Friday, May 7, 2010

Christ explains the real purpose and the meaning of the crucifixion

“Man’s original sin was judgment. That is the only sin which a pure and innocent soul can commit. The immediate, inevitable, and unavoidable consequence of judgment is separation from the object of your judgment, and from God to the degree that the Creator is also part of that which you have judged. Judgments have a way of expanding and multiplying until separation from God becomes a real and monumental problem. A being in separation is unconscious of his Source, and therefore he will endlessly pursue the task of creating himself.

“Without the long forgetfulness of separation, and the many densities of useless identity which result from it, a soul could never be led astray and would never conceive of misdeeds. What the world calls sin is the long term, tragic derivation of the real sin—which is judgment and its resulting separation from God, reality, and brotherhood. All misdeeds are a sad occurrence. However, to consider them to be the [real sin] only furthers the problem. If man is to live together in brotherhood, immorality cannot be condoned. Yet, to condemn immorality only feeds into the vicious cycle of judgement. This has been man’s dilemma. If all judgment had ceased and the spirit of forgiveness had prevailed, man would have returned to his innocence by grace, and my intercession would not have been necessary.

“When I came to the Earth two thousand years ago, I was not essentially different from you in potential, except that I had never known separation from My Father and I had never known myself as anything but the love that I am, nor had I ever created fictions about myself. It was necessary that I be conceived by a virgin, not that I would shun the normal way of human conception, but the fact is, there was a problem which had to be overcome. In organic life, DNA is constructed to conduct the complex and mysterious functions of love. Human DNA is constructed to handle and to conduct very high levels of love function. As you accelerate those love functions, your DNA will change accordingly. In my case, using human DNA produced in a state of separation would have been like putting rocket fuel into a Volkswagen. I simply could not have been joined with such a body, and my time to experience separation had not yet come. From the time of my conception, to the cross, I prepared myself for the separation which I had agreed to experience. Thus, my mother’s pregnancy was a normal one, and my development from childhood through adolescence proceeded in the usual way.

“You see, the point of my sacrifice on the cross does not lie so much in the fact that I died for you as that I [separated for you]. Death means nothing to me, for I am utterly assured my immortality and the pain of death could have been canceled in a moment by my love. My gift to mankind was the separation that I [chose] to experience. Uniformly without exception, the separations of man have occurred because man [drifted away] from God, the Source of love and reality, through his devotion to private fiction and ego projections. Man's headlong pursuit of personal agendas and invented realities caused him to forget the love that he really is.

“[I separated as an act of love], so that love could then be united even with the state of separation. The long estrangement from God could then be ended. Many have died for you. Many have given their lives for a brother, for freedom, or for mankind in honor of cherished principles. Many saints have died for you. Countless people have suffered for you. [But no one else separated for you]! I separated in the spirit of love, that love might be joined even with separation, and thereby the fact of separation would be reduced to mere illusion. The event of my separation was the most extreme grief I have ever known in my entire existence. While on the cross, I momentarily experienced full release from my Father as I received unto myself all the separations of the world. Now, by the law of Grace, all you have to do is accept the fact that you are love and return to the Father. This is an enduring miracle which I gave unconditionally to all mankind. It is for the receiving by anyone who would choose to accept. Separation—though essentially an illusion—was once a very real problem. Now it is only an illusion which anyone may end by picking up the sword of truth and ripping the veil.

“The miracle evoked by my death was the cancellation of separation by [equating it with love instead of judgment]. The miracle of my resurrection is not so much that my body was made whole [as that man was made whole with God], and separation was transmuted to an illusion. This transfiguration is now available to anyone who accepts the love that he is. You may perpetuate the illusion if you choose, or you may accept the gift. This was my Father’s gift and mine, given freely to anyone who wishes to regard the change of potential which now exists for mankind.

“I would much rather the gift be promoted than the giver. In savoring the blessing of the gift, the receiver will eventually seek out the giver. That point is difficult for many of my friends and followers to accept, for they are protective of my glory. It is sad that the gift has been shunned by so many, simply because it was poorly understood, or because the giver was thrust upon them. I would rather have it be the other way around—that the gift be understood and be received by all universally. It was freely and unconditionally given.

“Personal salvation, in the way it is often regarded today, was not claimed by me nor taught by my disciples. A man is saved by his own return, not by the fact that I made it possible! Free will is always a critical point of redemption or peril. It was man’s choice to judge, to separate, and to miscreate himself. Now, it is for each one to seek his own return. As I have told you many times, you are not bound by the laws of cause and effect in the same way that it holds sway over structure and material existence. There is a single-minded equilibrium which governs all physical form and results in immediate and just reactions without consent. There are consequences to human behavior as well. However, by the Father’s love and wisdom, His children have been given free will over the nature of their consequences. Your redemption is always by grace and by choice.

“What I did for humankind was, indeed, a gift like no other. I made it possible for you to go HOME, to return to a knowledge of the love that you are and to restore a personal relationship with your Father. Separation is now a shark without teeth—an illusion that can be penetrated by anyone who seeks to know the truth. Nevertheless, the shark might as well have teeth for anyone who remains frightened on the shore and imprisoned by his own judgement and self-creation. Such a person will continue to fear spiritual reconnection through his own hatred.

“The problem with the human condition which provoked the necessity of my gift is that free will had been virtually destroyed by the dysfunctional cycle of judgment into which man had fallen. In every generation, there were a few devoted and virtuous souls who returned in full consciousness to God, though alas this was not possible for most of humankind. Those who returned to their Sacred Home left a legacy of greater clarity and compassion to human consciousness. Even so, the perilous condition prevailed.”

No-one can evolve to perfection. Perfection is the [original state], to which we must return!


Excerpt from “Love Without End—Jesus Speaks” by Glenda Green

Page 339

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