Friday, March 12, 2010

Tarot Key 1 Magician

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tarot Key 1 Magician

Tarot Key 1 Magician
This is a mental key and because it is a major key which always represents some aspect of the soul or Spirit it is all inclusive. Remember the 22 major keys represent the soul or Spirit and they are immutable and unchangeable. They are eternal principles or laws of being.
This card is the conscious mind and how the conscious mind operates within the Mind of God or Divine Mind. It is the mind of choice. Nothing happens in your experience unless a choice is made either of a spiritual nature or material. The wand represents where ones attention is. Attention is where one experiences his choices which start out as an idea in the mind of God and then expressed as a thought which if accepted will manifest in the world of experience.
This is You in your conscious aspect of Self. There is a conscious, subconscious and superconscious relationship of mind or consciousness. The Fool is you in your Superconscious aspect of Self and the High Priestess is You in your subconscious aspect which is memory.
The color yellow in the background is mental because on this level of mind all is mental that is a universal principle of mind.
The Magician is Mercury messenger of the Gods and He is able to transmute the lower elements in to the Higher and its wand points to Heaven which is Key 0
Each one of these Keys or Divine attributes which is based on the 22 letters of the Hebrew  alphabet symbolize consciousness or Intelligences that are Divine Activiies that are in Universal  Idea that are in motion.
This key is thought to be the Intelligence of Transparency meaning the mind is transparent and when it is purified by right thought based on Divine Idea and is still it reflects perfectly one’s Divine Relationship with the All.  The Light is the Truth of what is being, because it is the visibility and the tangibility of what is Real Spirit or Infinite Mind. With this Key one can be a perfect channel of Divine Inspiration or Intuition which makes everything whole or seen whole.
There is a relation between Lilly’s and the Roses. The lilies represent Divine Ideas that come from the Fool or the Superconsciousness and are able to transmute the lower order where human desire is experienced and its effect on the material plane.
This is the card of choice or attention. It is the objective mind with the desire to know itself or the Truth of Mind. It is also the Co-Creator card with God. 
With the wrong choice there also comes identification with what one chooses makes for illusion and the dream. With the proper choice based on discernment of what is Real one immediately dispels illusion.
This is the Idea of having creative power to manifest Self through Divine Ideas is what is behind this Key! This again helps to understand the basis of the Tarot on the Tree of life the Star of David. This 6 pointed star illustrates the axiom, “As above, so below and as below so above or what is within is without until you experience the last key of the world all is one.
The colors are very significant in the Tarot as well as the symbols and in this case we see a figure in white with a robe in red. White is purity of mind and red is Mars which is activity meaning and action must take place before anything can manifest. The action is choice.
The green leaves are growth and the white or gold wand is also purified in terms of the direction the Magician attention is on.
The infinity symbol above the Magician is an eternal idea and means that The Self that the Magician really is, is timeless and the Magician is also wearing a belt or is girded with a symbol of the snake swallowing its tail.
Mind is eternal as Spirit and so everything there is in creation is an eternal Idea in the mind that caused it to be.  What is not timeless or eternal does not really exist only as an illusion which is temporal and therefore can be changed into the perfect Idea that the illusion is a distortion of. All illusions are misperceptions of what is true or distortion from the Truth.
An example would be light is Truth. It is always there though temporarily hidden by clouds or ignorance. Darkness cannot over see the Light, but Light oversees the darkness. Light is truth, darkness is illusion.
Ask yourself what is the Truth in Everything. What is eternal and what is not. Let your thoughts be ordered by what is truth, learn discrimination. Let every unhappy or fearful thought be replaced by a happy thought which can be learned by the Holy Spirit or the Superconscious State of Mind.
The tablein the Key  is earthy and so everything takes place on the material plane.It holds on it four
These four symbols also represent the four elements. The Wand is Fire of Ideas, Swords are air or thoughts and the sword is double edge meaning lower order of thought and higher order of thought. The Cups are water or emotions and feelings. Feelings are responses from within and emotions are reaction to what is without. Pentacles are Earth and it is what you materialize and your control over the material plane.
This Key is all about what you are manifesting, Divine Order  or opposite  chaos.
This is the key of creative power and who you use it or abuse it one leads to Mastery and the other to being mastered.
This is the Hebrew letter Beth which means House or shelter. Your mind holds everything you think and is where everything is experienced. All takes place within. There is nothing without.  The Magician is a personification and a vehicle of Light.  Everything that the Magician is comes from the Fool.

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