QUESTION: Last night Mike Tyson earned $30,000,000 for a fight that lasted 9 minutes. There’s a lot written about manifestation, and I’d like to know more about abundance. I’m aware that there are things that are temporal and things that are spiritual, and that one might become distracted by too much money. I’m not aware how it works.
ANSWER: Ordinarily when one talks about abundance and when one hears about prosperity and “prosperity consciousness,” it refers to “temporal” things. It refers to “the world of form,” and learning the skills necessary to cause the form to reconfigure in what is conceived to be a desirable way. And you know, it doesn’t matter whether one is trying to manifest a million dollars or whether a slight variation of that is used where one tries to manifest a yacht or a tennis court or a mansion rather than the dollars that it takes, the point is that all of it is considered and dealt with at the point of effect. And always when it is dealt with at the point of effect, one is operating in a realm where gain and loss are forever partners.
Now, abundance is an inadequate way to refer to fulfillment. Fulfillment is not something that occurs at the point of effects. Fulfillment is something that is experienced at the “level” of the Source, of That which is Moving and which is seen at the level of effect or manifestation, form. I have spoken of the body as being the visibility and tangibility of each one’s Individuality, and Individuality is the formless. The visibility and tangibility is the identification, or form.
You will find that individuals who, through good psychological or business practices, are able to achieve significant wealth, are as subject as anyone else to sudden loss of what they have achieved because it’s something they can do “in the privacy of their mind.” Fulfillment, on the other hand, is inseparable from one’s abiding at the point of the Source, abiding at the level of the formless Movement, the Movement of essential Being, which is an experience available to everyone in the silence within them.
You see, everyone is very occupied with sensory data. Most everyone’s life is primarily one of sensory data. And yet there is present with each individual an inner place. We’ve called it the Void, the not-knowing place, the silence, peace. And because everyone has devoted 99 and 99/100% of their lives occupied with visual and sensory data, when anyone says, “It is well for you to give attention to the Void, to the silence, to the peace that is within you,” it seems like an alternative to something major.
If one begins to meditate, if one begins to value the silence, it begins to be a short time each day, or a couple of short times each day, not beginning in any way to equal the time or attention that is given to sensory data. And so, it isn’t really grasped that this experience of peace, this experience of the Void is meant to be 100% of one’s conscious experience of his days, and that this is what is divinely natural to him.
So, one seems to shift back and forth from the “inner” to the “outer,” from the world of form to the level of Source, the level of essential Being. And as I said, the level of essential Being seems to be of minor importance compared to the majority of the time which is spent being preoccupied with sensory data.
Nevertheless, as one begins to value this inner place enough to let it become a regular part of his experience, he begins to find that its qualities bleed over into the periods of time when he is dealing with sensory data, the level of effect, and he begins to find his experience at that level becoming more harmonious, less stressful, where there is less lack.
Now, you asked for the truth about abundance, and so that is what I am telling you. At the level of Source, one of the first things you find is that you are not alone, whether it’s the presence of God, or the Holy Spirit, or Guidance…or just the feeling of conscious Presence which is present with you on your behalf. You find that you are not alone.
In other words, one of the first experiences that comes right in the middle of the silence is one of relationship. And this relationship begins to add color to all relationships with those in what I’m going to call “the world of effect”—your daily activities as you experience them from an uncentered place.
Love begins to register with you as the fundamental of relationships, the real fundamental of relationships, and you begin to find yourself sharing Love which is arising from this centered place, this place of Source, rather than reacting to and manipulating at the level of effect, which you had before.
I am bringing this up because abundance or, more truly, fulfillment, comes into view as your conscious experience when the real meaning and function of relationships begins to be actively embodied from the level of Source—in other words, from that place of peace within you where the real meaning of Love begins to register with you and bleed over into your daily activities.
When the Movement of Love which identifies communion with your brothers begins to dominate your behavior “in the world,” all that identifies fulfillment begins to manifest. However, unlike the manifesting of abundance which occurs at the level of form, you cannot take credit for it, because it isn’t the end result of steps you have specifically taken to create that result. It is, rather, a side-effect, you might say, of daring to make the gift of You, which you can only discover and let out from the level of Source, from the essential level of Being, your Being.
This abundance, or fulfillment, cannot be achieved or taken away. In fact, it will never be accumulated, but will always be equal to whatever fulfillment of Purpose is at hand. And so, not only will you not feel personally responsible for having it, you will not be preoccupied with “having it,” because you will come to trust, from experience, the fact that more or less will be present depending upon whether more or less is needed to fulfill Purpose. And so the abundance, the joy of fulfillment, will be experienced, and measuring sticks of ability to create, measuring sticks of wealth, measuring sticks of personal competence, will have nothing to do with it.
You see, fulfillment/abundance will always simply be the flow of the Movement of your Being, being always equal to the full identification of Purpose. And so, you could say that if you have a goal at all, it is a goal to be on Purpose, rather than demonstrating or manifesting abundance. It is like being a boat, whose purpose is to float on water, and instead of trying to always ensure that there is enough water for it to float in, it stays where the current is. If it’s where the current is, it will always be where the water is. That is as specific as I can get.
At the bottom line, fulfillment/abundance will always be what you experience when you dare to make the gift of who you Are—who you divinely Are—because in abandoning the vantage point of the tiny separated ego, no matter how many wonderful skills it has, you cease operating at the level of effect where it’s always polarized—give and take, get and lose, have and not have, rich and poor—and you begin to be in the world from the silence, the formless.
Love is formless, and yet it is eternally identified in form. Learning to trust into the essential level of your Being means that you are disidentifying with the level of form, where you can be not only in the flow of the Movement of Being, but you can discover that you aren’t something separate from It to be in It or out of It. And in letting that Movement be all there is of you, there simply is nothing present to hide the fact that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
Everyone’s function is Love, the being of Love. And in being the Love that you Are, instead of a manipulator of effects, effects begin to fulfill their function, which is not to be the pawns of manipulators, but the visibility and tangibility of the Kingdom of Heaven evidencing the Father’s Will, evidencing the Movement of Love that each one of you is the presence of.
Again, this is not a spiritual answer that doesn’t have much relevance to the world you’re going to go back to when you leave this house. When one asks about abundance, one is usually asking about a way to be in the world that can be abundant. And what I am saying is: The answer is to be in the world Awake—which means to be in your peace instead of being in the world, to be increasingly from the level of your essential Being. And when you’re being from there, the world of form, no longer being tinkered with by manipulators, will begin to identify Source.
So, don’t leave here and go back into the world and try to cope with it. Leave here and stay in whatever peace you have allowed yourself to experience here, and be in your peace rather than in the world, so that you can make the gift of who you find yourself to be when you’re in your peace in the world. And then you can say you are in it but not of it.
That is the answer, and it is enough for now.
QUESTION: Thank you. Thank you for being here with us.
ANSWER: You are welcome.
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