July 4, 2008
1. This is Matthew, greeting you with love and observations from all
of us at this station.
2. It has been with sadness that enlightened souls in spirit realms
and those in physical civilizations have long watched the people of
the United States annually celebrate Independence Day. The truth is
that the bloodshed and destruction in the war for independence was
for naught, the "victory" was a sham and so is the sovereignty
bestowed by the Constitution. Indeed "the home of the brave," but
never "the land of the free." The people of that country never have
been free of control. Never have their voices been heeded nor has
meeting the needs of the nation been the foremost objective. In
statehood just as in the colonies, the nation has been inextricably
connected to England because one of the most deeply entrenched
strongholds of covert control is there and the other is in the
Vatican; the former is political, legal and economic, and the latter
is religious, but these forces have worked in tandem to instill the
beliefs and govern the scope of activities of the citizenry.
3. From the onset of declaring "independence, " every war in which
this country has been involved, including the sorrow of the civil
war that divided families and national allegiance; every economic
upturn and downturn; every acquisition of land; every presidential
election and piece of legislation; every facet of the judicial
system's operation and taxation policies and corporate growth have
been manipulated by the succession of those controllers who
systematically destroyed the vision and purpose of the states'
founding fathers.
4. I comment on the effects of that influence in the United States
because of the fireworks spectacles and stirring rhetoric attendant
to today's celebration of independence. However, the combined
forces of which I speak—in current times often referred to as the
Illuminati, the Secret Government, the New World Order, the Elitists
or the Neocons—have been ruling lives of peoples worldwide for many
5. But this year we are rejoicing because TRUE INDEPENDENCE— freedom
for ALL life on Earth—is on your near horizon! The long era of the
controllers is seeing its end as their crimes against humankind and
Nature are being exposed in both trickle-up and trickle-down
fashion. This is becoming more and more evident even in major media
despite the controllers' attempts to stifle emerging truths. The
higher energies engulfing the planet cannot be weakened much less
halted, and these energies are awakening minds to search for truth
and opening hearts to actively work for peace for all humankind and
respect for all life.
6. In this regard, let me speak about my mother's experience while
attending her grandson's recent graduation exercise at a Jesuit
university known for academic excellence and its graduates' eventual
influential positions. She was anticipating religious overtones, but
in listening to the president, whom the church has called to a
Vatican position, she kept thinking "God could be saying this."
Finally, with some feelings of embarrassment at her delay, my mother
realized that indeed it was God speaking through that god-self
president who urged the students to turn off TV, computers and hand-
held instruments, and in the silence listen to their souls; to live
from their hearts; to use their learning to make the world a better
place for all people, where differences are respected instead of
divisive; to work for a peaceful world. The young woman goddess-self
who gave the valedictory speech was equally inspirational in her
address. I was there and feeling the combined energy, so I can tell
you that my mother's sensations were shared by the thousands of
others who also felt immensely uplifted by the light generated by
both speeches and reassured in knowing that the aspiring and
inspiring young graduates will become leaders in their respective
7. That occasion exemplifies what is happening throughout your world
at every age level, every ethnic, cultural, social, educational,
professional, religious, business, artistic and economic level. We
can see clearly what you cannot—the ever-growing light emanating
from more and more individuals and brilliant clusters of light
radiating from larger and larger groups as kindred spirits are
connecting. Individually and collectively you are responding to the
higher frequencies and the energy of your intuitive awareness is a
global energetic demand for truth to be revealed and peaceful,
harmonious living to replace violence. It is true that helping to
create Earth's Golden Age is why you chose and were selected to be
where you are, doing what you're doing; but isn't it wondrous to
know that because you are succeeding in your respective light-work
missions—and you ARE!—beloved Earth is moving apace toward her
magnificent goal!
8. So please do not allow anything to dim your light even
momentarily. Much of what still is happening is sad indeed, and we
weep with you at the on-going destruction of life and land. The dark
energy streamers set in motion long ago must run their course, but
now they are barely a flicker of their once flaming strength.
Evolution, not revolution, is underway, and it is a process whereby
your desires for benevolent changes are being honored within your
own laws that were established in honesty and justness but subverted
by dark minds to serve their purposes. You have seen some evidence
of progress during the first half of your year 2008, and we can
promise that you will be seeing much more during the second half as
the power of the light continues its "clean sweep" of your world.
9. Now I shall comment on some topics readers have requested, but I
ask that you keep in mind that in situations where the heavy hand of
darkness still is at work, its lingering influence is weakening as
each moment passes and the light is steadily growing in intensity.
Plans based in darkness will not come to fruition, and all cruel and
unjust laws, policies and traditions will be struck down and in
their stead, love and fairness will reign.
10. We see presidential nominee Barak Obama's supporters' uneasiness
about his recent statements and decisions that are disappointing and
seem to contradict his previous stance. Because the next US
president issue is of international interest and his momentum toward
office is unstoppable, we hasten to assure that he is doing only
what he must to ostensibly align himself with the expectations of
the Illuminati. Although their power base is in tatters, they still
have enough punch to sway election results by fraudulent vote count,
bribery and life threats to families of anyone who opposes them. So
do be at peace if the "public" Obama has become worrisome to you—it
is like many other situations that are not what they appear to be
and time will so tell. We can say this without jeopardizing his and
his family's physical safety—not only are they surrounded by light
warrior protectors, but who among potential assassins would give
credence to what the "voice in her head" says?
11. Shortages of corn, rice, grains, seafood and other foodstuffs
being caused by any means, including the attempt to force on farmers
genetically altered seeds that produce crops without viable seeds
for the next planting, are part of the dark plot to reduce the
world's population; and the recent emphasis on ethanol as an
alternative to gas for transportation fuel is but another part of
that insidious plan.
12. In a closely related situation, most of Earth's weather and
geophysical events are caused by technology used with malicious
intent. The flooding and earthquakes that resulted in massive death
tolls, ruined vast croplands, killed food animals, and left millions
injured or homeless were intended to create the negativity that is
generated by such devastation. Please remember that in previous
messages I have told you that divine grace honors the soul level
petitions for amended contracts of the people who perish en masse so
they can leave their physical lives of unduly harsh deprivations
and/or tyrannical oppression and continue their evolvement in spirit
13. With the few exceptions of carelessness or a sick-minded
arsonist, the uncommon prevalence of wildfires also is due to
abusive use of technology, and even though fire has a cleansing
effect energetically, the intent of the perpetrators is rooted in
darkness. Now, in a rare departure from conveying only our
observations and awareness, I want to share with you a recent
message received by one who is well known and respected by us and
many other souls, because its great importance goes beyond the topic
of fire. I thank you, Dianne Robbins, for your permission to include
the Tree People's poignant words and also for your vital
communications with Earth's cetaceans and souls living within the
hollow Earth. Mother, please copy the Tree People's message here.
************ ******
Fires Set off in California is Ecoterrorism
Greetings our brothers and sisters dwelling under the shade of our
leaves and boughs of our branches. We are the Tree People, standing
on your land-forms in all our majesty and grace. We sing to you
through our branches and leaves, hoping the tune will 'catch you'
and you will feel our essences and rejoice in our contact. We will
talk to you now about the fires in the state of California, and the
smoke shrouding your Mountain in Mt. Shasta, and covering you with
soot and ashes and particles unhealthy to breathe.
These fires were targeted and set off by your secret government who
are using Nature to burn our lives and pollute the air with our
smoke to make you sick so that they can reduce the population
through sickness and better control your lives through fear. It is
the most 'smart' weapon they now have available, with the technology
back-engineered from fallen space craft and given to them by the
unholy negative extraterrestrials.
They knew exactly where the lightning strikes would hit, because
they themselves precisely targeted the locations and then detonated
the lightning charges. It is quite simple, and they have excelled in
this kind of warfare, using all the forces of Nature and making it
appear as if it is Nature herself who is responsible for this. (The
new name for this kind of warfare is 'Weather Warfare' and it is the
military's plan to Draft Mother Nature. This name is from the
book "Weather Warfare by Jerry E. Smith")
Yes, Nature herself is creating some disasters in response to the
disequilibrium in her body caused by humanity's total disregard for
her life. But, we must say this, that most of these earthquakes,
tsunamis, floodings, droughts, volcano eruptions, winds, hurricanes,
tornadoes, fires – you name it – are now being deliberately caused
by your governments to solve their problem of having too many of you
on the surface, because too many people are too hard to control. The
less people they have to control, the more they can put you into
servitude to themselves – and this is their ultimate goal: to own
you and to own the Earth.
We Trees stand here and watch it all unfold. We try to make contact
with you, but you turn a deaf ear and blind eye to us, and ignore us
as we stand silently right by your very side. We are here as your
bastions of strength, your warriors in disguise, who when aligned
with us can overthrow the tyranny of these dark ones by our combined
strength and wisdom.
All the Forces of Nature are on your side, if you will but align
with our consciousness and stand solidly with us to disarm them. We
do this through our combined consciousnesses – for when we combine
our consciousness, our Light exponentially magnifies and accelerates
at speeds beyond your current imaginations – and the Light when
exponentially magnified increases its Light Quotient which can
disarm and neutralize and quell all negativity on Earth, leaving not
only humanity, but all life-forms free to evolve as we were always
meant to.
Do you see why it is so important to connect with us? You have
heard of the term 'divide and conquer"? Well, this tactic is
obvious here in the Nature realm, and the darkness knows this tactic
so well. They have divided us, by separating us because of our
different forms. Well, now you are onto their game, and it is not so
difficult to figure it out, is it? Just unite with us, and we can
be a force so great that even their best strategists would not know
what to do, and would give up in alarm and flee their posts. You
know this phrase well: 'united we stand, divided we fall.'
So stand with us in our strength, and we will carry you to Freedom.
All other life forms are connected with us, as we are connected with
all, except you humans…who up until now have wanted no part of the
rest of God's Creation. But since you are also part of God's
Creation, why not join forces with all of us, not just our Tree
People, but all of Nature's Creations, all of Nature's Life Forms,
and lend your consciousness to all of ours, and we will be able to
surmount and overcome all tyranny everywhere on Earth.
We invite you, our human brothers and sisters, to be part of the
solution, not part of the problem. Separation is part of the
problem – actually, separation is the whole problem, and none of
this would have occurred had you not separated yourselves from each
other and from us. Then you could not have been fooled and deceived,
because you would have had access through our combined group
consciousnesses to know the truth of what is happening before it got
so out of control. Now your life is controlled, rather than your
controlling your life.
We are the Tree People, but we speak on behalf all other life forms
stationed on your surface.
We wish you a good day.
Received through Dianne Robbins
www.DianneRobbins. com
************ ********* *******
14. Thank you, Mother. I wish to add a comment to their
statement "Now your life is controlled, rather than your controlling
your life": Please hold foremost in your thoughts that your
embracing, anchoring and radiating the power of the light is rapidly
changing this situation!
15. Now I move on to other topics readers have questioned. The
greatly respected journalist Tim Russet was investigating too deeply
into areas where dark minds were operating, and like many others who
also ventured into those pits of deception and corruption and could
expose the facts, his life was abruptly ended. In this case,
technology that can kill a body instantly without contact was used;
in other situations fast-growing cancer has been technologically
caused. In neither type of death is foul play normally suspected,
unlike the suspicions aroused by claims of "suicide" or the
unlikely "accidents" that befall people who uncover what the
Illuminati and those they influence want to keep hidden.
16. The truth about religion will be proven by ancient records and
more recent documents pertaining to religious dogma. You could say
that some factual groundwork has been laid by the sexual molestation
of children by Catholic priests coming to light, and the connection
between science and spirituality becoming a topic of discussion is a
chink in the armor of religious dogmas. However, the "shocking"
revelations about religions' origins and purpose are still to emerge
incrementally, and they will be disputed and even battled by the
most fervent followers of any religion.
17. Keeping Iran on media center stage for the past two or so years
and adding Israel's "national security" and the "risks" Pakistan
presents along with the ominous picture of what's happening in
Afghanistan is to keep the "war on terror" mentality alive and fear
flowing about the prospect of a nuclear war. Saner minds know there
is no troop power, no war machine equipment, and most important, no
will among nations for a conquest that could escalate to
incalculable loss of life or even planetary destruction.
Furthermore, even if such a conquest is the intent of a few
desperate dark minds, you who have read my messages and those from
other knowledgeable off-planet sources know that the technology of
our space family will once again successfully prevent such action if
it is attempted.
18. Along this same line, their technology will prevent disastrous
consequences from experiments in underground colliders or other
types of research that could go terribly awry. Earth did not endure
millennia of abuse to the point of death throes only have her
planetary body be exploded by a few inquisitive scientists!
19. As for the presidential "election" in Zimbabwe, because of its
tyrannical dictator, that country is a prime example of the areas I
mentioned in a prior message that will more slowly emerge from third
density's suppression of spiritual awareness. The last steps in the
world transformation process that began over sixty years ago will be
the reforms in countries where the peoples have long been oppressed.
By and large, those souls chose their current life conditions to
achieve the balance that winds up their third density experiencing;
when conditions exceed pre-birth agreement choices, divine grace
permits the ending of physical lifetimes and the completion in
Nirvana of the souls' selected but unfinished karmic lessons and
evolvement into fourth density.
20. A reader who has experienced heightened illumination by using
peyote, marijuana and psychodelic drugs asked if those also are
hindrances to spiritual growth like regular usage of pharmaceuticals
or "heavy" drugs such as cocaine. I have to say that hallucinogenic
natural substances don't deter spiritual awareness as do the
chemicals in legally or illegally manufactured drugs—and these
include psychodelic drugs—which destroy brain cells, muffle bodies'
self-healing mechanisms, and form a barrier between the soul and the
consciousness. With the power of will and prayer, addiction to those
kinds of drugs can be ended and the damage repaired. But as for the
comparatively harmless natural substances, they produce only
fleeting illumination, and that may be distortion rather than an
illuminating experience, whereas spiritual growth comes only from
absorbing the power of light energy and is everlasting—now that is
the ultimate "high"!
21. From one reader: Is Jesus back, living in England and soon will
identify himself? And a combination of two others' questions: Is it
true that Mother Mary's soul returned to Earth and lives in several
different bodies? What needs to be understood is that there is NO
separation of soul energy throughout not only this universe, but the
cosmos; and it is the Christed energy of those souls who embodied in
one lifetime as Jesus and his mother Mary and who originated in the
realm closest to Creator, the ultimate Being in the cosmos, that "is
back." Actually, it never left, but after being hidden from
consciousness due to the denseness of the energy in which your world
revolved for millennia, the peoples weren't aware of it. The persons
you know about as Jesus and his mother are not on Earth in their
original bodies or even new ones that look the same, but their soul
essence—the all-powerful Christed energy of love and God-ness—is on
Earth in massive abundance. It is what you are feeling yourselves
and sensing in others; it's what is motivating soul-searching and
sustaining light workers; it is the force that is propelling Earth's
ascension into the higher densities and manifesting the Golden Age!
22. And last: Yes, the year 2012 is "a shift into a new dimension"
and "the Age of Aquarius," but the fullness of what that calendar
year encompasses is immeasurably more profound than those words or
that label name can convey. No, there will be no crime in fourth
density, and no, I cannot give an exact number between 1 and 1000 to
indicate Earth's ascension progress. I hope those inquirers and any
others who may be pondering what 2012 holds will read "2012 Essay"
[www.matthewbooks. com, Matthew's Messages, December 23, 2007]. I
say this because it is the envisioning of your world as it will be
that is creating it!
23. Never are you alone in your quest for understanding, your
journey of self-discovery as part of God. Never are you alone in
serving the light, nor in the "daily grind" as you deal with
respective responsibilities. Constantly myriad souls are showering
you with light from afar and special guides and angels are at your
side. With the love and blessings of the universe, now I say
Suzanne Ward
www.matthewbooks. com
____________ _________ ________
[Note from Suzy: Thank you all who expressed concern about Matthew
or me—we're fine! The delay in my receiving his message isn't from
any debilitation, only exasperation from six weeks of either a
malfunctioning old computer or a series of problems stemming from
faulty downloading of files into a new one and its several absences
for remedies.
If you received this as a forward and would like to get future
messages directly, please join the Yahoo group. Some of you have
written about difficulty in doing that, so here are the steps to
automatically add your email address:
Go to www.Yahoo.com
Choose Groups from the lefthand side of the screen
Search for MessagesfromMatthew using the search feature
When MessagesfromMatthew comes up, click on it
Then click on the "Join this Group" button
And then God said…then I said…then He said isn't available in the
Book Store on www.matthewbooks. com. You can order this book of
illuminating messages from God and many other sources at
www.awakenedhearts. com/books2. htm.
Heide Stadler, who receives messages from representatives of an
inner Earth civilization, will join me July 9 on "Matthew and
Friends" radio show. Please tune in at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time
www.bbsradio. com/bbc/matthew_ and_friends. php.]
Saturday, July 5, 2008
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