Sunday, May 25, 2008



Moon in Aquarius (Memory of Etheric Vision or the Heavenly Vision of our Father, Infinite Mind in Heaven.)

It is good to be here in this way again and share with you from that centered place the inspirations I am feelings at this time. One of the things that I am more aware of in this youthing process is coming back not only into the awareness of my right Mind the Holy Spirit, but also coming into the awareness of a perfect body once again. One way I am realizing my body perfect is by consciously and with full intent loving it for what it is.

I am saying to my self as I am loving my body. I love you eyes and I love my seeing which is a reflection of what is the Divine seeing in me and in my own mind which is a part of Gods. I love you ears forhearing for me all this time all that I have needed to hear and how perfect my hearing is to hear the Voice for truth. I love your brain as the organ of translsation and the storing of thought. I love all of you brain cells that are infinitely perfect and I love all the cells of my body right now as infinitely perfect expressions of the Divinity with in and my perfect individuality that has been designed perfectly with in a Divine Mind and that alway was and so is now.

My mind hold only what I think with God . I love my whole body all of the organs that I have. My heart I love you, my lungs, I love you.

I visit each part of my body and I hold it in my mind at the highest level in which I am perceiving my Self as Light and Love. My body is life, living love. I give thanks for my body for all service it has given to me and all of the experiences it has allowed me to have and will continue having. I am thankful for the body I have. I can see it all in light. I can see my body as a body of light golden white and I can feel the consciousness I am experiencing with my body enfold and expand at the same time and I can feel the inner realms as I am transported there in mind. It is a wonderful feeling to feel that being within connect with you in your consciousness or mind.

My message to you is to witness for your body lovingly as you would love a child that is in your arms and that you are Fathering or Mothering and tending to its individual needs. Love your body as you would love your self and if you see a imperfection in it heal it and love it and see its perfection and know that it is only in your limited perception of mind that you are seeing it that way and remind your self that is is not that way and tell each of you cells you love them dearly just like little children or your little brood. It is all of you and each cell in your body is an aspect of what you are being and identifies clearly your individuality that spark of light that is an emanation or a cell within the mind or body of your Creator.

I was having a dream this morning that I would wake up from and then go back to it and it would recur again and again. Now my dreams have evolved in the sense when i am aware of my self or my body as flying, instead of flapping my arms. I am with just my intent of will can levitate or transport myself through the air.

I am now more and more aware of an inner realm where I can be transported or I can at will transport my self and it is getting more familiar now and comfortable to be there then it was before. I am feeling more at home in this other realm then I feel in the world three dimensionally speaking. It does not feel foreign to me as before or even alien, but I am feeling right at home and I feel also in my awareness and i can picture certain figures that are there with me that I am not alone on this journey.

Now to continue that conversation with my guide I know as Shamballa I have asked the question about be transported or having a appearance with them either I am appearing to them where they are at, or they are appearing to me where I am at. No matter there is a appearance or a visitation taking place. I now leave it open to Shamballa to speak.

Greetings from the celestial realm of being. I am Shamballa and I am happy to be with you all in this way. Some of you may know be or heard of me before either through Jonathan or some other of my students on the Path.

I am also Known as DK in other circles and with Jonathan he has known me for a long time before this life and knows me by the name of Shamballa because that relates to our relationship before this incarnation.

Shamballa is a place both in the celestial realms and also on the earth. It is also another name for Shangri la or a place where you never die or grow old or become sick and as long as your stay there you will remain in your youth. That describes what the celestial ream is all bout being freem of any decay or degeneration.

You have different names for this realm one being Heaven and the other Nirvana. I am here to tell you that these are only names for something that is nearer your hands and feet and is in truth right where you are at right now. It is your home and your birth place even though in reality your are even now birthless, ageless and deathless. You are the fountain of youth that in your world of the senses a certain explorer was looking for.

The fountain of youth is at the very root or source of your being and there you are forever young and new fresh as a spring or pure mountain water .

This idea of visiting us the Awakened Ones is really a shift of awareness from a 3D point of view to a 4D point of view. It is looking beyond your physical sight and what appears you are seeing and opening up to the idea of something more there to see.

As I said before there is a place in your mnds eyes which is located above the brow which is a window of the soul and where one can peer into the infinite space beyond such as where we gather and where i am speaking from or sending thought to now one of my receivers Jonathan.

Now any of us if your are willing to let go of your definitions of time and space for a moment will assist you in visiting us or you can invite us into your own front room. We are availalble because we want so much to converse with you at your table in in your living space as you would do with any friend or guest that you have invited in.

You may also visit us at one of our conclaves and transport your body with you. It is done all the time even though some of your may not be aware of it just yet. This mode of travel is really no more different then getting in your vechicle of choice and traveling to your destination.

There are other vehicles of choice that you can use to transport your self and not just an automobile or a plane, but your own thought and intent and your willingness to allow your self to be moved in this way. This kind of movement is at the speed of thought. It is to coin one of your phrases instantaneous.

Instead of where you are seeing in a living room space with your eyes and are so much familiar with as your particualar reference point at this time, or where you are looking out the window at some familiar scene that you have seen before. Here you are looking through a different window or the mirror of your own mind or awareness and you are inhabiting a difference space in mind because all you really know is expereinced from that vantage point of infinite mind or infinite awareness. it is only localized because of the reference points you are trying to establish as your physical reality.

But look, even though you appear to be localized in this one sitting room there is in your home other rooms or points of awareness that can bring familiarity or memory back to your mind. Even though every thing appears defined or localized it is really from a universal vantage point infinite and can be experience any where in your universe at the very core or root of your being as being there now.

So your want to visit yonder star will in reality the star is a aspect of your consciousness which is in reality an aspect of the Consciousness of the whole of Everthing.

What is needed then is a willingness on your part to allow your consciouness or your reference point to expand and allow the movement of your thought that you are envisioning such as yonder star to take your self there instantly.

An exercise that will assist you that Jonathan has experienced time and time again is to sit in your room and look beyond the walls of your room. Now you are not looking through the walls, but beyond them. You are in fact placing your consciousness or your awareness in that other room and then looking in that room just as you where looking in the room you appear to be in before.

This of course takes some practice and some allowance of time but if you will begin to do it we on what you call this side will assist you by helping to expand your consciousness with light which will act as a vehicle of a new consciousness to dawn in your mind.

Now to end this session as your become familiar with this new territory and explore it more and more your will begin to see things you have not seen before and will become more in focus just like adjusting the lens of a camera you are adjusting the lens of your new perception. We are looking to see all of you there again and consciously with your whole self and being.

One other thing we also visit your in the dream worlds and in your sleep you do visit us though you may as yet not be able to bring back the memory of that ocasion, but as you visit us in a more conscious way and with the full intent to travel you will realize that you have been here with us before and that in a real sense have never left.

We here at Shamballa are looking forward to meeting with you again and remember we are even closer then your hands and feet.

Signing off with love and admiration for you all Shamballa.

Edited by phoenixinspirit888 2008-05-25 9:47 AM

You are neither behind the point of perfection nor are you advancing toward it. You are at the point of perfection and it is from there you must understand your self from.

Namaste The Divinity in me greets the Divinity in you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want another opinion