Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weighing in the Elements in a horoscope

It is now time for us astrology students to begin to erect a chart of a horoscope wheel assuming that you now can identify the symbols with the planets and the signs.
If you have been following along and studying the handouts with the keywords or anywhere else one can find what the symbols are pictured as and you also have a beginning knowledge of three keywords for each of the planets, signs and houses so we can look together at a horoscope and identify these planetary symbols in the chart and the signs.
To do this one will need to have his or her chart made or constructed. If you do not have one already made up go on-line to www. Astro data bank and where it says, to create a birth chart put in the necessary information for your print out. What you will need is your birth time, date of birth and place of birth. Just follow the prompts and before you know you will see your chart on-line.
Now, before we continue, I want to say that I believe in astrology from an intuitive or spiritual perspective but before we can study astrology on an intuitive or soul centered level we must know the fundamentals and we must be able to analyze the chart so that we can see where everything is at and what is it for in a horoscope.
It is the same as we learned in school with our English study, what, who, where, how and why. What factor in a chart is energy potential or the type of energy that is you or the one you are studying? The planets can be called the what of the chart. The Romans and the Greeks in order to relate to these energies defined them as Gods in human form. The planets represent powers or the energy which is your ability to do.
Signs are the personalities and show the self expression how the planets express themselves, the signs are the how; Example: Venus is the planet of love and peace and Mars is the planet of war and aggression they are opposite each other. If Venus is in its opposite sign Aries it will soften the aggressive or assertive sign of Aries unless there are weak aspects called angles it may make the Venus energy to be more insensitive . The opposite attract one another and in astrology it is not just the sun sign that is important but the opposite sign of the sun is also crucial in chart interpretation. Astrology is always about relationship and balancing the energies, too much of one energy or too little of another can cause an imbalance.
To reiterate, planets are people and signs are how these people express themselves and are the personality or the persona of the person, behavior attitude and the way the planet gives expression in the chart.
This point brings us to weighing the chart which is very important. It is not enough just to know where the planets are which is always in one of the houses and in one of the signs. One way to communicate or to identify this concept of planets in signs and houses is to think or say for example; Mars in Aries in the first house. You always start off with the planet and then the sign and house. Planets rule the signs not the signs rule the planets or the houses. It is more powerful to some astrologers to say planet in the house.
The house position is where the energy of the planet is given expression such as the fourth house is the house of the home where you grew up and under what conditions, Mars in the fourth house says the environment was probably full of drive and action, ambitious maybe fighting of some kind, arguments.
One cannot say what a planet is doing in a house unless one can see how this planet relates not only to the house position but the whole chart meaning any angles or aspects with other planets or points in the chart.
So what does all this mean? Let us start with the weighing of a chart. The first weighing in is the elements. In astrology there are four elements; fire, air, water and earth, the planets that are in the chart are found to be in one of these elements unless it is on the cusp and that means it share two elements.
The way one weighs the chart is by giving a value for each of the planets and the rising sign or the ascendant which is at 0 degrees Aries on the eastern side or the left side of the chart on the horizon.
Sun and the Moon is given two points, they are the luminaries and have a greater influence then all the planets except for the asc. Give the planets one point. Start with the element of Fire and look for any planets in fire signs, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. Count how many planets are in fire and make a note of it in your note book. Five or more planets in an element are considered strong and so the fire expression or the characteristics of the element of fire will have a strong influence.
Zero to 2 planets in an element is considered weak and will not have as strong an effect as the nature of the element would have.
Keywords for fire:
Positive: assertive, inspirational, enthusiastic, ambitious, confident, loving, strong, optimistic, faithful, open-minded.
Negative: aggressive, selfish, impatient, domineering, insensitive, willful, righteous, fanatic, grandiose.
Remember these are just a few keywords for each element and as your knowledge broadens so will your keywords. Add as many as you like to your astrology keyword dictionary. Learn to use the keywords when you are speaking in astrological terms. A suggestion as a way to develop your keywords for elements is look at the signs in their element in the order they go around the Zodiac.
Keywords for air:
Positive: communication, ideas, thinking, relating, objectivity, judgment, diplomatic, original, altruistic, idealistic, friendly.
Negative: dualistic, fickle, unrealistic, indecisive, comparing, people pleaser, revolutionary, stubborn, rebellious.
Keywords for water:
Positive: caring, supportive, sensitive, determined, sympathetic, resolute, compassionate, redeeming, self-sacrificing.
Negative: needy, insecure, victim, vindictive, cold, overly-protective, martyr, escapist, paranoid.
Keywords for earth:
Positive: stable, practical, productive, skillful, problem solver, worker, responsible, realistic, logical,
Negative: stubborn, possessive, self-indulgent, critical, fastidious, narrow-minded, callous, pessimistic
Weakest element: 0 to 1 planet in element: This is where one lacks an element. These are people who have a need to over compensate for what they appear to lack.
Fire: pessimistic, apathetic, dis-engaging, depressed, unmotivated, lacks inspiration.
Air: subjective, unsociable, isolated, introverted, introspective, and simple-minded.
Water: insensitive, controlled, insulated, apathetic, impersonal, insecure, and unresponsive.
Earth: impractical, unrealistic, irresponsible, valueless, non-ambitious, unstable, compulsive.
This is a brief run down on weighing in the elements of a chart and as you can see the elements have to do with shaping the personality. Remember fire is spirit, air is mental, water is emotional and earth is physical or material.
The next beginner’s intermediate lesson is on weighing the modes or how the personality behaves. There are three modes that we will cover in the next lesson, cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Key 3 The Empress


The Empress
Key 3 is the first manifestation. The manifestation of form from thought. This thought comes from Key 2 the High Priestess which as we said before the subconscious mind which has been impregnated with self conscious mind by suggestion. Three is adding on to bringing more multiplication and abundance, increase, productivity, growth and understanding which with the higher mind understanding is the mind stuff of the High Priestess robe that is seen as a rives and a stream that is nurturing.
The Empress is the High Priestess in an active state of mind, she produces fecundity desire she is Mother Nature.
Path of Wisdom 14, this is the path through Chokman and Binah, on the Tree of Life. It is called Luminous Intelligence and the foundation of holiness. She is the order of thing that has been set by the subconscious mind. She sets apart all of our inductive reasoning separating the wheat from the chaff both the thoughts that generate beauty and greater harmony and also the thoughts that produce weeds that would strangle the environment but allow us to see the seeds that we have created for ourselves that is now multiplying in our world of the senses, the sense world of your experience. She is Illuminating and so she brings to light all that we have seeded by manifesting its results and consequences that we have chosen through time and space.
Letter D, is the Hebrew letter for Daleth and in Greek Delta which means “Door.” This symbol represents a passage a way of entrance and exit, in or out. The value of Daleth is the number 4 and is the fourth letter of the alphabet. The Door is that opening or the Womb of Life. “I stand at the Door and Knock and he who receives me, I shall enter therein.”
The door represents protection, conservation, preservation and safe-keeping. This mode is the idea of self preservation. She has the High Priestess is what gives up self-preservation. Because she is the Womb she is the storehouse of everything. She is the idea of form that all mind stuff takes shape. This store house of ideas that takes all form wards off all diseases and scarcities, all troubles. Here is where we start with self-development body and mind connection.
Life is a flow of what is Divine which is always seeking to find a way of expression or increasing the divine order or multiplication of its kind. It is the energy of spirit manifesting its idea into a form that is recognizable to Self and then when the form has served its purpose it returns again to its Source which is through the Door of Everything. 
Life in its Essence is formless that is why it created to take a form where it can see itself in the mirror. We are the mirror of creation.
Identity: The Empress is Mother of Ideas; she is the Generatrix the generator of all creative Idea. We are all an idea in the mind of our Creator Source. This idea is eternal and ever unfolding into infinity its infinite potential to be all things.
Direction: East- the point of sunrise, the dawn of higher consciousness. Remember this Door of the High Priestess does not stand alone for nothing stands alone all is one in everything and this everything that is nothing at the same time is the Kingdom. It is the Fathers House and in my Father’s house has many mansions.  The Door gives entrance to this House of Everything within and without.
Yellow background: Again this implies thought everything comes from a thought. All is mental, all is mind and what makes up all thought is Spirit and this Spirit or No-thing is absolute Limitless Light.
Astrologically: Venus is the planet assigned to this key, which is beauty, harmony the natural order of everything. It is fruitfulness and growth. Venus is always pregnant as is shown in other keys her pregnancy. She presides over child-birth and is a young mother-goddess and patroness of love, beauty and art.  As Venus she rules the sense of touch, and has much influence on desire-nature. She is the color green and the musical note F-sharp or G-flat.
Wisdom and Folly: is assigned to Daleth. Subconsciousness is a mode a subconscious response to the self-conscious interpretation and suggestion which determines if our ideas that we want to promote in our world of experience is Wisdom or Folly. This mode is not inductive but only deductive and cannot reason but only to do and bring form to whatever ideas enters its door.
The trees in the picture are cypress, evergreen myrtle leaves that form the wreath on her head and are sacred to Venus and are tokens of her immortality.
Yellow Hair:  This is represents her radiant or illuminating energy that is bound by the green leaves which is cosmic energy working at a subconscious energy level.
Crown of Stars: Each of the stars is six-pointed and shows her powers of the Macrocosmic world which are the laws of creation and the laws of heaven or divine order. Twelve of these stars signify the Zodiac which is archetypical ideas or patterns of Intelligence that are laws of fixed points of energy or consciousness within the Cosmos. These twelve Zodiacal sign are twelve modes of energy.
Scepter: This is the globe of our world or dominion over the physical plane shown by her scepter surmounted by a cross. The Venus symbol is up-side down again meaning dominion over the earth.
Pearls: Venus and the Moon are symbolized by pearls, seven of them are the original planets, strung in order at the door of her throat which represents creative power and again is ruled by Venus.
Shield: The shield is copper the metal of Venus which denotes the planet of love as her defense. Her defense is not resistance or inertia, but non-resistance, flowing energy that bend with the wind. Her desire nature is submission and the negative trend is reason for the fall. She was tempted by suggestion and submitted to desire falling into the dream consciousness and consequently identification with the material plane. Positively used this force can again be resurrected for good. This is the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. This is the sign of redemption. The shield has seven sides to show the number of Venus. The white eagle is the sign of regeneration.
Gown: Green is the color of her gown which is blue and yellow, active Intelligence and Love and Wisdom.
Triangle: The red triangle at her bodice is the letter Delta in the Greek and Daleth in the Hebrew showing the universal energy operating through the three modes of Consciousness, self consciousness, subconsciousness and Superconsciousness and is at the heart center or the center of everything.
Wheat: shown here is the symbol for multiplication or the original seed thought or idea which is growth.
Stone bench is an artifact of nature.
Biblical statement: “And a great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. “ She is the High Priestess in action and the consort of the Emperor which is the next key to be visited.

Tarot Key 0 The Fool

Tarot Key 0 The Fool
Number Zero: Cosmic Egg or undeveloped Potential of the All.
Path of Wisdom 11, the Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence, where with one comes face to face with the "Cause of Causes. "This is the Absolute defining the limited and is before any form as taken shape.
Letter A, in Hebrew “Aleph”, which means “ox,” a symbol for natural Creative Energy and motive Power.
Numerical Value of the letter Aleph is 1.
Element: AIR, one of the three Mother Letters.
Identity: Superconsciousness, or Spirit in search of experience; Pure Conscious Energy; Breath; Primal Will; the First Manifestation of Life Power, forever young. It is Limitless Light or Fiery Intelligence.
Astrologically: The planet Uranus, named from root word meaning “Heaven”. Ruler of Aquarius, of electricity, Space Age, and unfoldment of the God-given powers of Man.
Now let us back tract this information starting with the Idea that the Fool represent Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence or Creative Energy. The Fool is you personified as the highest aspect of Identity. It is you in the state of Superconsciousness knowing the past, present and the future all in one time. This is where you experience Self as Spirit which is omniscient or all Knowing. This Knowing is pure Conscious Energy.
Spirit is breath and breath or life force is the primal Will to be. It is the No Thing. Of its Self it is nothing and at the same time which can only be in the Present is Everything it is Changeless. It is Self Contained. Nothing can contain It, but It contains everything. It is the Primal Energy or Will to Good. It is the creative force of the universe and it is you Formless.
The letter value is one a Singularity and a New Beginning. It is completeness within Itself undifferentiated so not control by time or space.
Uranus is the planet for change, ultimate change unexpected change. It rules the Etheric Plane which is the space between everything which is Spirit or Life Energy. Because Uranus symbolizes Originality or original thought it is always expressing newness. It is always breaking down the status quo the sense of conventional reality. It represents universal Truth and Light. It is altruistic. It is Self Knowingness or Intuition.
Spirit is the still small voice that is not really small but it has been blotted out by the noise of the ego, so one needs to be come still again to hear it.
Meditation is a means to become still and listen to the Truth.
The Yellow background it radiant energy or prana and is used in breathing. Your breath in its natural state is the Breath of Spirit or God.
The White Sun; is Universal Radiant Energy which is the primal will to good and is Kether on the Tree of Life the first emanation of the Creative Force of the Universe. Kether is the Crown and is connected to the top of the head the Crown Chakra which is the door of the Holy Spirit. It is the Source of Limitless Light.
Uranus it the higher octave of Mercury and represents the Limitless light that see everything it creates and Knows Itself by what it creates. This Light is the motive power of the entire universe and all that is created. It is Love because it embraces everything it creates as Itself. It is also impersonal symbolized by the White Sun which lights up the whole Universe. This White Sun is the Central Power of the Universe and we all are one with this center or Christ. This Energy is the Flame that consumes everything and each of us is an eternal Spark of this radiating Energy.
In manifestation it would appear this energy is bound to all the Kingdoms of Nature temporarily. The vegetable kingdom is the green wreath binds the Fools fair hair. The hair is yellow which is air and Life breath and this is the process we all know as photo synthesis. We give the plants carbon dioxide and in turn they give us Oxygen. This is a creative exchange in which everything grows. Now, as the animal kingdom eats off of the plants they evolve from the vegetable kingdom is represented by the red feather which is desire. The feather in its highest correspondence or desire is Aspiration and universal Truth.
The cosmic Life Breath is forever young. It is neither male nor female so this figure of a fool is androgynous, the Heavenly Androgyne.
The Fool is always facing the unknown possibilities of self-expression, transcending any limitations of prior existences or life times.
There is something to remember about the difference between a separate will or personal will and a impersonal or universal will that is called the Will to Good or God’s Will and that is one is shared. The Will to good is the group Will and the human will is individual, but in Reality only in time which is a temporary illusion does the human will appear to exist. The Universal Will is always and is timeless.
In order assess universal will which is the very power of the universe one must be willing to share and when one stops sharing the power of the universe is cut off or damned and only to the degree one is able to make use of this will based on a limited idea of mind there will be the limited experience of time and space.
The Universal Will is a shared purpose for everyone and everything there is.
The Fool faces the North West which is the UnKnown and the sun is coming from the East the Known.
The Fool is gazing into the distance at a great height then below. He is gazing at future possibilities of what will be. He is That which was, and is, and shall be-the deathless, birthless, timeless and ageless Spirit and is forever young. It is the Life Principle , subsisting eternally behind the scenes of all modes of existence.
The inner robe of purity is white or ageless Wisdom. This is the White Light or rainbow energy.
ON the neck is the letters IHVH the Divine Name Jehovah is in three parts just like the letter Aleph is was and always will be. The white undergarment is concealed by the black coat of ignorance, lined with the red of passion and desire and is the element of fire and material force. The outer garment is embroidered with a floral design, but the unit of design is repeated ten times is a yellow wheel, containing eight spokes. Around the wheel are seven green trefoils.
The yellow color of the wheel represents air or breath. The eight spokes is the number eight, symbol of rhythm, with the color red, and refer to the rhythmic action of the fiery activity which sets the Life-Breath into whirling, wheeling motion.
The seven trefoils are green, color of organic life in the vegetable kingdom and particular color of the planet Venus which is Harmony. Each trefoil represents the “Seven Spirits of God,” or the seven personal planets in our solar system and also the Seven Rays of the universal creative energy. Each trefoil is in three expressions: integrating, equilibrating, and disintegrating or as in astrology: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
There are ten of these designs because there are ten phases or periods-ten ineffable numerations, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven,” as The Book of Formation says.
One of these wheels, near the bottom of the fools coat is placed the Hebrew character for the letter Shin. This letter and Aleph has the same correspondence for the fiery Life Breath or the Holy Spirit.
Besides the ten wheels, there is on the right breast of the Fool a yellow circle enclosing a triple flame of red. This represents the state of the Life-Breath prior to manifestation, when the universal energy (yellow disk), although it has triple potency of expression (the triple Flame) within itself, has not yet organized that potency into the rhythmic, whirling motion which is the basis of all modes of expression.
These three primordial state are what is known as Ayn Sof Aur, or Ayn as Nothingnes or No-thing, Ayn Sof, or Boundless or limitless and Ayn Sof Aur, as Nothing is Boundless Limitless Light. That is the Holy Trinity before anything manifest. The No-thing transcends everything. It is the Rootless root of all things. This is zero.
On the Fools left shoulder is showing a golden eight pointed star. Next to the star is the silver lunar crescent. These symbols stand for the Sun and the Moon or solar and lunar forces. In the Hindu language they stand for the solar as Surya, the hot, electric, solar current of Prana found in the Vedas or Hindu Scripture and is the same as breath and Ray, the cool, magnetic, lunar current of the same Prana.
These symbols recognized and the yin and yang or male and female polarities of the same force of being. The activity is personal and universal and is the nerve currents in the human body.
The black wand is a measuring tool and supports a wallet, having on the flap ten stitches sewn. The lock of this flap is an all seeing eye or the third eye and to witness the akashic records or the book of Life one must have the third eye open or the mind’s eye which sees all past, present and future all in one. Below the flap is the eagle. The ten stitches are the ten whirling forces. The wallet or purse is the Cosmic memory which is locked by the “All seeing eye and take higher vision to see into this Cosmic Memory and the ten stitches also represent ten levels of perception. The eagle is the sign of Scorpio and means sublimation of the creative force that recycles from one period to the next.
The wand is a symbol of the will, of which attention, the wand itself, is the essence, and to which memory, the wallet, is closely linked. this contains summed-up experiences or prior life times or existences both cosmically and personally. At the beginning of every new life cycle or self –expression, the Life-power carries with it the essence of all previous experiences or life cycles.
The Eagle and the wallet intimates pro-creation.
The rose in the hand of the Fool is white representing freedom from the lower forms of passion and desire. Because the rose is cultivated means the Fool has come from a developmental process evolutionary process of consciousness and desire.
The purple mountains in the background with the snow covered tops show previous attainments of prior life cycles.
At the waist the robe is circled by a girdle having twelve circular ornaments. of which seven are visible. This is referring to the twelve signs of the zodiac and of which seven are visible. This equates with the seven heavenly bodies as well as the “Seven Rays.” The girdle typifies Time, and in order to take off the garment of black or ignorance one must take off time too or the illusion of time. We replace time with eternity which is our birth place. We are eternal being girded in time. The timeless life is always the one present or the eternal Now which is the only time there really is.
Heaven is not a place but is the condition of what is Harmony. Heaven can only be experienced in the Here and Now or what is called this Holy Instant.
The citrine or olive of the Fool’s hose is the element of earth and is also the tenth numeration of life power on the Tree of Life called the “Kingdom,” Malkuth.
His shoes are yellow; again the life breath or the element of air that covers is understanding and is what moves him in consciousness.
The little dog which is tamed and friendly represents the purified Intellect which is the servant of the Spirit. The intellect is subordinate to Superconciousness.
The Fool also represents youthfulness or inexperience and when in manifestation that is what the fool desires in new experience in order to perfect and realize perfect oneness and wholeness with being.
Some biblical references to the Fool card are: “What is foolishness with man is wisdom with God, and what is foolishness with God is wisdom with man. “ “Before Abraham was I am.”

The first Mayan Prophecy

The First Mayan Prophecy

The first prophecy, which talks about the end of fear, says: our world of hate and materialism will end on Sat. Dec. 22, 2012. For that day humanity should choose between disappearing as a thinking species that threatens to destroy the planet, or evolve toward harmonious integration with the entire universe, with the understanding that everything is alive and conscious, that we are a part of that everything, and that we can exist in a new era of light.
The Mayas knew that our sun (Kinich-Ahau) is a live being which breathes, and that every so often it synchronizes itself with the enormous organism in which it exists. Based on their observations, the Mayas predicted that beginning on the date of its civilization (4 Ahau 8 Cumku), or from the year 3113 BC, to 5125 years into the future, on Sat. Dec. 22, 2012, the sun, upon receiving a strong synchronizing beam which will come from the center of the galaxy, will change its polarity and will produce a giant radiant flash
For the Mayas, the universal processes such as the breathing of the galaxy are cyclical and never change; what does change is the conscience of man which passes through them, always in a process towards Perfection. They tell us that changing times permit us to take a step up the ladder in the evolution of the conscience, directing us towards a new civilization which will manifest greater harmony and understanding for all human beings.
They predicted that until then, ever-increasing solar winds would appear in the sun; from 1992 humanity would enter in a last phase of great learning, great changes.
Humanity should be prepared to go through the door that the Mayas left open for us, transforming the current civilization based on fear into a vibration full of harmony. Only in an individual manner can the doorway be entered, to begin a new era, a sixth cycle of the sun.
They say that our own conduct of plundering and contaminating the planet actually helps to bring about these changes; that these changes will take place so that we learn how the universe functions and advance to higher levels, leaving behind materialism, thereby freeing ourselves of suffering.
The sacred Mayan book of Chilam Balam says: "In the thirteen 'Ahau' to the end of the final 'Katun', the 'itzá' will be swept away and 'Tanka' will roll in; there will be a time in which they will be immersed in darkness, and then the sign of their future will come from the sun; the earth will awaken from the north and from the west: the 'itzá' will awaken."
And that seven years after the start of the last "Katun", in other words in 1999, a period of darkness would begin that would confront us all with our own behavior. They said that the words of their priests would be heard by us all as a wake-up call.
We are living in an era of changes, so that man can face himself in the large room of mirrors, looking closely at himself and analyzing his conduct with himself, with others, with nature, and with the planet; an era for all humanity to make a conscious choice to change and eliminate fear and lack of respect in all our relationships.
Anabell Castañeda

also click on this link and scroll down to see videos of the hopi prophecies (interesting)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Key 2 The High Priestess

The High Priestess

Key 2: This is the Idea of reflection and duality, response and repetition, duplication, copying, re production and transcription. This is the receptive mode of consciousness or intelligence and represents the subconscious or subjective mind whether of the personality or the soul. This is memory in its highest Expression or it lowest bodily level of effect or manifestation. It is that which receives and in receiving duplicates or repeats what has been suggested. Whatever is received by the self consciousness the level of choice whether a true idea of a false notion it is planted in the subconscious mind only to repeat itself time and time again until it is uprooted and replace with a idea that is more in line with what is true.
The subconscious mind is the channel for telepathic communication whether received from a pure state of mind or one that is distorted but only by suggestion there is always the free will of choice in any matter or decision but the subconscious hold accountable any decision made and will reflect that decision in one’s experience or world.
Path of Wisdom: 13 is Uniting Intelligence which is the mode of travel for consciousness or any form of communication such as ideas or thoughts. It is the medium of communication between the personality and the soul and is where the soul and the personality become united as one or a unity. It is where we all experience each other not as two but as one mind. Think of the silvery moon reflected on the still waters. That reflection is the same as the subconscious mind being seen purely face to face or distorted because of unruly thoughts.
Hebrew letter: G is the Hebrew letter that stands for Gimel or camel. A camel is used for transportation from one place to another. It carries whatever is being transported and whatever the form may appear it is always a thought or idea in the Mind of God. Gimel is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This is a watery aspect of consciousness because water reflects carries and joins.
Identity: The High Priestess represents the soul because the soul carries all of the records of experience and life times of existence. The soul is the sheath and the vehicle of the Self or Spirit that is the Spark of the Eternal Flame.  She is the subconscious mind. She is also the Akashic record or the memory of Life. She is the Book of life which she carries as the Torah.
She is also the Cosmic Root substance Prakriti in Hindu Philosophy or what we call Cosmic mind stuff that everything is made of. Therefore She is pure. She can be called the Immaculate Conception. Her substance can be reflective as the Moon but remains in her Essence Virginal Purity.
She is the first Mother or first matter which is in essence the primordial matter of the entire Universe. She is Dianna the Moon goddess and is our feminine nature of our God being. She represents all virgin goddesses, Isis, Mary, etc.
Astrologically: The High Priestess is represented by the Moon which she wears as part of her crown that has a crescent on each side representing the cycles of the moon or repetition and where one of her feet is standing on the moon below which shows her power of mind.
In Revelations chapter 12, this is the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars and being with child cried, travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. These stars are the twelve zodiacal signs and this can suggest again the idea of cycle’s repetitive patterns. Unless we change our minds we are destined to repeat the same thing over and over again. Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different result.  ‘Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.’
The Moon is the seat of memory and is the subconscious mind that carries the memories from life time to life time only to choose once again freedom or bondage.
She is the third veil of Light, AUR, which is the Limitless Light shown by her white under gown.
The High Priestess is seated in the temple. The walls of the temple and her vestments are blue indicating the element of water the color for the Moon again representing the primary root substance or cosmic mind stuff.
The two pillars stand for duality and all pairs of opposites. Duality is in Reality a misapprehension of Oneness or unity. They only appear as opposites. There are not two realities but one a singular Reality just like the primal rootless root stuff, it is all Love.
The white pillar has the letter Yod the initial of the word Jachin on it symbolizing union or affirmation and the black pillar with the letter Beth initial of the word Boaz symbolizing negation, resistance, separation or inertia which is the power of mind to negate all activities or the change of mind otherwise there would be no change at all and we would always be bound by our thoughts. The High Priestess is the equilibrating power between affirmation and negation, yes and no.
At the base of these pillars is a cube which represents That which was, That which is and That will be.  The activity of the subconsciousness is based on the cube of space the basis for all that exist. The name of God is IHVH, Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh Jehovah or that which really exist and the numerical value of the name of God is the same for the cube of space. Ayn, Sof, Aur is the basis for all existence being nothingness, unlimited, limitless light.
The High Priestess wears a blue-white robe suggesting coldness and moisture which are the astrological properties of the Moon and characterizes water. The fold of the robe show a shimmering radiance like the moonlight on the water and then below the white pillar this garment flows out of the picture like a river or a stream of consciousness which is the source of all the rivers and the pools which appear throughout the major arcane and several subsequent major trumps.
The scroll on the woman’s lap is memory and in some versions it is a book half open meaning there is more to be revealed and again represents the “Book of Life.” The bible says that all the hairs on your head are numbered or have value referring to the Akasha. Subconsciousness is both personal and universal. This memory holds within it the whole cycle of universe becoming. Everything is accountable to Spirit. This book or scroll has the word “Torah,” which means the law not the law of man but the law of the universe. It hold the formula for who the universe operates and everything within it, planets, stars and any type of being that exist including human.
The solar cross of equal arms on the High Priestess breast shows the union of positive and negative, male and female, active and passive, originating and duplicating elements. This solar cross symbol is what covers the completion of the entire cycle represented by the twenty-tow Tarot Keys, because this cross of equal arms is the original form of the Hebrew letter Tav, which is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet represented by the Key 21 the World meaning completion.
Biblical statement: “Faith is the substance of things hoped-for.”
“The One Life only seemeth to divide itself. Becoming two; that in the Divine Mirror of Mind own substance innumerable images might show forth.”

Friday, March 19, 2010

The High Priestess (Wikipedia)

The High Priestess

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The High Priestess or The Popess (II) in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck
The High Priestess (II) is the second trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. This card is used in game playing as well as in divination.
In the first tarot pack with inscriptions, the 18th-century woodcut Marseilles Tarot, this figure is crowned with the Papal tiara and labelled "La Papesse", the Popess. For historians or heresiologists, such a figure suggests the supposed female equality practiced among the Cathar perfecti, who had been extirpated from Northern Italy and Southern France shortly before the Tarot first appeared at these locales. Some say that it referred to the legend of Pope Joan.[citation needed]



[edit] Description

In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, upon which many modern decks are based, The High Priestess wears plain blue robes and sits with her hands in her lap. She has a lunar crescent at her feet, a horned diadem centering a globe on her head and a large cross on her breast. The scroll in her hands, partly covered by her mantle, bears the word TORA. She is seated between the white and black pillars—'J' and 'B' for Jachin and Boaz—of the mystic Temple of Solomon. The veil of the Temple is behind her: it is embroidered with palm leaves and pomegranates. [1] Further behind all of that is what seems to be a body of water, most probably the sea.


  • Knowingness -- Love -- Relationships
  • Wisdom -- Sound judgment -- Serenity
  • Common sense --- Intuition
  • Mystical vision -- introspection -- otherworldliness

[edit] Alternative decks

In the Vikings Tarot the High Priestess is Frigg, the wife of Odin. She is sitting on a throne in a swamp, with her golden slippers emitting a blinding light from the hem of her dress.
In the Golden Tarot the High Priestess is portrayed as The Papess.
In the Mythic Tarot, created by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene, the High Priestess is portrayed by Persephone, descending a staircase into the Underworld, with the Earth behind her, dressed in white, and holding falling, white flowers. She holds up a pomegranate, both seen in her most famous myth and the Rider-Waite deck. The pillars beside her are the standard black (left) and white (right), and she also wears a crown, being the Queen of the Underworld.
The Osho Tarot calls this card Inner Voice and depicts it as a quiet person with a circle face in her center, holding a crystal in both hands and surrounded by two dolphins, a crescent-moon crown, and water.
The Asteroth Tarot depicts the High Priestess as bathed in the energy of the crescent moon.[2]

[edit] In pop culture


  1. ^ Juliet Sharman Burke (1985). The Complete Book of Tarot. London: Pan Books Ltd. ISBN 0 330 28974 8. 
  2. ^ the high priestess

[edit] External links

This article incorporates text from the public domain 1910 book Pictorial Key to the Tarot by Arthur Edward Waite. Please feel free to update the text.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tarot Key 0 The Fool

Tarot Key 0 The Fool
Number Zero: Cosmic Egg or undeveloped Potential of the All.
Path of Wisdom 11, the Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence, where with one comes face to face with the "Cause of Causes. "This is the Absolute defining the limited and is before any form as taken shape.
Letter A, in Hebrew “Aleph”, which means “ox,” a symbol for natural Creative Energy and motive Power.
Numerical Value of the letter Aleph is 1.
Element: AIR, one of the three Mother Letters.
Identity: Superconsciousness, or Spirit in search of experience; Pure Conscious Energy; Breath; Primal Will; the First Manifestation of Life Power, forever young. It is Limitless Light or Fiery Intelligence.
Astrologically: The planet Uranus, named from root word meaning “Heaven”. Ruler of Aquarius, of electricity, Space Age, and unfoldment of the God-given powers of Man.
Now let us back tract this information starting with the Idea that the Fool represent Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence or Creative Energy. The Fool is you personified as the highest aspect of Identity. It is you in the state of Superconsciousness knowing the past, present and the future all in one time. This is where you experience Self as Spirit which is omniscient or all Knowing. This Knowing is pure Conscious Energy.
Spirit is breath and breath or life force is the primal Will to be. It is the No Thing. Of its Self it is nothing and at the same time which can only be in the Present is Everything it is Changeless.  It is Self Contained. Nothing can contain It, but It contains everything. It is the Primal Energy or Will to Good. It is the creative force of the universe and it is you Formless.
The letter value is one a Singularity and a New Beginning. It is completeness within Itself undifferentiated so not control by time or space.
Uranus is the planet for change, ultimate change unexpected change. It rules the Etheric  Plane which is the space between everything which is Spirit or Life Energy.  Because Uranus symbolizes Originality or original thought it is always expressing newness. It is always breaking down the status quo the sense of conventional reality. It represents universal Truth and Light. It is altruistic. It is Self Knowingness or Intuition.
Spirit is the still small voice that is not really small but it has been blotted out by the noise of the ego, so one needs to be come still again to hear it.
Meditation is a means to become still and listen to the Truth.
The Yellow background it radiant energy or prana and is used in breathing. Your breath in its natural state is the Breath of Spirit or God.
The White Sun; is Universal Radiant Energy which is the primal will to good and is Kether on the Tree of Life the first emanation of the Creative Force of the Universe. Kether is the Crown and is connected to the top of the head the Crown Chakra which is the door of the Holy Spirit. It is the Source of Limitless Light.
Uranus it the higher octave of Mercury and represents the Limitless light that see everything it creates and Knows Itself by what it creates. This Light is the motive power of the entire universe and all that is created. It is Love because it embraces everything it creates as Itself. It is also impersonal symbolized by the White Sun which lights up the whole Universe. This White Sun is the Central Power of the Universe and we all are one with this center or Christ. This Energy is the Flame that consumes everything and each of us is an eternal Spark of this radiating Energy.
In manifestation it would appear this energy is bound to all the Kingdoms of Nature temporarily. The vegetable kingdom is the green wreath binds the Fools fair hair. The hair is yellow which is air and Life breath and this is the process we all know as photo synthesis. We give the plants carbon dioxide and in turn they give us Oxygen. This is a creative exchange in which everything grows.  Now, as the animal kingdom eats off of the plants they evolve from the vegetable kingdom is represented by the red feather which is desire.  The feather in its highest correspondence or desire is Aspiration and universal Truth.
The cosmic Life Breath is forever young. It is neither male nor female so this figure of a fool is androgynous, the Heavenly Androgyne.
The Fool is always facing the unknown possibilities of self-expression, transcending any limitations of prior existences or life times.
There is something to remember about the difference between a separate will or personal will and a impersonal  or universal will that is called the Will to Good or God’s Will and that is one is shared. The Will to good is the group Will and the human will is individual, but in Reality only in time which is a temporary illusion does the human will appear to exist. The Universal Will is always and is timeless.
In order assess universal will which is the very power of the universe one must be willing to share and when one stops sharing the power of the universe is cut off or damned and only to the degree one is able to make use of this will based on a limited idea of mind there will be the limited experience of time and space.
The Universal Will is a shared purpose for everyone and everything there is. 
The Fool faces the North West which is the UnKnown  and the sun is coming from the East the Known.
The Fool is gazing into the distance at a great height then below. He is gazing at future possibilities of what will be.  He is That which was, and is, and shall be-the deathless, birthless, timeless and ageless Spirit and is forever young. It is the Life Principle , subsisting eternally behind the scenes of all modes of existence.
The inner robe of purity is white or ageless Wisdom. This is the White Light or rainbow energy.
ON the neck is the letters IHVH  the Divine Name Jehovah is in three parts just like the letter Aleph is was and always will be.  The white undergarment is concealed by the black coat of ignorance, lined with the red of passion and desire and is the element of fire and material force. The outer garment is embroidered with a floral design, but the unit of design is repeated ten times is a yellow wheel, containing eight spokes. Around the wheel are seven green trefoils. 
The yellow color of the wheel represents air or breath. The eight spokes is the number eight, symbol of rhythm, with the color red, and refer to the rhythmic action of the fiery activity which sets the Life-Breath into whirling, wheeling motion.
The seven trefoils are green, color of organic life in the vegetable kingdom and particular color of the planet Venus which is Harmony. Each trefoil represents the “Seven Spirits of God,” or the seven personal planets in our solar system and also the Seven Rays of the universal creative energy.  Each trefoil is in three expressions: integrating, equilibrating, and disintegrating or as in astrology: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
There are ten of these designs because there are ten phases or periods-ten ineffable numerations, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven,” as The Book of Formation says.
One of these wheels, near the bottom of the fools coat is placed the Hebrew character for the letter Shin. This letter and Aleph has the same correspondence for the fiery Life Breath or the Holy Spirit.
Besides the ten wheels, there is on the right breast of the Fool a yellow circle enclosing a triple flame of red. This represents the state of the Life-Breath prior to manifestation,  when the universal energy   (yellow disk), although it has triple potency of expression (the triple Flame) within itself, has not yet organized that potency into the rhythmic, whirling motion which is the basis of all modes of expression.
These three primordial state are what is known as  Ayn  Sof Aur,  or Ayn as Nothingnes or No-thing, Ayn Sof, or Boundless or limitless and Ayn Sof Aur, as Nothing is Boundless Limitless Light. That is the Holy Trinity before anything manifest.  The No-thing transcends everything. It is the Rootless root of all things.  This is zero.
On the Fools left shoulder is showing a golden eight pointed star. Next to the star is the silver lunar crescent. These symbols stand for the Sun and the Moon or solar and lunar forces. In the Hindu language they stand for the solar as Surya, the hot, electric, solar current of Prana found in the Vedas or Hindu Scripture and is the same as breath and Ray, the cool, magnetic, lunar current of the same Prana.
These symbols recognized and the yin and yang or male and female polarities of the same force of being. The activity is personal and universal and is the nerve currents in the human body.
The black wand is a measuring tool and supports a wallet, having on the flap ten stitches sewn. The lock of this flap is an all seeing eye or the third eye and to witness the akashic records or the book of Life one must have the third eye open or the mind’s eye which sees all past, present and future all in one. Below the flap is the eagle. The ten stitches are the ten whirling forces. The wallet or purse is the Cosmic memory which is locked by the “All seeing eye and take higher vision to see into this Cosmic Memory and the ten stitches also represent ten levels of perception. The eagle is the sign of Scorpio and means sublimation of the creative force that recycles from one period to the next.
The wand is a symbol of the will, of which attention, the wand itself, is the essence, and to which memory, the wallet, is closely linked. this contains summed-up experiences or prior life times or existences both cosmically and personally.  At the beginning of every new life cycle or self –expression, the Life-power carries with it the essence of all previous experiences or life cycles.
The Eagle and the wallet intimates pro-creation.
The rose in the hand of the Fool is white representing freedom from the lower forms of passion and desire. Because the rose is cultivated means the Fool has come from a developmental process evolutionary process of consciousness and desire.
The purple mountains in the background with the snow covered tops show previous attainments of prior life cycles.
At the waist the robe is circled by a girdle having twelve circular ornaments. of which seven are visible.  This is referring to the twelve signs of the zodiac and of which seven are visible. This equates with the seven heavenly bodies as well as the “Seven Rays.”    The girdle typifies Time, and in order to take off the garment of black or ignorance one must take off time too or the illusion of time. We replace time with eternity which is our birth place. We are eternal being girded in time. The timeless life is always the one present or the eternal Now which is the only time there really is.
Heaven is not a place but is the condition of what is Harmony. Heaven can only be experienced in the Here and Now or what is called this Holy Instant.
The citrine or olive of the Fool’s hose is the element of earth and is also the tenth numeration of life power on the Tree of Life called the “Kingdom,” Malkuth.
His shoes are yellow; again the life breath or the element of air that covers is understanding and is what moves him in consciousness.
The little dog which is tamed and friendly represents the purified Intellect which is the servant of the Spirit. The intellect is subordinate to Superconciousness.
The Fool also represents youthfulness or inexperience and when in manifestation that is what the fool desires in new experience in order to perfect and realize perfect oneness and wholeness with being.
Some biblical references to the Fool card are: “What is foolishness with man is wisdom with God, and what is foolishness with God is wisdom with man. “ “Before Abraham was I am.”