Thursday, May 22, 2008



Astrology, “message of the stars,” “clock of destiny,” language of the stars and star knowledge is just a few phases to describe a little of what Astrology is about. In addition, one can also say in a few words that Astrology is broadminded, universal, cosmic, highly intuitive, psychological, analytical, scientific and investigative subject of the planetary and stellar influences and how they affect everything and everyone around us including you because you are the center of your universe. You are the microcosm within a macrocosm of being. You are an effect of a greater cause that is Causeless.

To study Astrology one must be familiar with the Laws of the Universe and how everything works within these laws. The one law of the universe that defines all other laws is the Law of Cause and Effect. This is a principle of being and it is exacting and impersonal. We may think in time that this law is something that is caused will have a future effect and the truth is that where there is a cause there is an equal effect right here and now.

What does that all mean in this day and age? The bible says, “That which is seen is made from that which is not seen.” Thoughts are things. Another way it may be put that might be said, That which is visible is formed by the invisible. What we call the known universe or the visible universe is made from the unknown universe and that is one of the things that astrology does is study the invisible and the visible and seeing the relationship there exist between them as cause and effect.

Remember that what is cause on one level is an effect on another.

Much can be said, from these statements that are in some way spoken of in all of the various mystery teachings of all ages both in the metaphysical and scientific community of those times and now.

Basically astrology deals with the unmasking of these invisible forces and with the right attunement can be discerned and rightly interpreted. Astrology is an intuitive and psychic Science and in the Cosmic Sea of being there exist these forces and energies that emanate from a Infinite Intelligence, what is called a Higher Mind or Prime Director and Mover. Mankind and all things that exist are within this Divine Mind and are in no way separated from these forces of the universe and are interdependent.

In fact, mankind and all things that are created and not made are their expression and tangebility of this Infinite Intelligence. At this level, cosmically speaking there is a grand Harmony where man and the universe are one and inseparable.

In the universal scheme of things Astrology can with the right Knowing and perception uncover the existence of these intelligence forces.

There is a statement made that says, “The stars do not compel, but impel us to action.” We all have free will, whether we use this will to allow these energies to control and to manipulate us without our knowledge and therefore is our fate or to let these force by conscious choice again be directed for our benefit and for our good.

All that we experience has been chosen at some level of existence whether it is a conscious decision or one that was made in a prior existence or incarnation. To understand Astrology more completely, one must also begin to take in the idea of reincarnation as a means to choose again and the idea of eternality. We all individually exist eternally and at the same time have had prior existence. We being eternal are a continuous being without any real end or beginning. We are an eternal Thought within the Mind of God. We are here for a purpose predetermined by us with the help of divine agents to work out are karma the choices we have already made that are reflected in what is called the horoscope or destiny so that we may individually and finally collectively free ourselves from this wheel of cause and effect or this birth and death life cycle.

We must also understand and realize that there are laws of being or principles that govern the movement of these cosmic forces and that the one law alone that defines this phenomenon is the law of Cause and Effect or what is also called the law of karma and that this law is exacting in every way, “as ye sow, so shall ye reap.” There is evidence of this law in everything we think, say and do. Everything we send out comes back to us. There is another statement that says, “Ye are either under the law of above it,” meaning in harmony or out of harmony.

With Astrology one can ascertain with proper charting and interpretation find whether one is in harmony with the planets, which are called trines and sextiles or out of harmony, which are called squares and oppositions. These configurations made by the various planets in one’s chart or horoscope are called aspects that are calculated by determining what degree or angle the planets form with each other.

Another thing to remember is that the true astrologer in a sense when he becomes the master of his or her fate stands in the center of his chart and is able to transcend these planetary influences not by avoidance and denial, but by being in harmony with these energies and therefore a channel. He or she becomes an active cause in one’s world of experience and not an effect tossed to and fro by the winds of time and change. In affect it is like one standing in the center of a hurricane where the storm blows all around and the center is a perfect calm undisturbed by any turbulence and uses the storm as a means of movement into perfect fulfillment of being.

Science is already on the verge of discovery that these electro-magnetic forces exist and there is evidence right now to support these theories, that we are interdependent upon these force of nature and that the mind and the will is the controlling or directing agent in both the physiological structure of the human body, as well as the physiological structure of the universe, and that through Astrology one can determine what the effects of these forces will be to us in our lives.

Understand that Astrology is not an exclusive subject. It is inclusive and if explored contains all the sciences and the beliefs of mankind. It is a communication link with the empirical Mind of God and the mind of man. In my estimation it is not only a science and art, but is a universal language of cosmic meanings, a language of the stars.

There is one more thing that I feel needs to be brought out. Astrology is an intuitive science of study and application and one must therefore use his or her intuition to delineate or interpret the course and movement of the stellar and planetary motions and to interpret their affect in ones affairs and daily experiences. This I believe and Know takes meditation and the quieting of the outer mind in order to receive guidance to properly direct your starry course.

If one is in contact or attune to one’s Capital S Self or one’s inner Being or a Spiritual Guide and lets this inner wisdom or inner voice guide the course of one’s Spiritual path of Awakening. One’s life will become much smoother and in time easier with less effort and more grace. “The mountains will be made low and the rough places plain.” Equilibrium will be established on a sure foundation rooted in the ground of one’s wholeness and integrity of being.

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