Friday, March 26, 2010

Tarot Key 0 The Fool

Tarot Key 0 The Fool
Number Zero: Cosmic Egg or undeveloped Potential of the All.
Path of Wisdom 11, the Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence, where with one comes face to face with the "Cause of Causes. "This is the Absolute defining the limited and is before any form as taken shape.
Letter A, in Hebrew “Aleph”, which means “ox,” a symbol for natural Creative Energy and motive Power.
Numerical Value of the letter Aleph is 1.
Element: AIR, one of the three Mother Letters.
Identity: Superconsciousness, or Spirit in search of experience; Pure Conscious Energy; Breath; Primal Will; the First Manifestation of Life Power, forever young. It is Limitless Light or Fiery Intelligence.
Astrologically: The planet Uranus, named from root word meaning “Heaven”. Ruler of Aquarius, of electricity, Space Age, and unfoldment of the God-given powers of Man.
Now let us back tract this information starting with the Idea that the Fool represent Fiery or Scintillating Intelligence or Creative Energy. The Fool is you personified as the highest aspect of Identity. It is you in the state of Superconsciousness knowing the past, present and the future all in one time. This is where you experience Self as Spirit which is omniscient or all Knowing. This Knowing is pure Conscious Energy.
Spirit is breath and breath or life force is the primal Will to be. It is the No Thing. Of its Self it is nothing and at the same time which can only be in the Present is Everything it is Changeless. It is Self Contained. Nothing can contain It, but It contains everything. It is the Primal Energy or Will to Good. It is the creative force of the universe and it is you Formless.
The letter value is one a Singularity and a New Beginning. It is completeness within Itself undifferentiated so not control by time or space.
Uranus is the planet for change, ultimate change unexpected change. It rules the Etheric Plane which is the space between everything which is Spirit or Life Energy. Because Uranus symbolizes Originality or original thought it is always expressing newness. It is always breaking down the status quo the sense of conventional reality. It represents universal Truth and Light. It is altruistic. It is Self Knowingness or Intuition.
Spirit is the still small voice that is not really small but it has been blotted out by the noise of the ego, so one needs to be come still again to hear it.
Meditation is a means to become still and listen to the Truth.
The Yellow background it radiant energy or prana and is used in breathing. Your breath in its natural state is the Breath of Spirit or God.
The White Sun; is Universal Radiant Energy which is the primal will to good and is Kether on the Tree of Life the first emanation of the Creative Force of the Universe. Kether is the Crown and is connected to the top of the head the Crown Chakra which is the door of the Holy Spirit. It is the Source of Limitless Light.
Uranus it the higher octave of Mercury and represents the Limitless light that see everything it creates and Knows Itself by what it creates. This Light is the motive power of the entire universe and all that is created. It is Love because it embraces everything it creates as Itself. It is also impersonal symbolized by the White Sun which lights up the whole Universe. This White Sun is the Central Power of the Universe and we all are one with this center or Christ. This Energy is the Flame that consumes everything and each of us is an eternal Spark of this radiating Energy.
In manifestation it would appear this energy is bound to all the Kingdoms of Nature temporarily. The vegetable kingdom is the green wreath binds the Fools fair hair. The hair is yellow which is air and Life breath and this is the process we all know as photo synthesis. We give the plants carbon dioxide and in turn they give us Oxygen. This is a creative exchange in which everything grows. Now, as the animal kingdom eats off of the plants they evolve from the vegetable kingdom is represented by the red feather which is desire. The feather in its highest correspondence or desire is Aspiration and universal Truth.
The cosmic Life Breath is forever young. It is neither male nor female so this figure of a fool is androgynous, the Heavenly Androgyne.
The Fool is always facing the unknown possibilities of self-expression, transcending any limitations of prior existences or life times.
There is something to remember about the difference between a separate will or personal will and a impersonal or universal will that is called the Will to Good or God’s Will and that is one is shared. The Will to good is the group Will and the human will is individual, but in Reality only in time which is a temporary illusion does the human will appear to exist. The Universal Will is always and is timeless.
In order assess universal will which is the very power of the universe one must be willing to share and when one stops sharing the power of the universe is cut off or damned and only to the degree one is able to make use of this will based on a limited idea of mind there will be the limited experience of time and space.
The Universal Will is a shared purpose for everyone and everything there is.
The Fool faces the North West which is the UnKnown and the sun is coming from the East the Known.
The Fool is gazing into the distance at a great height then below. He is gazing at future possibilities of what will be. He is That which was, and is, and shall be-the deathless, birthless, timeless and ageless Spirit and is forever young. It is the Life Principle , subsisting eternally behind the scenes of all modes of existence.
The inner robe of purity is white or ageless Wisdom. This is the White Light or rainbow energy.
ON the neck is the letters IHVH the Divine Name Jehovah is in three parts just like the letter Aleph is was and always will be. The white undergarment is concealed by the black coat of ignorance, lined with the red of passion and desire and is the element of fire and material force. The outer garment is embroidered with a floral design, but the unit of design is repeated ten times is a yellow wheel, containing eight spokes. Around the wheel are seven green trefoils.
The yellow color of the wheel represents air or breath. The eight spokes is the number eight, symbol of rhythm, with the color red, and refer to the rhythmic action of the fiery activity which sets the Life-Breath into whirling, wheeling motion.
The seven trefoils are green, color of organic life in the vegetable kingdom and particular color of the planet Venus which is Harmony. Each trefoil represents the “Seven Spirits of God,” or the seven personal planets in our solar system and also the Seven Rays of the universal creative energy. Each trefoil is in three expressions: integrating, equilibrating, and disintegrating or as in astrology: cardinal, fixed and mutable.
There are ten of these designs because there are ten phases or periods-ten ineffable numerations, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven,” as The Book of Formation says.
One of these wheels, near the bottom of the fools coat is placed the Hebrew character for the letter Shin. This letter and Aleph has the same correspondence for the fiery Life Breath or the Holy Spirit.
Besides the ten wheels, there is on the right breast of the Fool a yellow circle enclosing a triple flame of red. This represents the state of the Life-Breath prior to manifestation, when the universal energy (yellow disk), although it has triple potency of expression (the triple Flame) within itself, has not yet organized that potency into the rhythmic, whirling motion which is the basis of all modes of expression.
These three primordial state are what is known as Ayn Sof Aur, or Ayn as Nothingnes or No-thing, Ayn Sof, or Boundless or limitless and Ayn Sof Aur, as Nothing is Boundless Limitless Light. That is the Holy Trinity before anything manifest. The No-thing transcends everything. It is the Rootless root of all things. This is zero.
On the Fools left shoulder is showing a golden eight pointed star. Next to the star is the silver lunar crescent. These symbols stand for the Sun and the Moon or solar and lunar forces. In the Hindu language they stand for the solar as Surya, the hot, electric, solar current of Prana found in the Vedas or Hindu Scripture and is the same as breath and Ray, the cool, magnetic, lunar current of the same Prana.
These symbols recognized and the yin and yang or male and female polarities of the same force of being. The activity is personal and universal and is the nerve currents in the human body.
The black wand is a measuring tool and supports a wallet, having on the flap ten stitches sewn. The lock of this flap is an all seeing eye or the third eye and to witness the akashic records or the book of Life one must have the third eye open or the mind’s eye which sees all past, present and future all in one. Below the flap is the eagle. The ten stitches are the ten whirling forces. The wallet or purse is the Cosmic memory which is locked by the “All seeing eye and take higher vision to see into this Cosmic Memory and the ten stitches also represent ten levels of perception. The eagle is the sign of Scorpio and means sublimation of the creative force that recycles from one period to the next.
The wand is a symbol of the will, of which attention, the wand itself, is the essence, and to which memory, the wallet, is closely linked. this contains summed-up experiences or prior life times or existences both cosmically and personally. At the beginning of every new life cycle or self –expression, the Life-power carries with it the essence of all previous experiences or life cycles.
The Eagle and the wallet intimates pro-creation.
The rose in the hand of the Fool is white representing freedom from the lower forms of passion and desire. Because the rose is cultivated means the Fool has come from a developmental process evolutionary process of consciousness and desire.
The purple mountains in the background with the snow covered tops show previous attainments of prior life cycles.
At the waist the robe is circled by a girdle having twelve circular ornaments. of which seven are visible. This is referring to the twelve signs of the zodiac and of which seven are visible. This equates with the seven heavenly bodies as well as the “Seven Rays.” The girdle typifies Time, and in order to take off the garment of black or ignorance one must take off time too or the illusion of time. We replace time with eternity which is our birth place. We are eternal being girded in time. The timeless life is always the one present or the eternal Now which is the only time there really is.
Heaven is not a place but is the condition of what is Harmony. Heaven can only be experienced in the Here and Now or what is called this Holy Instant.
The citrine or olive of the Fool’s hose is the element of earth and is also the tenth numeration of life power on the Tree of Life called the “Kingdom,” Malkuth.
His shoes are yellow; again the life breath or the element of air that covers is understanding and is what moves him in consciousness.
The little dog which is tamed and friendly represents the purified Intellect which is the servant of the Spirit. The intellect is subordinate to Superconciousness.
The Fool also represents youthfulness or inexperience and when in manifestation that is what the fool desires in new experience in order to perfect and realize perfect oneness and wholeness with being.
Some biblical references to the Fool card are: “What is foolishness with man is wisdom with God, and what is foolishness with God is wisdom with man. “ “Before Abraham was I am.”

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