Elite Veteran
Posts: 1097

Location: Portland Ore
Journalings is for me a way to give expression to that part of me that is called the Inspired Self. It comes to me after a meditation period and where I am coming from that centered place.
It is also a way to give expression to what I am receiving as a Dialogue with the Eternal or the Holy Spirit. I do not edit it or preface it with a interpretation or some kind of analysis, but I let it come to me just as it is and what it will be which I have not the faintest idea what that will be. I call on my guide and the voice for Truth to speak for me that which I can not utter from my self meaning the independent self or thinker.
I guess if you would like to call it channeling for the Voice for Truth and by doing this channeling or inner communication it sets up a dialogue with my guide and me as one voice.
Before I journal, I become still and ask within at that time what questions I may have at that moment and for the day and then I allow my self to be still and dwell in the silence or that territory of my being where the Self Knowingness may occur. I give it at least 15 to 30 min or what ever time is needed for this shift to occur.
Then I before i do anything else, start the journaling. It is a good way to start a conversation with my guide or just let my guide speak though me in my mind.
So with that Shamballa what do you have to say at this moment?
I am glad to hear you say that and yes, this is a good discipline and practice to get into as a means of creating a form of commication with your beloved infinite Self that is You and is God at the same time because after all you are speaking of one Self are we not and is there really a dichotomy between us. As your guide one could say I extend what your are into the infinite and you extend me into the finite. We have a partnership together giving expression to each other in the present and then extended into the future of what will be as we will Know it Now. Even though we may be individualized we remain one Self.
You have asked in your mind about appearing to you in a form that is recognizable and that can be accomplished as one sinks into that deeper Awareness of Self as infinite mind or other dimension of being and appear to you as a individuality of substance and of mind or awareness.
There is a place in your awareness that is called the minds eye where one can see into this other realm of being and where we meaning the Brotherhood or the Awakened Ones can reveal themselves to you. It is also a place where you your self can step into or be transported to this other realm or dimension and appear before us fully dimensional and functional as a Individuality.
When I am saying fully dimensional I mean in all four dimensions and not just a three dimensional body with a three dimensional limited perception of self and what you call your reality. We who in Reality are your same Self do not appear in a three dimensional construct in a three dimensional world. If we appear at all we will be seen fourth dimensionally and any thing less would be a projection or a image of Self and that can be arranged if for a practical purpose and reason.
One must remember we are as Individualities timeless being and to experience us trully is to experience Self also timelessly.
Jonathan is speaking to my mind and because of it there is some interference. He has some things to attend too and because of time constraints in his world as a matter of speaking need to go. If you would like to continue this topic of conversation let us know either my Self or Jonathan.
Until next time I look forward to meeting with you in this way again. There is coming a time and is very near for all of us to converse in this way with each other just as you do with your brothers and sisters do in your world or your three dimesional construct of a world per your agreement to meeting one another in this particular way.
You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.
Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.
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