Saturday, July 5, 2008

Responsibility, Ethics and Morality

Jesus: At the very center of your soul is the Sacred Heart. It is not the left or the right side of your being, as your mind would view it—for your mind will divide anything into two parts for comparison and examination. Rather, your heart is the burning, fired up, passionate, coordinated center of your life which looks for unity, proceeds with love, and magnifies life with honesty, respect, justice, and kindness. Through that potential is a goodness which is empowered and tough. The Sacred Heart is truly your higher intelligence and the source of an inspired life. It is the heart’s intelligence which will prevail upon the Earth as mankind moves into the fullness of self-realization. You cannot find your happiness as a divided or weakened self.
Compared with the heart, the mind’s intelligence is devoted to establishing the parameters and guidelines for comparison and control. Where the mind is concerned, the pursuit of morality is not so much a way of improving life as a way of controlling it. In the process of developing a brotherhood which is kind and supportive, guidelines of morality can be important. However hard and fast rules are often instituted not to lift people up, but to put people down. This is the work of the mind intervening and usurping the heart’s power to establish foundations for judgment rather than for living.
True comprehension of morality and ethics far exceeds the mind’s dominion, although there are aspects of ethics which govern the mind. The most important principle of ethics to bear upon the mind is that of correct priority. The mind is a servant and not a master. The second most important factor is the support and enhancement which the mind does or does not give to innocent perception. It is not the right or privilege of the mind to invent or recreate reality in order to support or confirm its own agendas. Ultimately, all guidelines for mental ethics must be governed by standards of ‘workability.’ This is the function through which any mind integrates with universal law. There is also a strong implication of obedience here, for obedience is application of life and effort to workability. For example, a bridge builder who is obedient to the principles of pragmatic engineering is a successful producer whose bridges withstand the elements and convey travelers safely from one side to the other. Everything has its patterns of workability, and it is the mind’s duty to search them out diligently and to apply them earnestly. Obedience has oppressive connotations for many people because it has been interpreted to mean compliance with authority, right or wrong. This is tragic, because obedience to the laws of God always result in personal fulfillment and empowerment. False obedience is usually held in place with force and punishment, and typically results in low self-esteem for those who are subjugated to it.”
“Ethics is the ongoing process of applying principles of higher intelligence to the problems of collective existence, and endowing life with values that support the well-being of all. Ethics is the care we show in affecting the lives of others as well as a sense for where one’s greatest value lies in relation to others. Ethics might be summarized as cause and effect in balance, and applied for the greatest good.
Morality is essentially the devotion which is shown to bring about change for the better.
Morality involves a responsibility for the situations that arise in life and the willingness to confront them honestly and deal with them directly to cause an improvement. Part of this involves the personal hygiene of the body, mind, emotions, thought, and spirit. Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness. Morality, however, is a personal attainment. It cannot be enforced externally without weakening the “I Am’ presence of an individual.
“Ethics is imperative for social decency and a workable civilization. Morality is imperative for personal clarity, strength, and virtue. The simplicity of it all, though, is that both are rooted in love
~~excerpt from Love Without End--Jesus Speaks, by persmission of the Author, Glenda Green

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