yes, this is a good discipline and practice to get into as a means of creating a form of commication with your beloved infinite Self that is You and is God at the same time because after all you are speaking of one Self are we not and is there really a dichotomy between us. As your guide one could say I extend what your are into the infinite and you extend me into the finite. We have a partnership together giving expression to each other in the present and then extended into the future of what will be as we will Know it Now. Even though we may be individualized we remain one Self.

You have asked in your mind about appearing to you in a form that is recognizable and that can be accomplished as one sinks into that deeper Awareness of Self as infinite mind or other dimension of being and appear to you as a individuality of substance and of mind or awareness.

There is a place in your awareness that is called the minds eye where one can see into this other realm of being and where we meaning the Brotherhood or the Awakened Ones can reveal themselves to you. It is also a place where you your self can step into or be transported to this other realm or dimension and appear before us fully dimensional and functional as a Individuality.

When I am saying fully dimensional I mean in all four dimensions and not just a three dimensional body with a three dimensional limited perception of self and what you call your reality. We who in Reality are your same Self do not appear in a three dimensional construct in a three dimensional world. If we appear at all we will be seen fourth dimensionally and any thing less would be a projection or a image of Self and that can be arranged if for a practical purpose and reason.

One must remember we are as Individualities timeless being and to experience us trully is to experience Self also timelessly.

Jonathan is speaking to my mind and because of it there is some interference. He has some things to attend too and because of time constraints in his world as a matter of speaking need to go. If you would like to continue this topic of conversation let us know either my Self or Jonathan.

Until next time I look forward to meeting with you in this way again. There is coming a time and is very near for all of us to converse in this way with each other just as you do with your brothers and sisters do in your world or your three dimesional construct of a world per your agreement to meeting one another in this particular way.

You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Heavens Letter

HEAVEN #2737 You Can Leave the Table of Your Thoughts, May 23, 2008

God said:

Do not fuss. Even when circumstances seem dire, you must not fuss.

Even when you are tearing your hair out over difficulty with someone in your life, it is for you to find that which resides within that person that you can appreciate, can really appreciate and not just tokenly.

When there is a great difference of opinion, you can be glad that someone else also cares as much about something as you do. You can be glad that you live in a land where two people can disagree. You can be glad that you do not think alike. You can be glad that difference of opinion exists. You can be glad that you do not force your opinion upon another. You can be as glad to be mistaken as you can be glad to be right. You can be glad you are someone who desires harmony over victory. Perhaps you can even be glad to keep silent as well as speak up when that is the thing to do.

Even when you have bent over backwards for another person, and they don't see your deference, find something about them that you can appreciate anyway, if only that they are as determined as you.

Consider that each person in your life, no matter how difficult, is a gift to you. It may be a gift you have had for a long or a short time. It may be a gift you do not appreciate. You may not know how to abandon the gift somewhere because, even when you do, the memory and effect of this gift linger. Of course, your thought about any situation or individual does not have to be like a bad penny that turns up. Bright shiny good pennies can turn up instead.

Beloveds, I do know you have gone further than holding onto long-term grudges. Now let go of the short-term ones too. Let go of the ones that last a day, or an hour, or even two minutes. Why have them at all? Have disagreements all you want, but no resentment to follow along with them.

It will all come out in the wash, beloveds.

Moments happen. That is all that happens. You ride a horizontal escalator, and you see one sight after another. You are merely passing by the sights. Or perhaps it is you who is standing still, and the sights are on the escalator moving past you. This scene of life doesn't have to be something that bothers you. It doesn't have to be anything at all, but a moment, a little blip, a snap of the fingers. You can be sure whatever occurs is only a passing moment. You can discard it. You can let it go by without holding on to it. You can let it go. In any case, it is leaving you. It can only be a passing thought that you try to hold on to. There isn't anything else to hold on to.

With occurrences and people in life, you don't have to relive every moment or weigh it or edit it.

Live, and everything is taken care of the same way the food you eat is. You don't have to insist that your food digest. Nor do you have to insist that life take any course but the course it does take. You can get up from a meal. You don't have to stay at the table. You can get up and go sit at another table or take a walk in the park.

And so it is with your thoughts. You can leave the table of your thoughts. You don't have to keep them in thrall. Your mind is a receptacle of your thoughts, but you don't have to harbor every thought. Your thoughts can move along. You don't have to say hello to them. Even when you do, you are capable of saying so long without a backward glance.

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Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter


It is really very dangerous to your Sanity to believe that your body is an illusion.
It is also dangerous to your Sanity to believe that your body is Real,
but it has nothing to do with God.

QUESTION: Hi. For many years now, I’ve had a serious life threatening illness that has come in out of my life. And in the last couple of years it has been particularly intense. I’ve been a student of the Course for a good many years, and I understand pretty much what the material in the Course says about this. And although I’ve tried to work with it, and although I know that it’s purely my own thoughts and my own mind, and that I’m in total control of it, for some reason or another I have not been able to let go of it. And I need some help in being able to let go of it.

RAJ: Are you aware that you’re not in control of your health?

QUESTION: In what way?

RAJ: In any way.
RAJ: So what is it you are in control of?
QUESTION: I am in control of my thoughts, which affect my

RAJ: Which block your experience of your health, and seem to create blocks to the experience of your health. Now, your health is a Birthright, your perfection is a Birthright. I do not mean the process of birth. I would put it this way: It is your inheritance. If you are the son of a king, you have an inheritance. It is in that sense that I am using the word birthright. It is your birthright to experience what you are as God’s expression in its absolute perfection.

Now, all of you do seem to be in control of not your health, but your illnesses. You are in control of the blocks to your experience of your perfection. But none of you can control your body into health. Why? Because its perfection is beyond your control. You have nothing to do with its perfection, God does. You have no more control over its perfection than you have over your individuality or your existence, because God does. But by virtue of your thoughts you can make your existence miserable. That is the only thing you can do by means of your thoughts—create disturbances causing you to have distorted perceptions of the one and only thing that’s going on, which is the Kingdom of Heaven and the Sons and Daughters of God.

Now why is this important? Why am I bringing this out? Because what you are not responsible for, in other words, what God is responsible for—I’m going to put it this way—has ascendancy over anything you think, it has authority over anything you think. Therefore, because God’s Self-expression is an expression of God’s Will, then your perfection right here and right now is constantly insisting upon being what you experience.

It is very easy from the metaphysics of the Course, or the metaphysics of any other metaphysical systems that are present, to begin to say, “I’m creating my experience.” Well, no, you aren’t creating all of it. You are only creating a distorted perception of something—a distorted expression, a distorted perception of your experience. Your experience, God is in charge of. Your body, God is in charge of. Your world, God is responsible for. That means that what God has made insists on being recognized for what it is.

Why is this important? Because, first of all, it relieves you of any personal responsibility for your health. Secondly, it helps you to see that your ideas can create tensions, and tightnesses and lockages that distort the actually undistortable presence of God. It distorts your perception of the undistortable presence of God.

So the only thing you have control over is whether or not you are going to employ the thoughts, the judgments, the conclusions that haven’t arisen from a connectedness with God.

Now, you did not create your body. None of you created your body. None of you, in other words, created the visibility and tangibility of the presence of your Individuality. God unidentified is God nonexistent. God and God’s expression, God’s extension constitutes the wholeness of God—God identified constitutes God. You are that which identifies God. Conscious human Individuality is the visibility and tangibility, the presence, the experienceable presence of God. God Individualized, but not separated into many constitutes your Individuality, and It cannot be invisible, It cannot be unexperienceable.

And so, there is that which you call body, that is the visibility and tangibility of the presence of your Individuality, which is the presence of God expressed, therefore your body and everything you see if seen truly would be recognized as the presence of God incapable of functioning in its infinity in a conflicted way.

Now, what you can choose to do is to not engage in any of the justifications you are employing for the ongoingness of this physical “problem.” You are not responsible for your health. You are not responsible for the existence of your body. You are responsible for any judgments you have toward your body, any misperceptions you have about your body. You are responsible for any negative thoughts about your body. You are responsible for any line of reasoning that causes you to say, “I deserve this because,” and then there is a long list of reasons.

All of these things which you and everyone else are responsible for create disturbance, because they are conflicted.

And that disturbance stands between you and your experience of the perfection of God that is the only thing going on. It seems to distort the presence of that which is really dominant, which really insists on being All There Is, because it really is All There Is.

Therefore—and here is the reason I am spending this time bringing this out—therefore, the moment any of you begin to reduce your investment in your problem, reduce your investment in the thinking that seems to justify the problem and causes you to say, “I deserve it,” to the degree that you release the thinking that says, “I have no choice about this, because my body is just a physical organism that has nothing to do with God, that arose out of the primordial ooze, and therefore I’ve just got to go with the program.” As you release, as you abandon, as you refuse to indulge in practicing these thoughts, you will experience healing. Why? Because you are reducing the resistance you are bringing to experiencing what is truly dominant. You are reducing the resistance to seeing what is really going on right here as the visibility and tangibility or expression of God, which is absolutely indivisible and therefore expresses utter harmony, not conflict.

What I want you to walk away from this gathering being aware of is, that what is real right there where you see a body, what is Real with a capital “R”, the Presence of God that is there is insisting upon being your conscious experience.

That means that you are not responsible for creating health, as though you are going against the tide of a physical body that doesn’t want to cooperate with the divine You.

I want you to leave here aware, in very simple terms, that your body is your ally. Why? Because it’s there to identify the presence of your Individuality perfectly. It is intent upon it, and has no other function, and that function is divine. The moment you really begin to invalidate your judgments about your body and your concepts about your body that leave it outside of the presence of God, you will find your body identifying your perfection, because its divine purpose is to express nothing else. And the Will of the Father lies underneath that insistence. The Will of the Father is the motivation of that insistence. That insistence of what? Of that body that is sitting right there.

It is really very dangerous to your Sanity to believe that your body is an illusion. It is also dangerous to your Sanity to believe that your body is Real, but it has nothing to do with God.

What is unreal about your body is all of the conclusions you have come to about it that have not held it in the context of the Allness of God—all the fears you have about it, all of the distrust you have about it, coupled with the ego’s ongoing insistence that you don’t deserve unreasonable good, and that you do, for one reason or another, deserve what you’re experiencing. These things are, as it says on the pack of cigarettes, dangerous to your health.

You’re here at this very moment with a divine ally, rather than a hunk of flesh that really has no inclination whatsoever to cooperate with the divine Individuality you are, because it’s really a physical, evolutionary process that has nothing to do with God. Your false beliefs are the illusory aspect of your experience of your body.

If you truly want to experience your health, I encourage you to walk out of here at the end of the gathering rejoicing that you are experiencing the presence of God, whose Will it is to be expressed perfectly, flawlessly, without conflict and that your body means something divine.

The Course says that all it takes is a little willingness, not a strong conviction, just a little willingness to be open to the possibility that everything exists in the context of God. And that anything about the world you are seeing, or the body you are seeing that seems not to reflect the perfection of God, is necessarily a distorted perception caused by thinking, reasoning, and coming to onclusions, all of which is based upon the belief that none of this has anything to do with God.

When you are denying God where God is, you will experience dissonance. It’s that simple. But you know what?

Because God is omnipotent, any denial you engage in of God means that God will win and you will win. You are bound to get Well. You are bound to experience your perfection here or hereafter, because what is Real is the only thing that can endure, and because one way or the other you are going to win with God. You might as well begin to win today by not denying God right where God is, and becoming curious to see God where you didn’t think God was.

If your body isn’t real, how can you really expect healing? Why would you heal or make better something that doesn’t exist anyway? It becomes confusing. If the man with the withered arm... Let me put it this way, if his withered arm was an illusion, why would I make it look like the other one? Why not make both of them disappear? So there was no suggestion of an illusion there. Why not make him disappear? Indeed, this line of thinking becomes very much like Connie’s question, where the ego eventually proves you don’t exist.

If you want to know what the truth is, and if you want to experience your health, and you want to experience harmony, and if you have any shred of hope whatsoever for experiencing peace on earth, all of you had better begin to acknowledge that the earth is God expressed, not that it and the universe are just some chance result of some physical interactions, and that somehow speckled throughout the universe are these Souls; little, bright, divine lights, sort of embedded in bits and pieces of the material world. It may not look like God, it might look like earthquakes, and it might look like horrendous fires, and it might look like floods, and on, and on, and on.

What do you think healing is if it isn’t transformed vision of everything you’re already aware of, so that you can begin to see God there, because you have abandoned your investment in all of the definitions YOU have given everything, including your body.

You didn’t create your body. You can’t create your health. You didn’t create the world, and you can’t create the infinite perfection of it. But you can stop creating the arguments against it, and the convictions you have as to the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven is not here to be perceived, and the convictions for whatever reason you have decided that you cannot experience your health, or you don’t deserve to experience it.

You can abandon those things. And in abandoning them watch the assertion of God, watch the intent of every visibility and tangibility to register with you, so that the wholeness of it is there, not just the perfection not seen because everyone is too busy having a different perspective and gaining a sense of being the creator.

So, you have an ally that has a divine intent to register with you as it truly is, so that you come back into your right Mind about your body in this instance, about your mind in your instance, about your relationships, etc. In other words, you have a powerful ally, not passive or whimpy. You could almost say it cares that you recognize it. In order for you to be whole and experience your wholeness you must recognize it. And so, that is its intent—for you to recognize it.

Your body is not misfunctioning because it has a will of its own—it does not [have a will of its own]. It has an intent.

That intent was set into motion by the Movement of God called Creation; creation of Himself expressed and looking like you. But how on earth can you ever arrive at the experience of what you really look like if you are saying that God cannot be in the look, that the ego created the look.

Now, the ego created the misperception of the visibility and tangibility of God. And when one is caught up in one’s misperceptions and ignoring what’s really there, one is what? Mentally unbalanced, insane, experiencing a form of insanity. It’s the valuing of the misperception that is the insanity. And the thing that’s being misperceived remains forever the presence of God perfectly expressed and intent upon being recognized for what it is. And that intent is asserted with utter love. It cannot force itself upon you, but the moment you dare to begin to let it in by conceiving that it possibly exists, it most gently and lovingly fills you up. And it fills you up because it expresses a Will, the Will of the Father, which is Love.

I want you, if you leave here with nothing else in your mind, to be aware that you have a powerful ally, and the power of it is God’s Love and perfection. Feel yourself being companioned with in the most intimate way as the very presence of your body and its intent to identify your presence flawlessly, immaculately.

And boy, the ego is a bastard isn’t it. It says, “Well, it’s only supposed to take a little willingness. Boy, I must not even have that, and I therefore haven’t much hope.” Well, when that suggests itself to you, I want you to remember the degree to which I have gone to share with you that you companion with a powerful Presence—Presence has a capital “P”, and I said it wasn’t whimpy.

You know what? The suggestion that you don’t have what it takes, that you can’t even muster up the little bit of willingness that the Course says that it takes; well, I’m going to tell you that there’s a wonderful lesson in failure, failing to have even the little willingness, failing to be a success. You want to know why? It’s the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom and you don’t have to deserve it. Trying is willful.

A little willingness really means embracing failure at being a successful ego, or even a successful Son or Daughter of God. Because your successes as the Sons and Daughters of God are not experienced by virtue of anything you do as Sons or Daughters of God, your successes at being the Sons and Daughters of God is a result of being the expression of God, which God is responsible for.

So, I have not set up a challenge here for you to have a little bit of willingness so that you might experience the powerful Presence of that which you companion with. I haven’t set up a challenge at all. If you are not responsible for your health, if you cannot create your health, then you cannot fail at creating it can you? It was never in your hands to do anything about. So what I have been describing here, in your abandoning the exercise of false perceptions and false conclusions and judgments and doubts, etc., all of that really does constitute becoming a failure as an ego.

Do you see what I’m saying? I’m saying that absolutely othing is called for on your part except failing. That’s how little is called for from you. And when as a result of negligence you succeed at failing at being an ego—in other words, when you really let go—this powerful Presence, this ally that you companion with, that is actually what is present and called the visibility and tangibility of you that is your body, this will assert itself. It will, you might say, emerge (it’s not the best word, it sounds like it came from somewhere) but transformation will be experienced. And it will be experienced because something Real is right there where you say your body is.

Willingness to see it is love. Willingness to see what is Real in your world is love. It’s a willingness to see beyond your present sense of sight, and acknowledge the presence of God. And mind you again, all of you, what blocks you from perceiving the presence of God in its absolutely unconflicted wholeness, what blocks that are the thoughts, the reasonings, the judgments, the conclusions that have been arrived at without feeling into the presence of God first.

Maharishi says, “doing less and accomplishing more,” and I am saying, “do nothing and be All.” Discover your wholeness.

We can pursue this further as we go into the next two days. But let’s let that gel for now. And what I want to say to everyone is do not hesitate to challenge if you experience a great disbelief about something that I say. What I mean is, be willing to ask for further clarification and express what it is your perception is that doesn’t allow you to embrace what I am saying. And when you are listening for guidance within, do the same thing until you can come to a place
where it makes sense, and you can let go of the last little bit of resistance to experiencing the truth, or experiencing your healing. Thank you for your question.

QUESTION: You mentioned something about God creating the body. I’m confused on this point. My understanding was that we created the body as an illusion.

RAJ: Indeed, that is one of the reasons that I am speaking at some length here. You are the expression of God, God expressed is not intangible, invisible, unrecognizable, unexperienceable. Therefore, your Individuality has visibility and tangibility. My words are somewhat an accommodation, but they say what needs to be said so that you will treat the body as though it is real. You, your ssential Individuality is recognizable. I could say that there is its “recognizableness.” This here is Paul’s “recognizableness.” It is mind’s ability to recognize Paul. That, all that I just said, lies in the context of the Allness of God.

Now, if Paul makes a decision to think for himself and says, “Father I’d rather do it myself. I’d rather perceive everything with my own quirky little bias. I’d like to add a little bit of something that you didn’t include. But since it’s inviolable, the only thing I can really add is a quirky way of perceiving it. So I’m going to perceive it a little bit differently than you do, Father.” Ah, now he says, “Ah, now, well this is my body, and let’s see if it isn’t what it was the way God made it... Well, wait a minute now, I’m feeling uncomfortable here. I don’t exactly know what it is, but the peace I experienced when I was with my Father’s point of view is absent, and I’m feeling uncomfortable. Oh, um, where can I hide? I’ve got to protect myself.”

Well, what’s happening right there? The first stages of identifying the body as vulnerable, and as something that needs to be protected, and the definitions keep flowing. Now, the visibility and tangibility of Paul, as the Son of God, as the expression of God was there before Paul had a sense of it as being himself that he must protect and hide. And it’s still the body, or visibility and tangibility there after he begins to have this distorted sense of what it is and what its purpose is.

That sense of it, as something to protect, and as something that can be perceived separate and apart from what the Father is Being right there, that is the illusion that you create, that you all create. But it is, I’m going to put it this way, it is a delusion about something. You cannot have a delusion about nothing.

You have created, conceptualized, you have literally conceived your body in a manner that is totally inconsistent with the visibility and tangibility of what the Father is Being right there where you are, right there where everyone experiences you. But the Father is still the only thing there, even though you describe it as a body, which is experiencing a disease that is life threatening. ‘Tain’t so. The only thing that is there is the presence of God, and maybe an imaginative misperception of it, which you are believing and reinforcing. And that is what I am talking about abandoning. Remember that I said, God unexpressed is nonexistent God. Or as the Course says it: “God not extended is nonexistent God.”

The only world and body you have created is an independent assessment of the Kingdom of Heaven. You get that?

The only illusory body and world that you have created has been a false assessment of the Kingdom of Heaven. But the Kingdom of Heaven continues uninterruptedly to be the only thing going on. And the Son of God that you are, and the Daughters of God that you are continue to be the only thing present.

So you create a false perception, and all of you get together and you agree on your misperceptions, and you develop codes of behavior and agreements as to how things work. And by virtue of your agreements with each other about how all of your definitions work you seem to function with some harmony. But all of this has happened after that point where you said, “Father I want to add a little of my own English to your creation. A little of my own bias, or well, slightly different creative perception of it.”

And in doing that, you step into your sense of separation and vulnerability, and all of the definitions of everything that are colored by that separation and vulnerability. That doesn’t cause another world to come into existence, but it causes you to see the Kingdom of Heaven wacko, insanely.

And so, indeed, when you look, what you are seeing for the most part is illusion in the sense that what you are seeing is what you are convinced is there, rather than what is really there. And love is the willingness to recognize that which is really there, and abandon your convictions about what you think is there. And abandoning the mutual agreements you have with each other about what you think is there.

You see this is important, because if you really remain convinced that you have created your body, then it must be an illusion, and ultimately healing would have to mean that your body would disappear, the illusion would no longer even be presenting itself. That’s insanity. And that is not love. And it is not appropriate to indulge in it.

As the Course says, there is a different way to look at this. You know what? Looking out here and saying, “there is a different way to look at this, and meaning it doesn’t exist at all. Wow, what a ifferent way to look at it. My goodness, it doesn’t even exist.” That’s not a different way to look at it. That’s engaging in, or indulging in a very wild, imaginative idea, and thinking that having that idea constitutes a different way of looking. It’s not a way of looking, it’s just a different thought bias.
But if you’re willing to look out here and say, “there is another way to look at this,” or if you look at your body and say, “there is another way to look at this,” and you mean “there is another vantage point from which I can look at it, there is a different vantage point from which I can look at this. I can look at it from a place of having no confidence about what it is. There is a place where I can go in the silence and in my peace, and ask God what’s really going on.” And having God, or the Holy Spirit share with you God’s point of view, so that you look at it from a different place, and you see it in a different way, not as a result of a different way of conceptualizing it, but a different vantage point entirely. A different way of seeing it.

I will share with you that the last workshop that was held here on Kauai, at the end, Paul was very much with me. And I was thanking everyone for their presence and their participation and so on. And as I did that, Paul opened his eyes, because in effect that expressed what was happening, I was looking. And he had a new experience of seeing.

He’s used to looking with his eyes to gather information. But he experienced me seeing for the purpose of giving acknowledgment. It was for the purpose of embracing, extending, acknowledging, instead of gathering data, which you really do for the purpose of self-protection.

That gives you an idea of what it means; there is another way to look at this, not a different way to conceptualize it, no. There’s a different place from which you can look, instead of being from your tiny limited viewpoint, you can look with God, through God’s eyes. You see?

Waking up is not a head trip, the Course is not a head trip, even though many people intellectualize it. And I will leave you with that until after lunch.

Before we pass the microphone, and because the subject of the last question and answer are so important, I’m going to open it up to everyone, if someone else has a question, or an objection, or a comment pertinent to the subject of the last question and answer. And we will do that before we continue on passing the microphone.

QUESTION: Would it be fair to say then that one should love one’s body?

RAJ: Amen. What is your alternative? Well, if love is the willingness to recognize that which is Real in each and everything, and if love illuminates what is Real, then actively loving your body is going to uncover what is Real. And if there really isn’t anything Real about your body, it will disappear, and that will constitute a revelation and a healing. However, it will not disappear.

What I am meaning to say is, that to love anything will cause it to be seen more truly as it is. And it will cause that which is not true about it to fade from sight. You want what is illusory to fade from sight. And if indeed your body is an illusion then it will fade from sight, and that will be good news.
So yes, love your body, because you really only have one alternative and that is to hate it. In other words, either you are embracing it with a desire to experience what is divinely Real right there, or you are actively engaged in denying that there’s anything there. Denial, especially if you are denying something that is Real is an act of aggression, it’s an attack. Do you see? Love is never an attack and it’s always healing. Hate, or denial is an attack and it is never loving.

It is, therefore, never healing. So you tell me what occasion there might legitimately be to ever do anything but love everything?

Now understand that I am not saying love an illusion. I’m saying withdraw the judgment or the assessment that what you’re looking at is an illusion, and be willing to love whatever is there that might be Real. It is that act of faith, you might say, it is that act of faith that there is something Real there, divinely Real, and therefore unconflicted, that allows for, in Biblical terms, “the scales to fall from your eyes”; from your eyes, not from the thing you’re looking at so that you can see what is true and Real there, so that you can see whatever of God is there.

Now, just as an interesting point. If God is infinite, if God is omnipresent, then, as the saying goes, “there is no spot where God is not.” Even physically speaking, since probes have been sent out into space where it was assumed that there was probably a perfect vacuum, they have found no perfect vacuum, no place where absolutely nothing is. Of course, that’s what they found because they are exploring the Kingdom of Heaven, and there is no spot where something Real doesn’t exist.
If you stop and think about it—and I am not making fun of your question, because I know you were asking it in all seriousness—but may I suggest, in the process of your spiritual growth and wakening, don’t be too quick to abandon your common sense. And if you stop and listen to the question, it is really funny that it could be asked seriously—“Are you saying that we should love our body?”

The fact is that there is no occasion not to love everything. Loving provides the threshold of transformation, healing.

Attack always promotes defense, which is simply attack from the other direction.
That’s the end of the answer.

~~~~~~Excerpt from Princeville Gathering with Raj 1994

Before engaging in any affairs of the day or the busyness of the day give audience to the Self within. Give place for one internal Guidance. Ask God of your understanding what is His Will for you this now and this day. Ask for His power to do his Will or bidding and then be still and listen for His Answer. Give enough time for His Answer to register with you and expect an Answer is forth coming. The when you feel that you are ready you can begin the business of the day from that centered place and from a peaceful center.
Hold to that center throughout the day using whatever technique that helps remind you of your center such as a thought of God or a mantra or phrase that help you to stay centeres and to act from that centered place. The throughout the day enquire from within for further guidance and direction for the days activities and when a decision is required defer the decision to the Father or the voice for Truth.
Let your mind be filled with a fresh new awareness of everything. Let it be filled with the recognition of every one and everything as being what it Real.
Live in the Presence of the Now that is facing you everymoment and with everymoment let it extend even further to Eternity which is the extension of the present into the future. Let every future moment be now. Be still with your Self and with your world and with everyone your meet or encounter and ask in that moment to reveal to you the truth of what this moment brings and what this encounter is for. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what your brother is being in that moment of encounter and union.
When you see that part of your mind that is the thinker or the thinking mind remember to bring back your attention to the awareness of your being or that center where Knowing will occur.
Listen for the truth of what your brother is saying. Listen to the Truth that is the Holy Spirit in your brother the Spirit of Truth. Be still with your mind and listen for the Truth.
My mind holds only what I think with God. My mind holds only what I share, create, communicate and extend with God.

Before engaging in any affairs of the day or the busyness of the day give audience to the Self within. Give place for one internal Guidance. Ask God of your understanding what is His Will for you this now and this day. Ask for His power to do his Will or bidding and then be still and listen for His Answer. Give enough time for His Answer to register with you and expect an Answer is forth coming. The when you feel that you are ready you can begin the business of the day from that centered place and from a peaceful center.
Hold to that center throughout the day using whatever technique that helps remind you of your center such as a thought of God or a mantra or phrase that help you to stay centeres and to act from that centered place. The throughout the day enquire from within for further guidance and direction for the days activities and when a decision is required defer the decision to the Father or the voice for Truth.
Let your mind be filled with a fresh new awareness of everything. Let it be filled with the recognition of every one and everything as being what it Real.
Live in the Presence of the Now that is facing you everymoment and with everymoment let it extend even further to Eternity which is the extension of the present into the future. Let every future moment be now. Be still with your Self and with your world and with everyone your meet or encounter and ask in that moment to reveal to you the truth of what this moment brings and what this encounter is for. Ask Spirit to reveal to you the truth of what your brother is being in that moment of encounter and union.
When you see that part of your mind that is the thinker or the thinking mind remember to bring back your attention to the awareness of your being or that center where Knowing will occur.
Listen for the truth of what your brother is saying. Listen to the Truth that is the Holy Spirit in your brother the Spirit of Truth. Be still with your mind and listen for the Truth.
My mind holds only what I think with God. My mind holds only what I share, create, communicate and extend with God.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Astrological Glyphs:

The Signs of the Zodiac:

Aries I am

Libra I balance

Taurus I have

Scorpio I desire

Gemini I think

Sagittarius I see

Cancer I feel

Capricorn I use

Leo I will

Aquarius I know

Virgo I analyze

Pisces I believe












* Another glyph for Pluto is

Other Points, Symbols & Asteroids:


North Node


South Node



Part of Fortune









Equatorial Ascendant







Quincunx (or inconjunct)







(means a ram) Cosmic Principle of Individuality

The Ram. This symbol is easier to recognize than many because it actually resembles a ram's horns and nose. His nose thrust forward as for encounter or discovery, with the horns upward and outward in aggressive, extrovert motion. The symbol is also shaped like a young green plant of corn sprouting upward in spring, the vertical liner showing two divergent semi-circles, or half-moons, drawn together at the base into oneness and unity of action. Color: Red

Keywords: Initiative, Activity, Enterprise
(means bull) Cosmic Principle of Stability

The Bull. This symbol resembles a bull's head and horns. The symbol which represents this sign is shown as a circle surmounted by a semi-cirlce, or a crescent moon resting on a globe. The Moon is exalted in Taruus, the sign of Mother Earth.

The empty circle of this symbol pictures the great feminine creative potential, the upturned half-circle being receptive to Spirit, like a cup lifted to obtain from the Source of all things needed for growth and to retain that which is received. Color: Green

Keywords: Possessive, Determination, Practicality,
(Cosmic Principle of Distinctiveness)

The Twins. Two lines joined together represents Gemini's symbol -- the twins. The symbol for Gemini is fashioned like two pillars, or as two ways from which to choose, positive or negative which may cause changeability or indecision.

One pillar in the original glyph is dark symbolizing the negative choice or Eve (matter) and that is the idea of knowledge and the fashioner of form. The right pillar is symbolic or Adam and is fire or spirit and represent in its true state as spirit, Truth or Wisdom. The main idea is here is the union of spirit and matter as one. Color: Yellow

Keywords: Communication, Mentality, Versatility
(Cosmic Principle of Nurturance)

The Crab. Some consider Cancer's glyph as representing breasts, demonstrating the nurturing quality of Cancer. Again this symbol shows twin forces, those of involution and of evolution, but in seed form, not fully unfolded; rather the inner terminals are curled in little balls, like twin centers of energy which by their distance apart generate a flow of attraction of Life-Force between which develops the Matrix of Life.

The semi-circles are shaped like two crescent moons, the moon being called the ruler of Cancer. They have also been designated as cups or chalices, one up-turned to receive the flow from above, the other pouring out to give. The small circles have been called both seeds and breast. Cancer represents the Mother Principle, ruling the breast, the stomach and womb, all related to nourishment, sustenance and shelter. Color: Orange-Yellow

Keywords: Domesticity, Sensitivity, Tenacity
Leo (means Lion) Cosmic Principle of Splendor

The Lion. Leo's glyph may represent the two valves of the heart, since Leo rules the heart; alternatively, it can be considered the mane of the lion. It is also considered to be an inside-out Cancer symbol “the son of the fetus has been born.” The semi-circles have been turned out-ward.

The two halves of the symbol in Cancer are now one continuous link or force that is now active and represents the inner soul of man and the Sun that is the life principle or solar energy that circulates through all of mankind. This symbol has also represented the serpentine force or the Kundalini shown in its latent state until the being has sufficiently evolved to use it on a conscious level. It is dangerous uncontrolled. Color: Orange:

Keywords: Vitality, Authority, Power
(Cosmic Principle of Perfection)

The Virgin. This symbol is similar to that of Scorpio, except instead of the tail pointing outward, it curls up into itself. The symbol is also called the “Perfection of Nature” or the Principle of Cosmic Perfection and usefulness. The letter M as a basis of the Virgo symbol has a Phoenician symbol of a fish that is closing over the female generative organ which means virginal or pure intent unselfish that translates into dedication and Service. The symbol is passive or feminine in nature. Color: Yellow-Green

Keywords: Discrimination, Perfection, Methodical
(Cosmic Principle of Mutuality)

The Scales. This glyph can represent the setting sun, or scales for weighing. The symbol also appear as two dissimilar halves of one unit, as in marriage. It also represent the beam of the scales from which are suspended the two balance pans the beam representing the will and the two pans which must reach equal poise, representing the head and the heart, or thought and feeling. It is the recognition of Self and not self. It is the perfect equilibrium of the inner and outer which permits true health and harmony. Color: Green

Keywords: Harmony, Balance, companioship
( Cosmic Principle of Intention)

The Scorpion. This symbol is similar to that of Virgo, except that its "tail" points outward. The symbol for Scorpio depict the female generative organs, barbed with a cupids dart to show the lure of the senses. It also resembles a scorpion, which depicts the lower stage of Scorpio’s evolution. Here is the desire nature active or the serpentine force “Kundalini” or Solar Energy is now active. It is a symbol of pro-creation. The desire nature is ready to be purified and become a eagle, phoenix or the Dove of Peace. Color: Blue-Green

Keywords: Regeneration, Resourcefulness, Secrecy
( Principle of Cosmic Progress or Growth, Abundance)

The Archer. A simple-to-remember symbol that resembles an arrow. This symbol represents the renting of the veil of the unseen in Scorpio. It now has the ability to see ahead and the larger order of things. The actual symbol of the sign shows a bowstring with a arrow being aimed up-ward with aspiration into prophetic vision and philosophy.

The archer is also the Centaur, half horse and man. He here is learning to harmonize his dual nature. The arrow shows his enthusiasm to spread his new found thoughts and ideas that sprung up from a vision of the unseen. This is also the symbol of the thigh bone above the knee that symbolizes thrust into new adventure or travel of mind or body. Color: Blue

Keywords: Aspiration, Freedom Lover, Exploration
( Principle of Cosmic Justice, Order and Responsibility)

The Goat. Perhaps the most odd-looking of the group, this glyph can be thought of as the twisted horns of a goat. There are various meanings that this symbol represents and one of them is the knees which means humility and climbing. Each sign of the Zodiac is supposed to represent part of the human body. A more common explanation of this symbol is the mountain goat with a curled fishes tail or again the horns of a goat who climbs fearlessly to the highest peaks and least accessible places of earth. The motive power of this symbol is ambition to the top of the world materially or spiritually. The fish is the subconscious and the intuitive which is its storehouse of memory.

Another symbol of this sign is the Unicorn who is victorious in all test. The Unicorn mobilizes the Serpetine force into action. It is the Saturn center where it begins to rise. Color: Blue-Violet

Keywords: Ambition, Responsibility, Conservatism
( Principle of Cosmic Solidarity or Individuality)

The Water Bearer. This symbol resembles waves in the ocean, making it easy to associate with the Aquarian Water Bearer. The Water man is the Etheric man and carries the Etheric or heavenly Waters. It is in this Etheric Water all of the other signs are received and synthesized and balanced. Two serpents have been represented as the nerve or spirit energy of the spine in the Central nervous system. Also the symbol for electricity or the opposite poles in electricity or waves of Light. Another more apt meaning is vibratory energy that dissolves all things into its original formless state Spirit. Color: Violet

Keywords: Humanitarianism, Independence, Originality
(Principle of Cosmic Dissolution, Grace or Forgiveness)

The Fish. This glyph represents two fish, joined together or two feet standing in the middle of a path going in two different directions. It represents one’s understanding whether earthly or spiritual. It is also two fishes pulling in opposite directions, one up stream and one down stream. The cord represents the union of opposites, telepathy, psychic communication.

It is also said to represent two crescent moons waxing and waning, which represent the the receptive or the intuitive or soul aspect of man. Color: Violet-Red

Keywords: Compassion, Universality, Renunciation