Thursday, May 29, 2008


The question has come up for me about what happens when one transitions to the other side or the spiritual realm. I have heard Raj speak on this subject from time to time and I have read materials from different sources on this subject, such as NDE, Esoteric subjects, Wisdom teachings, Channelings and of course Religious material.

What I have actually experienced has been a fourth dimensional experience of being in the here and now. What I am asking the Higher Mind or my guide is what happens to you when you go through transition from a 3 dimension frame of reference. what are some of the experiences from a third dimensional frame of reference.

The first thing to remember is where your state of consciousness is when you are experiencing this plane of existence as the spirit world. Are you experiencing it from your limited three dimensional perceptive reality, or one where you are experiencing your Self as fourth dimensional and what is the form that it takes.

There is a waiting station for those who transition over from a unconscious state of awareness and where they realize that they have passed over and once they wake up to the other side they realize that they didn't die and that they have a body that is still intact in everyway but is now energetically seen by others and is more translucent then before.

The transition they may still need to adjust to is the idea that what ever they may thought about life from a three dimensional plane is not at all what life is about as they thought they knew or believed it was, before their transition into the after life.

This state of adjustment is before their life review, as they come over to the other side not as a self concept believing that there existence is still dependent upon a body that they wore and identified with according to their own concept that they developed in the life before.

They need time to adjust to this new body they are now experiencing and so for all the reasons they believed they had to die, because now they see a new body vehicle and that there are very much alive there are those who help them through this transition and to accept the new existence they are now experiencing.

There are levels to adjust to physically or energetically because now they have a body that is not dense as before and they realize the body or the remains that was buried in the ground or was cremated was the remains of an idea and was only a after image of something that was believed to be true, about something that is true. This energy or light body that they are now seeing with is now they realize is there true vehicle of expression and that this vehicle is made of light and is eternal.

All their religious views or beliefs also have to be adjusted to what they are experiencing now. Any beliefs they had before about a body or a physical existence also must be adjusted to this new view and way of being.

This means that there is a retraining of the mind and a new direction of thought which is for them to become a student again, but a student of life.

The difference now is they have the proof of the unseen and didn't before. Everything was taken on some form of faith. now they have the actual experience offered to them to experience Reality as it really is. This is again a sorting out what is true for them and what was false and by knowing now what is true for them because they are having a direct experience with what is true.

They now know what is false and they can release it from their mind and it is to the degree that the are willing to let go of these limited perceptual beliefs is the degree to which they rise up to that Higher Mind crossing over all veils of illusion into the heaven world and join with those who are Awake.

Part of learning process is helping those who like you are crossing over and all the stages that are involved for you to move pass body identification to spirit identification. You will be assigned to a soul or souls and assist them or journey with them as a supportive helper that is available to answer any questions that may arise and guide them over just as you were guided until you reach the next point of your gradual ascent or stage on the ladder helping another soul upward into the experience of oneness and identifiable love with the Creator Source.

This learning process is really a unlearning process where you are actually stripping away the unessentials or the unmasking of your real self and Reality. Remember you are always being helped along the way with one who has already taken the journey that you have decided to embark upon.

As you reach the higher perceptions of Reality or the enlighten plane of all you brothers you will meet with your true Master of Wisdom or your true Guide.

As you move through these layer of consciousness you will re-remember that you were here before and you will meet with those you knew before and those you knew in the previous life before. It is a gradual awakening until you have ascended all the planes of existence three dimensionally and fourth dimensionally.

These planes that your rise up through are seven major planes that would correspond with what you may call your energy centers that each plane centers around and which there is a body or and attachment of a body of record. There is what you call a physical plane which hold for you a memory or record of your experience while you were on the earth plane. Then there is and emotional body or plane that holds all of your emotional memories, the mental plane that holds all of your thoughts and a spiritual plane that holds all of your conceptualizations and there is also three higher planes that are out of the body or transcend the body level of experience.

You will arise or ascend through each of these areas and again you are assisted all the way and one can transcend all of these planes and reach the very life center of impulse of being and remember this is all taking place within your own consciousness so you are really gravitating to your own individual spark of life that you really are and when you reach that divine spark and merged your consciousness of Self or what is called Soul Consciousness with that Spark.

You have attained Cosmic Consciousness and now your are ready to join with the enlighten brotherhood and what your next mission will be for you as your universal function, whether to return back to the earth plane fully conscious and fully enlightened or to go else where or even to say where you are being assign to one who was like you before and now can be assisted by you for his life time as a personality. Maybe you will for a time assist in training those who have crossed over to there newly enlightened experience or realization. The Universe is infinite and so are your roles or function.

One more thing that needs to be clarified and that is you are rising in consciousness in the heavens worlds or mansions not descending or regressing. There is a natural movement of life that is ever moving toward its center ever moving back toward its source, just like that drop of water returning to its Source the ocean of life.

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