Which Path is Right? The crossroads of transformation is where we stand at every moment of our life. The future is never determined in advance-it unfolds with each decision and choice that we make. The energy we resonate at and connect with determines the opportunities we will see as possibilities for choices. What feels right for us at one point may, upon review, seem like the worst possible path we could have taken. After what can seem like so many dead ends, how do we know which path is right?
What is right and best for us at one moment is not always the same over time. For example, the choices you made when you were 18 are not the same ones you would make at 40. But that is only because you have lived with the results of your past choices and know the outcome of certain decisions. When those outcomes do not bring us what we desire we judge them as wrong and that creates even more problems for us because no decision is ever wrong-we can only choose what we think is possible for us at that moment in time. And that always changes.
There is no 'right' path on our spiritual journey and our path will not be straight, it will twist and turn, wind through different experiences with the goal of ensuring that we learn the lessons of our soul contract. Instead of judging our experiences, we gain insight, move towards enlightenment and increase our range of options by reviewing what we learned, how and why we chose that particular option and what our expectations were at that time. Then we have information we can use for the next decision. Another crossroads of transformation will always be available and we can choose differently the next time.
It can feel like we make decisions that take us backwards, re-visiting experiences and going over old ground that we thought we had already covered. Perhaps we did but we may need to learn another aspect of that lesson. We can't be in a hurry with this process, there is no timeline or deadline, there is no end of the journey. As we approach each crossroads of transformation we can take our time, review our options, expand our vision of our power and possibilities and then choose something that will serve our highest good at that moment. When we are ready for a different turn on our path, to move in another direction, we will have an opportunity to choose again. | The Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show The time of the show has changed to 8PM US Central time. The next Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, June 11 at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. This week we will discuss the June article, the June 9 newsletter, and I will be giving free short readings to callers. Click here for show details and to download or listen to this and previous shows. |
| The Decision Point After hearing of several serious illnesses and the sudden death of a friend this past week I thought about the number of people I know who have died in the past ten years. And these are young people, most under the age of 50, some of whom died without warning and whose deaths were a shock to those who knew them. We are arriving at a decision point, where many people are choosing to leave this plane; others are choosing to experience life changing illnesses as part of their soul contract.
I use the word 'choosing' deliberately because we all choose our life path, even the decision to cross over is a choice. Many Lightworkers feel their time here is finished, others have struggled with their journey and have decided that they can no longer serve in this capacity. Others are not happy with their life choices and want to start over. The loneliness and struggle of the Shift have been difficult for all of us and carrying the energy of the earth and matrix changes has been a demanding, never-ending burden . For some, the burden has bee more than they can take and they are now choosing to leave.
The choice of illness is a little more difficult to understand-why would anyone choose to be sick? But those I know who have had life-threatening, chronic or lingering illnesses have been irrevocably changed by the experience. And those around them have as well. Many of them have served through their illnesses, by opening vortexes of compassion, allowing others to heal and grow through their care and concern for another. Some of those who choose illness do so because they have moved so far from their soul contract that their illness stops them in their tracks and allows them to re-center and reconsider their life choices.
These are not easy times and we are all faced with decisions to move closer to Source and the light or not, to choose to raise our vibrations or not. There is no right or wrong choice, there are no good or bad decisions. Whatever we choose is right for us, just as whatever others choose is right for them. All we can do is honor others' decisions, even if they do not make sense to us, knowing that they have chosen what is right and best for them. We can simply follow our own guidance and know that all is in divine order and there is perfection in everything.
Is Spiritual Mentoring right for you?
| Uriel's Message -- The Space of Not Knowing As you complete one lesson and prepare for another you are in a space of 'not knowing', unaware of what will happen next and unsure of the next step to take. This is a powerful place as it is the place of unlimited potential and pure possibility. It is also a place of great fear when you view it from an emotional level because your mind has nothing it can connect to, there are no memories of the past in this space and no emotion. What you can do in this place is unlimited; what you often do is step back into the past, back to what is known and understood.
Many of your lessons involve healing the emotions and karma attached to them. These are very familiar places for you, where you know what will happen next because it is what has happened during the course of many lifetimes. You have spent lifetimes ruled and led by your emotions, emotional responses and the results you know you will obtain with them. Being in the space of 'not knowing' challenges you to be led by spirit, where there is balance between emotion and spirit and you are able to choose your responses instead of reacting to them. This is the space where karma does not exist and where you can move from creating karma to allowing it to end. There is still emotion but there is no drama.
The mind will create drama in order to be in the place where it knows what will happen next. The space of not knowing challenges you to manifest the next step from your dreams and desires, manifesting the reality from a heart space, instead of creating an emotional situation that will be your next lesson. The mind and emotions remember the past, spirit only knows the present moment. The next step for you is the future, you have a choice as to whether it will resemble the past or be something completely different, depending on whether it was created from the mind or from spirit. When making this decision, remember that karma is part of the emotions that you remember.
You powerfully create each moment in your reality. Can you use your power to create peace and joy and trust that it will be wonderful or will you create from the past and all of its lessons? This is the challenge for you as Lightworkers, to learn this so you can spread this knowing to humanity. The space of not knowing is where fear can take over, remind you of your powerlessness. Allow spirit to step in, to hear its calm voice of reassurance and gentle reminder that you are a child of the Creator, powerful beyond your imagining and you hold the key to creating a reality that reflects your greatness, divinity and the unconditional love that is your divine birthright if you will stand quietly in the space of 'not knowing' and wait for the voice of spirit to guide you.
Read more about Archangel Uriel
| Finding Your Creative Voice Everyone who has the Indigo and Crystal energy, including the adults and younger generations who carry this vibration, is highly creative and gifted. These gifts exist on many levels and can range from music, art, photography, writing, drama, speaking, working with computers to being insightful, and having high levels of spiritual awareness. Everyone has different gifts, to a different degree and Indigos and Crystals will search for a way to express themselves in a creative way, often not finding peace and satisfaction until they do.
There is so much emphasis on external 'being' in our society, being successful, wealthy, popular and being able to do in a way that others can copy or be comfortable with, that when we start from a point of 'being' different, we have a hard time finding that place where we see our unique gifts and talents as valuable. The constant pressure to be the same as others, to be what they can be comfortable with, can make Indigos and Crystals feel that they have nothing to offer and that their abilities are not on par with those of others or are not important.
Each Indigo and Crystal brings their energy to whatever they do. And their energy is very healing and transformative. So it is important that they find their creative voice, find an outlet for their energy so they can spread this vibration to others. Many are doing that and there are opportunities for the younger Indigos and Crystals that have never existed before. Young artists and musicians are making their mark on the world and are being celebrated for their talents. But for the older Indigos and Crystals, who have lived with the stigma of being 'different' for years, there is still work to do.
The world needs this energy more now than ever before, so I encourage each of you to find and express your creative voice, no matter what that entails. You could write the next great book, song or paint the next wonderful painting. You could create a new type of healing modality, work with animals, children or even prisoners. Whatever you are called to do is where your creative voice resides. Be bold, take that step, find a resource to support to help you, become familiar with every available Internet resource to publish or promote your work-and there are many. Your energy resides in whatever your passion is and that is your gift to the world. Encourage your children-and yourself-to find your creative voice and you will help move humanity into the next levels of vibration and bless the world with your gifts. | |
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