Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monthly Lesson from Master DK

Plane-to-Plane Memorandum

To:My Beloved Students
From:Master Djwhal Khul


May 2009 Lesson

Date:April 23, 2009

Beloved Students:

I greet you this month in our continuing exploration of equanimity. Indeed, I hope each of you is expanding your understanding of the veritable field of transformative potential within which Earth is journeying. The balance we must bring forth is clearly needed at this time, and it is my further hope that each of you, as spiritual ambassadors for a new planetary reality, is fully engaged in the process at hand. Such will enhance your own lives immeasurably, but it will also contribute to the purification and spiritual call to which Earth is responding.

As we focus this month on the patriarchal forces for destruction so evident in the breaking apart of inept and/or outdated systems of Earth, I hope each of you will recognize the profound opportunities that are before you. This is not a time for burying one’s head in the sand, but for creative intention toward the manifestation of a new world. If that sounds a bit grandiose, please recall that much of your responsibility as modern spiritual aspirants is to “imbed” yourselves in the forces for transformation now being marshaled on Earth’s behalf.

This month’s lecture, The Patriarchy vs. Enlightenment, focuses on the patriarchal energy now compromising the planet (as well as your own path). As you consider the remarkable journey of Earth, it may be tempting to pay too much attention to the patriarchy “out there” and too little attention to the patriarchal forces within oneself. While it is true that our overall goal is to eliminate patriarchal energy in the world at large, the real focus of transformation can only be applied within self. Thus, in seeing patriarchal forces without, the goal is to eliminate them within.

Such provides a profound awakening experience. We must study these forces in the world, of course. But remember, the work field is always in the mind -- the only area that is actually “transformable.” Recognize that you are being called to manifest a new reality, and while we talk about such in terms of the world at large, the real sphere of your transformational influence lies within your own mind. Thus, we could say that your “assignment” is to manifest a new mind. (Sounds like enlightenment to me!) How exciting!

As you must surely recall from the teachings of the Great Thoth, the first principle of manifestation is comprehension that everything is a manifestation of Essence. While such may appear to be simplistic, true comprehension arises from lifetimes of witnessing manifestation by those who are truly accomplished in this skill. Thus, it is time to draw on the wealth of knowledge you have accumulated in your many lifetimes.

Secondly, recall that Essence manifests into the physical realm in a hologramatic fashion. While such may not be obvious, there simply is no other way it can work. This means that the whole is always contained in all of the parts, and the seasoned manifestor knows this well. What may appear as a great mystery at first arises in clarity with the development of manifestation skills. In the reconstruction of your own mind, what part can be separate from other parts of mind? In other words, this process is accomplished by learning to see yourself as a whole, complete, wise and enlightened being. (Be careful to avoid the pit-falls of denial here.)

A third principle of manifestation has to do with understanding how the mind works. It is imperative to see that one’s own mental process is but alternating frequencies of thought. The skilled manifestor knows that his/her mental processes are nothing but complexes of thought patterns, or frequencies, that have the same properties as other vibratory forces. Thus, some thoughts reinforce each other; some generate interference; some even cancel out others. All thoughts are mere vibrations emanating from mind. Yet, thoughts are the vehicles that transport, or carry, manifestation. Through thoughts things are changed.

The spiritual manifestor is less nearsighted than most folks on the planet, and knows her/his thoughts do not change the world “out there.” Since the world perceived exists only in one’s thoughts (or mind), one changes the world as it appears by changing his/her thoughts – not by controlling the perceived outer reality. Clearly, denial in the place of conscious, creative thought projection is totally ineffective. To be competent in the art of manifestation, one must fully understand not only the field in which one seeks to manifest (i.e., the mind), but the forces, parameters and conditions that are a part of the mix, as well. All are part and parcel of one’s own mind (or mental field).

The fourth matter concerns what I hope is obvious to all of you by now. There is but a single constant force in all of creation – change. The good news is that this force can be utilized for virtually every area of manifestation. Of course, demonstrating competency in this area requires that the manifestor release all clinging to past perceptions and points of identification. This may be easier stated and accomplished, for most fear exploring who they might be without the familiarity of their past (or perceived past).

Indeed, manifestation can only come to fruition when it is freed from the bondage of the personality and offered to the Universe. When held too tightly by ego mind, one loses the very thing one wants to preserve. Further, results in manifestation are only witnessed when the manifestor is able to focus on the process as well as the desired outcome. Focusing exclusively on the outcome creates the thought vibrations of interference (such as anxiety, stress and/or denial). These interfere with the flow of Essence that moves between non-manifest and manifest levels. Yet, while one may watch the process, one must not deign to control the process, or success will be illusive, at best.

Resist clinging to the known – it does not even exist in the way you perceive it. Since the known is continually changing, recognize that you actually live in the unknown. Further, whatever is known must necessarily be past – otherwise it could not be known. It is only in the unknown present moment that manifestation occurs. Under scrutiny, the known turns out to be a karmic projection, while the unknown is perennially fresh, filled with infinite possibilities. Remember, all that does not change rots and dies.

The fifth principle for manifestation is an applied understanding of the fact that everything contains its own opposite. Just as hopelessness contains the seeds of ecstasy, so ecstasy holds the seeds of hopelessness. Experiencing either depends only upon which thought vibrations one pays attention to in a given moment. All creations/manifestations are based on the co-existence of opposites. Thus, a thorough understanding of the patriarchy is needed to create a reality based in its opposite.

The sixth manifestation principle establishes the validity of the cyclic rhythm that exists with the arising and dissolving of everything. If this principle is not comprehended, manifestation skills will not advance. You must both understand cyclic rhythms, and be in a harmonious relationship to them to consciously manifest at a useful level. Because most try to oppose cyclic rhythms, they are usually frustrated in their manifestation attempts.

The seventh step, or principle, requires stepping out of the “local self” and into the field of possibilities. This is an immense field, and virtually every manifestation takes form in the causes that led to its arising. Further, every manifestation will lead to an infinity of effects. For most folks, this principle alone can require lifetimes to understand and employ. You see, the “cause and effect” principle is not linear, and while somewhat tricky, mastery of this principle is crucial.

The eighth principle is the principle of attraction. All major forces of creation are based on attraction, or “love.” While it is necessary to also understand the contrasting energy of repulsion, unfortunately, repulsion gets far too much attention paid to it, which often subverts the manifesting process. What must be mastered is the force of love, which contributes the inspiration and enthusiasm necessary for manifestation.

The ninth principle holds that all creative energy is directed through attention and intention. Wherever one’s attention is focused, a flow of creative energies will flow, pool and ultimately congeal. So potent are the energies that follow attention and intent, they simply must bring about a result. Thought energies pooling around notions of sickness bring sickness. Thought energies pooling around loss bring more loss, etc. Thus, one must be alert to avoid fouling the waters of manifestation, since thoughts transport all manifestation.

Tenth is the principle of the continuing presence of goodness, in both manifest and non-manifest realities. Since goodness is always seeking release into the world, all manifestations must be imbued with the potential to release (or offer) goodness to all who experience it. Once goodness is sealed within that which one is manifesting, the manifestor then searches for ways to set it free, thus blessing the world in which the manifestation arises.

Well, dear students, this brings us full circle, since one of the most powerful ways to experience goodness (and awaken it in others) is through the practice of balance, or equanimity. Know that by practicing equanimity, you are setting it free, allowing precious goodness to enter the world through you, your mind and your manifestation skills. What greater gift could you offer to a patriarchy-infused world?

Your loving Teacher,

Djwhal Khul

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