Thursday, June 5, 2008


June 5, 2008 Sun/Gemini Moon/Cancer

Into His Presence would I enter now.

This Presence I would like to call God is all around and everywhere. Within and without. God is immanent meaning within. The Self that God is, is in you and is you now. This Self that is in you and is you is the God within, the immanent God and is the Presence within.

God is also infinite and that means God or the ever pervading Spirit is in all things. God is right here and now and is everywhere and here at the same time. Gods Spirit pervades all things and is the nature of everything there is.

To breathe in is to breathe in the breath of God. The breath of God is in Hebrew Ruach and is the same word for Spirit. In Sanscript the word for breath is Prana and is the same word for Spirit. The Spirit gives life to everything and everything is animated by this Breath or Spirit that pervade all things. It is the energy of God which is Love. God as it says in the scripture is closer then hands and feet. It is within you and is you. I and the Father are One. Meaning it is the Self same Spirit inseparatable.

Now all paths eventually lead to the Spirit within. All true paths lead to your guide or that which speaks for you in the Silence, the Truth of your being. Whatever you choose to call this guidance one must learn to trust in one’s guidance on every word that comes from its mouth or center of being.

Man has been seeking the truth or some form of guidance to help man for since time began and the reason man finds it not is because he is looking for it where it is not to be found. It is not to be found in a book. It is not to be found in the desert or under a rock or a stone. It is not to be found in some secret code. The Truth to be found is found within you. Seek where the Truth is to be found and not somewhere else where it is not to be found.

Now if you find someone who has found the Truth listen to him and follow him and if he lead you to where the truth is to be found which is within you then you have found a true teacher.But if he leads you away from the Truth and instead lead you to him. Then he is not a true teacher.

The same with any religion or so called spiritual path or discipline. Does it lead you to the Truth within? Then you have found a true path and when you have arrived at a point where you have found the Truth itself then let that be your guidance and if you have lost your way again remember the path that lead you to the truth and walk ye again on it until you have arrived at the Truth and now it is a direct experience that you have entered in and now the Truth has shown itself to you as what the Truth is and because you now KNOW the Truth for what it is you have become free of what the Truth is not, illusion.

Let now the Truth present itself to you each moment as it unfolds as a revelation to you and as you for you are the Truth that you seek and the Knowledge of the Truth that you seek is within you.

There is a place a meeting place where you will meet the Truth and It will meet you. It is at that place that the Knower become Known and within becomes without and ye are One. Find it now!

I find that place within the Silence where I stand naked before the Truth or the Presence of the Truth and with my hands, my heart and my mind I stand open before the Knowledge of the Truth of what I call the God within being me now, not knowing what the Truth will be, nor what the filling of the Spirit of the Truth and how it will now dawn upon me as it once again illuminates and inspires my mind and what is within.

I stand at the Door of Wisdom and Truth and Knock and he who desireth to enter in, I will in no wise prevent and I will welcome him with joy and peace and with open arms of love for one of my children have come home at last.

Once you have chosen to embark on that one and only Path that leads your way home there will be guide there to comfort you and show you the Way and that guide can only be the Spirit of Truth that will lead you through the Door of eternal and everlasting life into eternity which is your true resting place in all of the Universe of being.

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