The High Priestess
Key 2: This is the Idea of reflection and duality, response and repetition, duplication, copying, re production and transcription. This is the receptive mode of consciousness or intelligence and represents the subconscious or subjective mind whether of the personality or the soul. This is memory in its highest Expression or it lowest bodily level of effect or manifestation. It is that which receives and in receiving duplicates or repeats what has been suggested. Whatever is received by the self consciousness the level of choice whether a true idea of a false notion it is planted in the subconscious mind only to repeat itself time and time again until it is uprooted and replace with a idea that is more in line with what is true.
The subconscious mind is the channel for telepathic communication whether received from a pure state of mind or one that is distorted but only by suggestion there is always the free will of choice in any matter or decision but the subconscious hold accountable any decision made and will reflect that decision in one’s experience or world.
Path of Wisdom: 13 is Uniting Intelligence which is the mode of travel for consciousness or any form of communication such as ideas or thoughts. It is the medium of communication between the personality and the soul and is where the soul and the personality become united as one or a unity. It is where we all experience each other not as two but as one mind. Think of the silvery moon reflected on the still waters. That reflection is the same as the subconscious mind being seen purely face to face or distorted because of unruly thoughts.
Hebrew letter: G is the Hebrew letter that stands for Gimel or camel. A camel is used for transportation from one place to another. It carries whatever is being transported and whatever the form may appear it is always a thought or idea in the Mind of God. Gimel is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This is a watery aspect of consciousness because water reflects carries and joins.
Identity: The High Priestess represents the soul because the soul carries all of the records of experience and life times of existence. The soul is the sheath and the vehicle of the Self or Spirit that is the Spark of the Eternal Flame. She is the subconscious mind. She is also the Akashic record or the memory of Life. She is the Book of life which she carries as the Torah.
She is also the Cosmic Root substance Prakriti in Hindu Philosophy or what we call Cosmic mind stuff that everything is made of. Therefore She is pure. She can be called the Immaculate Conception. Her substance can be reflective as the Moon but remains in her Essence Virginal Purity.
She is the first Mother or first matter which is in essence the primordial matter of the entire Universe. She is Dianna the Moon goddess and is our feminine nature of our God being. She represents all virgin goddesses, Isis, Mary, etc.
Astrologically: The High Priestess is represented by the Moon which she wears as part of her crown that has a crescent on each side representing the cycles of the moon or repetition and where one of her feet is standing on the moon below which shows her power of mind.
In Revelations chapter 12, this is the woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars and being with child cried, travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. These stars are the twelve zodiacal signs and this can suggest again the idea of cycle’s repetitive patterns. Unless we change our minds we are destined to repeat the same thing over and over again. Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again expecting different result. ‘Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.’
The Moon is the seat of memory and is the subconscious mind that carries the memories from life time to life time only to choose once again freedom or bondage.
She is the third veil of Light, AUR, which is the Limitless Light shown by her white under gown.
The High Priestess is seated in the temple. The walls of the temple and her vestments are blue indicating the element of water the color for the Moon again representing the primary root substance or cosmic mind stuff.
The two pillars stand for duality and all pairs of opposites. Duality is in Reality a misapprehension of Oneness or unity. They only appear as opposites. There are not two realities but one a singular Reality just like the primal rootless root stuff, it is all Love.
The white pillar has the letter Yod the initial of the word Jachin on it symbolizing union or affirmation and the black pillar with the letter Beth initial of the word Boaz symbolizing negation, resistance, separation or inertia which is the power of mind to negate all activities or the change of mind otherwise there would be no change at all and we would always be bound by our thoughts. The High Priestess is the equilibrating power between affirmation and negation, yes and no.
At the base of these pillars is a cube which represents That which was, That which is and That will be. The activity of the subconsciousness is based on the cube of space the basis for all that exist. The name of God is IHVH, Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh Jehovah or that which really exist and the numerical value of the name of God is the same for the cube of space. Ayn, Sof, Aur is the basis for all existence being nothingness, unlimited, limitless light.
The High Priestess wears a blue-white robe suggesting coldness and moisture which are the astrological properties of the Moon and characterizes water. The fold of the robe show a shimmering radiance like the moonlight on the water and then below the white pillar this garment flows out of the picture like a river or a stream of consciousness which is the source of all the rivers and the pools which appear throughout the major arcane and several subsequent major trumps.
The scroll on the woman’s lap is memory and in some versions it is a book half open meaning there is more to be revealed and again represents the “Book of Life.” The bible says that all the hairs on your head are numbered or have value referring to the Akasha. Subconsciousness is both personal and universal. This memory holds within it the whole cycle of universe becoming. Everything is accountable to Spirit. This book or scroll has the word “Torah,” which means the law not the law of man but the law of the universe. It hold the formula for who the universe operates and everything within it, planets, stars and any type of being that exist including human.
The solar cross of equal arms on the High Priestess breast shows the union of positive and negative, male and female, active and passive, originating and duplicating elements. This solar cross symbol is what covers the completion of the entire cycle represented by the twenty-tow Tarot Keys, because this cross of equal arms is the original form of the Hebrew letter Tav, which is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet represented by the Key 21 the World meaning completion.
Biblical statement: “Faith is the substance of things hoped-for.”
“The One Life only seemeth to divide itself. Becoming two; that in the Divine Mirror of Mind own substance innumerable images might show forth.”
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