Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monthly Lesson from Master DK

Plane-to-Plane Memorandum

To:My Beloved Students
From:Master Djwhal Khul


May 2009 Lesson

Date:April 23, 2009

Beloved Students:

I greet you this month in our continuing exploration of equanimity. Indeed, I hope each of you is expanding your understanding of the veritable field of transformative potential within which Earth is journeying. The balance we must bring forth is clearly needed at this time, and it is my further hope that each of you, as spiritual ambassadors for a new planetary reality, is fully engaged in the process at hand. Such will enhance your own lives immeasurably, but it will also contribute to the purification and spiritual call to which Earth is responding.

As we focus this month on the patriarchal forces for destruction so evident in the breaking apart of inept and/or outdated systems of Earth, I hope each of you will recognize the profound opportunities that are before you. This is not a time for burying one’s head in the sand, but for creative intention toward the manifestation of a new world. If that sounds a bit grandiose, please recall that much of your responsibility as modern spiritual aspirants is to “imbed” yourselves in the forces for transformation now being marshaled on Earth’s behalf.

This month’s lecture, The Patriarchy vs. Enlightenment, focuses on the patriarchal energy now compromising the planet (as well as your own path). As you consider the remarkable journey of Earth, it may be tempting to pay too much attention to the patriarchy “out there” and too little attention to the patriarchal forces within oneself. While it is true that our overall goal is to eliminate patriarchal energy in the world at large, the real focus of transformation can only be applied within self. Thus, in seeing patriarchal forces without, the goal is to eliminate them within.

Such provides a profound awakening experience. We must study these forces in the world, of course. But remember, the work field is always in the mind -- the only area that is actually “transformable.” Recognize that you are being called to manifest a new reality, and while we talk about such in terms of the world at large, the real sphere of your transformational influence lies within your own mind. Thus, we could say that your “assignment” is to manifest a new mind. (Sounds like enlightenment to me!) How exciting!

As you must surely recall from the teachings of the Great Thoth, the first principle of manifestation is comprehension that everything is a manifestation of Essence. While such may appear to be simplistic, true comprehension arises from lifetimes of witnessing manifestation by those who are truly accomplished in this skill. Thus, it is time to draw on the wealth of knowledge you have accumulated in your many lifetimes.

Secondly, recall that Essence manifests into the physical realm in a hologramatic fashion. While such may not be obvious, there simply is no other way it can work. This means that the whole is always contained in all of the parts, and the seasoned manifestor knows this well. What may appear as a great mystery at first arises in clarity with the development of manifestation skills. In the reconstruction of your own mind, what part can be separate from other parts of mind? In other words, this process is accomplished by learning to see yourself as a whole, complete, wise and enlightened being. (Be careful to avoid the pit-falls of denial here.)

A third principle of manifestation has to do with understanding how the mind works. It is imperative to see that one’s own mental process is but alternating frequencies of thought. The skilled manifestor knows that his/her mental processes are nothing but complexes of thought patterns, or frequencies, that have the same properties as other vibratory forces. Thus, some thoughts reinforce each other; some generate interference; some even cancel out others. All thoughts are mere vibrations emanating from mind. Yet, thoughts are the vehicles that transport, or carry, manifestation. Through thoughts things are changed.

The spiritual manifestor is less nearsighted than most folks on the planet, and knows her/his thoughts do not change the world “out there.” Since the world perceived exists only in one’s thoughts (or mind), one changes the world as it appears by changing his/her thoughts – not by controlling the perceived outer reality. Clearly, denial in the place of conscious, creative thought projection is totally ineffective. To be competent in the art of manifestation, one must fully understand not only the field in which one seeks to manifest (i.e., the mind), but the forces, parameters and conditions that are a part of the mix, as well. All are part and parcel of one’s own mind (or mental field).

The fourth matter concerns what I hope is obvious to all of you by now. There is but a single constant force in all of creation – change. The good news is that this force can be utilized for virtually every area of manifestation. Of course, demonstrating competency in this area requires that the manifestor release all clinging to past perceptions and points of identification. This may be easier stated and accomplished, for most fear exploring who they might be without the familiarity of their past (or perceived past).

Indeed, manifestation can only come to fruition when it is freed from the bondage of the personality and offered to the Universe. When held too tightly by ego mind, one loses the very thing one wants to preserve. Further, results in manifestation are only witnessed when the manifestor is able to focus on the process as well as the desired outcome. Focusing exclusively on the outcome creates the thought vibrations of interference (such as anxiety, stress and/or denial). These interfere with the flow of Essence that moves between non-manifest and manifest levels. Yet, while one may watch the process, one must not deign to control the process, or success will be illusive, at best.

Resist clinging to the known – it does not even exist in the way you perceive it. Since the known is continually changing, recognize that you actually live in the unknown. Further, whatever is known must necessarily be past – otherwise it could not be known. It is only in the unknown present moment that manifestation occurs. Under scrutiny, the known turns out to be a karmic projection, while the unknown is perennially fresh, filled with infinite possibilities. Remember, all that does not change rots and dies.

The fifth principle for manifestation is an applied understanding of the fact that everything contains its own opposite. Just as hopelessness contains the seeds of ecstasy, so ecstasy holds the seeds of hopelessness. Experiencing either depends only upon which thought vibrations one pays attention to in a given moment. All creations/manifestations are based on the co-existence of opposites. Thus, a thorough understanding of the patriarchy is needed to create a reality based in its opposite.

The sixth manifestation principle establishes the validity of the cyclic rhythm that exists with the arising and dissolving of everything. If this principle is not comprehended, manifestation skills will not advance. You must both understand cyclic rhythms, and be in a harmonious relationship to them to consciously manifest at a useful level. Because most try to oppose cyclic rhythms, they are usually frustrated in their manifestation attempts.

The seventh step, or principle, requires stepping out of the “local self” and into the field of possibilities. This is an immense field, and virtually every manifestation takes form in the causes that led to its arising. Further, every manifestation will lead to an infinity of effects. For most folks, this principle alone can require lifetimes to understand and employ. You see, the “cause and effect” principle is not linear, and while somewhat tricky, mastery of this principle is crucial.

The eighth principle is the principle of attraction. All major forces of creation are based on attraction, or “love.” While it is necessary to also understand the contrasting energy of repulsion, unfortunately, repulsion gets far too much attention paid to it, which often subverts the manifesting process. What must be mastered is the force of love, which contributes the inspiration and enthusiasm necessary for manifestation.

The ninth principle holds that all creative energy is directed through attention and intention. Wherever one’s attention is focused, a flow of creative energies will flow, pool and ultimately congeal. So potent are the energies that follow attention and intent, they simply must bring about a result. Thought energies pooling around notions of sickness bring sickness. Thought energies pooling around loss bring more loss, etc. Thus, one must be alert to avoid fouling the waters of manifestation, since thoughts transport all manifestation.

Tenth is the principle of the continuing presence of goodness, in both manifest and non-manifest realities. Since goodness is always seeking release into the world, all manifestations must be imbued with the potential to release (or offer) goodness to all who experience it. Once goodness is sealed within that which one is manifesting, the manifestor then searches for ways to set it free, thus blessing the world in which the manifestation arises.

Well, dear students, this brings us full circle, since one of the most powerful ways to experience goodness (and awaken it in others) is through the practice of balance, or equanimity. Know that by practicing equanimity, you are setting it free, allowing precious goodness to enter the world through you, your mind and your manifestation skills. What greater gift could you offer to a patriarchy-infused world?

Your loving Teacher,

Djwhal Khul

Messages from Matthew

[MessagesfromMatthew] May 26, 2009 - New Message from Matthew

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:09 PM
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1. On behalf of all souls at this station, this is Matthew with loving greetings. It was with mixed emotions that we watched the United States' Memorial Day observances. We know these forces of darkness that influence self-serving individuals to start wars and keep them going for more land, more money, more power. More deaths is meaningless to these lords of war, who have lost their conscience and see the death toll as the means to an end. These individuals don't recognize the hypocrisy in annually commemorating the millions whose deaths they caused or the grief their families and friends endure. All of this is sadness for us, including those warmongers who are foundering in darkness. By universal law, they will experience the same suffering they caused, and by divine grace, they will be given opportunities to rise into the light, and that is reason to feel joyous—as an inseparable part of God and all other souls, their acceptance of light elevates the Oneness of All. Another reason for joyousness is, the darkness that captured those souls is but a wisp of its former force on Earth and cannot linger much longer.

2. We also see the survivors of wars, some with bodies so damaged that their lives and their families' lives are radically changed. We see the veterans whose psyches are shattered, many of them lost among the homeless, and the anguish of those who love them. Yet, along with our sadness for all of these souls is also the joy of knowing that they have surged in spiritual growth. Those whose bodies die will know in Nirvana of their leap in soul evolvement, and those who survive with light will be healed when Earth reaches the higher vibrations of her ascension pathway. Yes, either way, these men and women will learn the truth about the wars they fought "for freedom," but in their higher understanding, they will feel forgiveness and compassion for the souls who became enthralled with their power to make killing "patriotic" and those who killed and were killed "heroes"; and all these enlightened souls will become warriors for peace.

3. Many of you have been waiting for decades for the promised era of love and peace on Earth, others have become aware only recently about the spiritual and physical journey into that era, and most want to know WHEN: When will wars and violence end? When will we meet our space family? When will the truth about 9/11 come out? When will planetary cleansing be completed? When will cruelty to animals and destruction of the environment stop? When will polluting our world cease?

4. Beloved souls, if we had answers to those and your other "when" questions, we would joyfully share them with you. But until there is no more tumultuousness in Earth's energy field of potential, exact timing of specific milestones cannot be precisely ascertained. If you will put this into the context of approximately six billion souls sending forth energy with their every thought, action and reaction, you can see that countless variables constantly are affecting what happens when. Yes, absolutely all darkness on Earth will have been transmuted into light or vanquished by the end of your year 2012—there is no question whatsoever about that, only about the timing of individual advances as Earth moves into fourth density. Thus we say, patience and steadfastness in the light will give peace of mind and strength of spirit during these transitional stages to the ultimate reward, life in the Golden Age, where the vibrations of love and harmony with all of Nature exceed your grandest expectations.

5. Because the higher frequencies of the ascension pathway are having a variety of effects, I shall mention those that are of concern to readers: fatigue; weakness; unexplained restlessness; short attention span; forgetfulness; fluctuating emotions of intense sadness or intense joy; uncustomary impatience or angry outbursts; blurred vision; digestive upsets; and the sensation that "insects are on the head." If these, and no doubt many more types of physical, emotional and mental reactions, are of temporary duration or recur in fleeting moments, they may indeed be natural adjustments to the prevailing energies and not cause for seeking therapy. As how to best deal with those symptoms—and to maintain a sound immune system, the best defense against any malady—simply live a healthy lifestyle: get plenty of sleep, drink lots of pure water, eat nutritious food, exercise daily, avoid stressful situations wherever possible, and spend restorative time in silence. However, if any condition becomes more severe or is prolonged, do not assume that it is attributable to changing frequencies but rather, consult a trusted health care specialist. If nothing is organically abnormal, your mind is relieved; and if some condition does need medical attention, you can receive proper treatment.

6. Moving on to another topic in many minds, that US President Obama's recent decisions are discouraging, just "more of the same." Please remember how often my messages have stated that we are apolitical, impartial and nonjudgmental, that we only report what we observe from our vantage point and information from our many light sources. It is on that basis that I say, the person who wrote that Obama is being "micro-criticized" termed it appropriately.

7. While some steps in the direction he intends to lead are receiving the congressional support he requires, opposition to major changes still is fervent because Illuminati pressure upon members of Congress still is fierce. It is the same with that country's military forces and the international industrial, banking and commerce complexes. Obama cannot be, nor does he wish to be a dictator, and he inherited a global bag of worms, so to say. What has been called his "flip-flopping" actually is careful and wise maneuvering as he becomes aware of more elements in the insidious web the Illuminati has tightly woven around the globe. Efforts underway—some are "transparent, " but of necessity, many more are progressing behind closed doors—will lead to exposure and riddance of the dark influence that has set the direction of many previous administrations and is trying to do the same in the current administration.

8. In this sense, the government of the United States is not unique—the Illuminati have controlled most governments, institutions, organizations, corporations and business conduct throughout your world. As evidence of this truth emerges into public knowledge, you will see decisive action on numerous fronts to impart integrity and honor to governments and all other bodies that impact life everywhere on Earth. In this moment a number of hot spots of belligerence are considered major threats to world safety. Saber rattling will continue in some areas, but those situations will not blossom into the full scale wars, much less an all-out nuclear war, that some see as inevitable. Progress toward peaceful resolutions in active or imminent war zones will come in stages as Earth continues to move into higher frequencies. In the ever intensifying light, leaders who follow Illuminati orders will be toppled and replaced by wise leaders with integrity and honor. The "black ops" behind terrorist activities will be revealed, the origins of "pandemics" uncovered, chemtrails stopped, mind control measures ended. Incrementally, like a row of dominoes slowing falling, all sources of corruption, deception and vile intent will be unmasked.

9. We welcome the questions about former US Vice President Cheney's motives in defending the Bush administration' s use of torture because there is considerably more significance to his speaking out than may be apparent. As a top Illuminati operator, Cheney wants to reignite the fear of global terrorism—remember, the magnified energy of fear is both the most effective tool of the darkness and the fuel that keeps it going strong. By instilling in the minds of the citizenry that any lesser policy than torture to gather information would imperil the United States and the world, he is attempting to abort Obama's negotiating resolutions to conflicts—that policy would doom Illuminati aims to keep old conflicts brewing and initiate new ones. Cheney is publicly reminding Congress of the leverage held over them, whether in the form of bribes they have accepted, acute embarrassment leading to personal and professional ruin via other kinds of blackmail, or death threats to members or their families—a strong warning that they must continue to toe the Illuminati line. This accounts for congressional furor over the proposed release of the terrorist suspects imprisoned at Guantanamo and lets Cheney prove to his Illuminati colleagues that even outside of the government, he still wields powerful influence within it. And, however unwittingly, he is clearly showing his intense desire for no more discussion about torture. We know his fear that any thorough investigation could lead to his involvement in "9/11," and we can tell you, it already has.

10. Has the economy stabilized as some statistics indicate? No, and there is far more to this than statistics about banking and stock market activity, unemployment, real estate sales, bankruptcy, lost pension funds and the like. The most honest and astute of your economists are saying what we often have stated: The foundation of the global economy is broken and returning it to former operations is not the solution. Although those economists are not saying what we have told you—the Federal Reserve is an Illuminati-owned banking system and will be dismantled along with other means they have devised to control global finance and commerce—some are speaking out against usurious interest rates on mortgage loans and credit cards as well as decrying the greed and unethical policies that led to the current economic crisis. You may know of their strong statements, but are you seeing them as the evidence they are of increased consciousness- raising facilitated by the higher vibrations prevailing on the planet?

11. Let us speak about vibrations for a moment. Everything in all of Creation is energy vibrating at one frequency or another, and the vibratory rate determines its consciousness level. Bringing this vibration-conscious ness scale down to Earth, it includes inanimate things such as boulders, sand and all manufactured items. Considerably higher on the scale are plants—it is the vibrations of vegetables, fruits and grains that give them their nutritional value and it is the same with medicinal plants—and at the top are trees, whose intelligence and vibrations send forth healing energy in great abundance. The Devic kingdom is aglow with high vibrations that enhance all other life on the planet. It is the cetaceans, not humans, whose vibrations are the highest in the animal kingdom—as a species, the whales and dolphins are the most spiritually and intellectually evolved souls in your world, and they anchor light beamed to Earth from far distant sources.

12. When a celestial body travels into higher planes of energy, its vibratory levels increase and so do those levels and thus the consciousness of everything that exists on that body. This is what is transpiring on Earth—communication is flowing clearly between Earth and all her life forms and those lives with each other, including energy-sensitive and clairaudient humans. Even though some people may choose to believe this is not even a possibility, the capacity for telepathic communion is an ingredient of every soul, therefore a totally natural occurrence. Regardless of beliefs, everyone on the planet is affected by the higher vibrations because they are magnifying all characteristics and intensifying patterns of behavior. The differences between those who have embraced the light and those who have not are becoming glaringly obvious.

13. Other sources of high vibrations abound. The forcefulness of wind, fire and water at times "goes off the chart," so to say, and the vibrations of earth continuously sustain and enrich life on the planet. The expression "Take time to smell the roses" has much more wisdom than you may realize—the vibratory levels of floral essences are therapeutic and the fragrance of roses has the highest. Spices and herbs also have therapeutic value and so does the purity of white, the synthesis of all natural colors. But it is symphonies and concertos composed in the eras that you lump under classical that have the most power to stir the strings of the soul because their vibrations are attuned to the tones of the universe. Not surprisingly, at the other end of the vibratory level are odors that cause gasping; muddy colors, like the khaki of many military uniforms; and cacophonous music along with other harsh sounds that shatter balance.

14. is with joy that we watch the world's interest in Susan Boyle, and to the readers who requested our thoughts about her sudden popularity, we see this as consciousness- raising on two fronts. First, energy streamers with dark attachments long, long ago patterned third density minds to see beauty as perfect physical form and features and to have diminished interest in individuals whose appearance did not meet those criteria. Aided in much more recent years by relentless advertising and its intended influence on society, that patterning has maintained the standard for who is or is not beautiful, who is or is not worthy of significant notice. Second, melodious tones and lyrics of music with high vibrations lost favor with the masses and raucous noise and vileness in expression gained favor. This is not being critical of the composers, instrumentalists and vocalists—all were responding to the low vibrations when Earth was in travail and more recently, the flailing about of dark energy streamer remnants. Now, suddenly there is Susan! The outpouring of genuine caring and interest in her reflects the world's growing recognition and appreciation of true beauty—her singing that showers the world with high vibrations and, of greater importance, the beauty that radiates from her soul.

15. I digressed, I know, to take advantage of the opportunity to explain the vital nature of vibrations, and now I return to your questions about the economy. As for my opinion about whether investing in real estate now is wise, please understand that I cannot knowledgeably make recommendations of this sort, but if I could, it is not within my province to do so. Our purpose at this station is to enlighten you about universal laws and put into that context everything that is happening on Earth, and to offer advice for growing spiritually. We understand that the economic turmoil has bred great confusion about investment safety, and in this perplexing situation, we can only advise what applies to every area of uncertainty in these times: Ask within and pay attention to the answers that come as intuition. Heeding these messages from your soul always is the best course.

16. Most questions about money pertain to NESARA, an acronym for National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and here I have a great deal to say. There are serious misperceptions about this cooperative venture between on- and off-planet souls, and clarification is called for. Succinctly stated, NESARA is the very foundation of Earth's Golden Age. Believing that prior to birth you chose to help create something as wondrous as a world of love, peace and harmony requires an enormous leap in consciousness and spiritual clarity. Enlightenment in such huge measure cannot be imagined in third density, and by universal law, it cannot be imposed; so the thought of specific reforms had to be "seeded" in your consciousness in a way that could be comprehended, and it was introduced in the form of US legislation at the appropriate time in this evolutionary process of unprecedented magnitude and speed.

17. Although the participation of every person on Earth and countless off-planet souls in spirit worlds and physical civilizations is known by all at soul level, it is conscious thoughts about a desired result that produce it. Because Earth is your current homeland, the energy of your thoughts about the legislation' s stated reforms was necessary to initiate action on the planet that would manifest the worldwide reformation and spiritual renewal that is the purpose of NESARA.

18. Now then, back to the legislation itself. When it was written, the US president and his closest advisers were Illuminati members or under that "umbrella" group's control. One provision of the Act calls for their immediate resignations upon the televised announcement of the legislation' s enactment, and a related provision provides for that announcement. Neither of those provisions is applicable now. The incumbent president is one of the principals in the Golden Age master plan that has its basis in NESARA; and Illuminati interference prevented the requisite legal compliance within the timeframe covering those resignations. When that window of opportunity expired, another route leading to the same ultimate goal in the same timeframe was undertaken, and developments along this route have been steadily proceeding ever since.

19. Other misperceptions about NESARA pertain to its economic provisions. Some believe that shortly after the announcement, a huge sum will be distributed to every person in your world. Others believe that individuals who paid small amounts into private investment programs will receive handsome returns when that Act is formally announced. And there are those who believe that with NESARA's announcement, all mortgage and credit card balances will be wiped clean. That there will be no such announcement is not the reason that those beliefs will be realized as understood. Always the intention of NESARA has been to end the unconscionable disparity between the world's wealthiest and the impoverished masses, and to abolish the unfair taxation and usurious interest rates that have kept many millions with "nose to the grindstone" just to eke out a living. The vast fortunes immorally and illegally amassed by various Illuminati members and institutions they control will be recovered and distributed on a global basis to the neediest among you, the billions who have been the most exploited and ignored by the greediest; and fair taxation and lending rates will replace the current ones until you reach the consciousness level where money no longer is an issue at all.

20. We honor the good intent of individuals who share what they believe to be true so as to enlighten and give hope, and without judging them when they err in evaluating information or may not receive it clearly, we say that at times they pass on incorrect information along with the accurate. This is one reason we repeatedly have urged you to develop discernment and heed intuition—quiet the mind and listen with the heart, the seat of the soul wherein all truth is known.

21. Now then, let us relieve your concerns about mandatory swine flu vaccinations. If this mandate does come to pass, the effects will be harmless because the live virus in the vaccines has been neutralized by space family members' technology.

22. There were more deaths attributed to swine flu in parts of Mexico than elsewhere because due to substandard living conditions, those people's immune systems were seriously compromised; the outbreak was purposefully initiated in those areas.

23. We could not help smiling at this question: Why is our government so interested in everyone in the country having digital TV? Well, the interest does not stem from the desire that everyone in the United States have the clearest TV reception available. This plan that was devised under the previous administration would enable surveillance of every viewer as well as emit harmful rays. It is unlikely that the former purpose will be used very long, if at all, and the emissions are rendered harmless, also via the technology of your brothers and sisters from other civilizations.

24. Persons with multiple personalities, or any other mental disorder, have the same opportunity as all other people insofar as the ability to absorb light and undergo the cellular restructuring necessary for physical survival all along Earth's ascension pathway. With rare exception at this time in your history, these individuals chose to experience afflictions of the mind to complete third density karma; by doing so, and if their lifetime longevity choice permits, they will go along with the planet into the higher frequencies where only soundness of health in mind, body and spirit exists, and dis-ease of any kind is healed along the way. Because pre-birth agreements are designed to benefit all persons sharing the lifetime, those who are especially close to an individual with mental, emotional or physical hardships also have great opportunities to grow spiritually. And spiritual growth is the aim of every soul in every lifetime!

25. Yes, often souls return to the same homeland and religion of previous lifetimes. Usually they choose the same circumstances such as family composition, riches or poverty, health or sickness, high or low intelligence and educational opportunities to once again try to accomplish what they have chosen many times but failed to do so. Other reasons for returning may be as volunteers to assist other principals in the pre-birth agreement complete their contracts or to provide conditions or situations designed for many souls to work on their karmic lessons. Perhaps during life in the spirit world, where deceit in government and the church is known, a soul may return with the chosen mission of trying to right the wrongs. Or, a soul may return to a beloved country or familiar religion to enjoy a tranquil lifetime that balances one with many hardships.

26. Not only the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers, but all darkly clandestine associations and organizations will be literally dis-membered in the higher frequencies, where bodies without light cannot survive.

27. No, Earth is not ascending as two worlds, one that will reach a higher density than the other. Earth is a soul with one planetary body, and it is rapidly and steadily moving out of third density toward her destination in fifth. The physical bodies of her residents who refuse the light that would enable them to accompany her will die, and the souls automatically will go to any one of a number of different worlds, whichever has the same energy make-up as each soul's lifetime energy registration.

28. I have chosen to end this message with an endearing and illuminating little story. About two years ago my mother adopted a 13-year old dog who is nearly blind and deaf. On warm, sunny days she takes the dear little fellow out into the yard, where he enjoys roaming and lying on the grass. A few days ago when she went out to ask if he was ready to come in, he said, "No. I'm still with Nature." When she asked him what Nature is, he said, "Nature is God outside."

29. And now, in farewell I say, all beings of light throughout this universe are beaming their love to assist you every step of your spiritual journey.

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Suzanne Ward

www.matthewbooks. com

Friday, April 10, 2009

Messages from Matthew

March 10, 2009

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to tell you what we see in your tumultuous world from our vantage point. On one hand are the results of lingering greed, violence, and anger and fear about loss of control; and on the other hand, growing numbers of individuals who are awakening into higher spiritual awareness and helping to propel Earth into lighter density planes. In a universal context, this is the reconciliation of dark and light—or negatively and positively charged energy streamers—into balance, wherein all is light. A more down-to-Earth explanation is, more and more soul searchers are "seeing the light" and taking charge of their lives with renewed strength of spirit.

2. We also see disappointment at the pace of progress toward absolute evidence that the light not only is exposing, but is vanquishing the remnants of darkness. Those who have been expecting a marked winding down of violence are dismayed by its continuation, and in some cases, even acceleration by individuals and ruling regimes. Please understand that this is progress—these instances are due to the higher vibrations that are magnifying human characteristics and behavior as third density's karmic experiencing swiftly is playing out the end of duality.

3. We mention the dismay and disappointment because of its adverse effect on the collective consciousness of Earth's residents. Along this same line, some feel concern that lightworkers' efforts are not enough, that a larger number or greater percentage of the planet's population is needed to bring to fruition the reforms that world transformation requires; and because dark activities still are going on, these concerned souls think not enough light is being generated to reach what has been called the "critical mass" that will enable Earth to reach her fifth density destination. It is not the number or any specific percentage of the population that constitutes critical mass, but the degree of sustained light, and this was reached and surpassed quite some time ago. So in that sense, it is not necessary that more people "see the light" and add it to the collective consciousness— the Golden Age, the era of love and peace, already exists in the continuum.

4. However, that does not diminish one iota the critical nature of the collective consciousness! Not only is the collective consciousness what caused the planet to descend into deep third density and keep it mired there for millennia, but more recently it has been assisting her to ascend out of there. And, because Earth loves all her resident life forms, she is eager for souls to steadily radiate their light into the collective consciousness, where it can offer sleeping souls the "lift" into spiritual awareness and the cellular changes they need to physically move into the Golden Age.

5. I have been asked why these cellular changes are necessary, and I believe my reply will show why your help in creating that glorious Age is such a grand triumph. The absorption of light is restoring bodies' DNA to its state prior to the dark forces' altering Earth humankind's cellular structure to "dumb them down" intellectually, spiritually and physically. If anything can be called a "sin," it is interfering with the growth of a soul, and in violation of all universal laws, that is exactly what the dark forces did to an entire civilization. In higher densities, cells are crystalline and their composition encompasses purity of character, spiritual clarity, and a long physical life span free of all dis-ease. Conversely, the carbon cells of third density life forms invite the base characteristics associated with evil as well as greatly reduced mind power, severely weakened will, and a multitude of physical, emotional and mental infirmities. Lifetimes with those characteristics and weaknesses dominant in the peoples' bodies and reflected in their thoughts, feelings and behavior were stored in cellular memories and brought forward from one generation to the next.

6. It was that diabolical alteration of humankind's make-up eons ago that caused souls' personages to gradually spiral downward from the planes of light into deep third density, where the planetary puppets of the dark forces could easily keep the masses in ignorance about their origins in the light, their unlimited manifesting potential, and the inseparability of all souls with God and each other. Emerging from that level of limitations, where the dark forces reigned through their powerful tool and fuel—FEAR!—has required a heroic effort on the part of souls who time and again incarnated with the intention to overcome the dark influence, but failed. Most of you spent many hundreds of lifetimes in that try/fail cycle, and this time you succeeded in breaking out of it! By absorbing the light, you are reclaiming your god and goddess selves and taking your rightful place in our universal family.

7. Some of you are asking how to know if you are absorbing sufficient light for cells to change from carbon to crystalline. I would say that the best sign is your thoughts, feelings and choices: Are they aligned with godliness? Have you forgiven self and others for actual or imagined hurts; is your mind open to considering new information; are you exercising your powers of discernment and trusting your intuition? But cellular changes—as well as the higher frequencies that are affecting all peoples—also give signals such as fatigue, headaches, nervousness, mood swings, body aches and nausea. However, since those also are symptoms of illness, if they persist, always it is advisable to consult a trusted health care professional, and we strongly recommend one who uses holistic healing therapies and natural remedies rather than one who resorts to prescription drugs. Your bodies' immune systems have more than enough toxins to contend with without adding the chemicals in pharmaceutical products.

8. To answer readers who want to know if there are ways to ease or hasten the adjustment process, yes indeed: Relieve stress, the root cause of disease and dis-ease. You can do this by changing a negative thought to one of positive nature and feeling genuinely grateful for the blessings in your life. Find optimistic aspects in a situation that is worrisome. Either avoid encounters you expect to be unpleasant or calmly meet them head-on with a smile and self-confidence. Practice patience and see a situation from another's perspective. Call or visit the person you have been intending to "when you have time." Get six to eight hours of sleep each day, eat nutritional food and drink pure water, exercise your body and mind. A variety of other ways to relieve stress also are well known, but reminders may be helpful: deep breathing exercises; yoga; stroll in a park or forest or on the seashore; aromatherapy; put your hands in Earth's soil to plant vegetables, flowers or bushes; volunteer for a community service; adopt a needy animal; listen to soothing music; watch comedy and other light-hearted films; read poetry or write your own; put your home in order; visit art galleries and museums—do whatever it is that you thoroughly enjoy and that imparts a sense of deep satisfaction. And remember that smiling lightens the heart and time alone is not selfishness—it is self-preservation, self-restoration!

9. An email that was sent many months ago and has just come to my mother's attention contains a question and an excellent suggestion. First, how can one open, balance and nurture chakras? Although experienced holistic practitioners can assist in chakra opening and balancing, you can do the same, and you can nurture the chakra system by everything I just mentioned about self-evaluation as to light absorption as well as more easily adjusting to cellular changes and the prevailing frequencies.

10. The suggestion was for me to periodically mention the wonderful service the Illuminati-controll ed media perform by focusing on violence, crimes, vehicle crashes, terrorism, geophysical events and other happenings that cause death, grief, fear and destruction. The writer related that these kinds of daily reports let her know where to send the healing love of Christed light—to all who suffered and all who caused the suffering. Although we often have urged you to send light to the captives of darkness, I have been remiss in not recently including this in messages, and I thank the writer for reminding me.

11. First I say, we understand that is difficult to forgive and feel unconditional love for individuals who are hurting you or causing massive suffering to many people. You are not consciously aware of your own soul contract, much less anyone else's, so you cannot know who is playing agreed upon roles in pre-birth agreements. The agreements are designed purely in love to benefit all the souls in the shared lifetime; and especially now, when all who embodied chose to experience whatever was required to end third density karmic lessons so they can evolve or help others evolve into higher vibrations, many are enduring extreme hardships of one kind or another. Because you cannot know on a conscious level who is doing what for whom, messages from beings in high light stations have included "Do not judge others."

12. Now then, some individuals use their free will to cause pain and anguish outside of all agreements. All souls are created of light. Those who became unconscionably greedy and used fear to control others became entrenched in darkness and lost their original essence except for the spark of light that is their life force. Those souls are desperately wounded by the absence of love-light, and the only way to heal their wounds is by refilling the void with its original ingredients. This is why all spiritually evolved sources have urged you to send light to those souls who are so wounded and lost in depths of darkness. Mother, please insert what I told you long ago that helped you be able to do this.

Mother, you would turn on a flashlight to guide someone out of the darkness of uncertainty and anxiety onto a path where they are confident and secure, wouldn't you? Those souls have lost their way and are fearful and foundering. Do not think of them as their deeds, but rather what you want for the world! Think of kindness, helpfulness and justness and sharing, think about the world's people living in harmony, peacefulness and love and send those thoughts to those souls in darkness.

Thank you.

13. As for how to gather light within and direct it to others, it is as simple as receiving and giving love. LOVE is the key to health in mind, body and spirit, and you direct love-light energy—the most powerful force in the universe—to others simply by feeling it for them! Mother, please give the date of my message that covers light absorption more extensively. [February 7, 2009 in "Matthew's Messages" on www.matthewbooks. com]

I thank you again.

14. Yes, the children whom you call Indigo or Crystal came in with or have acquired crystalline DNA. Although they chose parents who would cherish and nurture their differences, sadly, this has not been the case for many of these special children, particularly the older ones. It is heartening to see that some parents stopped drugging their youngsters into submissiveness and other parents are realizing that turning their children into listless conformists is not benefitting them.

15. As clarification to the reader who inquired about repairing souls' DNA, the repair process pertains only to souls damaged by nuclear explosions, and it is vastly different from the absorption of light that is restoring bodies' original DNA. The latter refers only to bodies, just as physical death caused by a nuclear weapon does. The repair process is needed by discarnate souls—those living in a free spirit state or are astrally traveling—that were shattered by warring in deep space. Those souls' parts were scattered in space and at a loss to understand what had happened. Specially trained souls have to locate and retrieve all the parts and reintegrate them so the fractured soul can be made whole again, with all of its parts healed of the various traumas they endured as separate aspects and all previous lifetime experiencing and knowledge must be restored to the composite soul. You cannot imagine the extent of difficulties and time involved in the searching, reintegrating and healing; but it will give you an idea of the profound importance of this undertaking and how much each and every soul is loved to know that Creator made this single exception to Its law that all souls' free will must be honored: There will be no more nuclear wars, and spiritually evolved civilizations are authorized to use their technology to prevent any attempts to initiate one. That is why we have been able to repeatedly and confidently assure you that there will be no nuclear war on Earth.

16. So there is no possibility of planetary-wide destruction, but it is as we have told you, bumps are along Earth's ascension pathway as old systems give way to new. The "changing of the guard" within governments and as it pertains to the global economy are huge bumps, and changes of this magnitude do not come about without protest from those who want to maintain status quo. Throughout your recorded history, there have been the mayhem and mass deaths associated with revolutions and war after war after war "fought for peace" while the actual instigators reap the profits, more land and increased fortunes. This is a different era, an unprecedented time on the planet! What has been occurring during the past several decades is the implementation of the Golden Age master plan, which is in its last stages of securing peace throughout your world and preparing for you to meet other members of our universal family. [Note: The November 21, 2008 message in "Matthew's Messages" on www.matthewbooks. com explains the plan.]

17. Because US President Obama is a major factor in the master plan, let us speak about him. Some see his administration moving boldly in new directions, others see it following the same policies as the former administration, and still others see it acting on too many fronts without well-defined objectives. To all who regard with pessimism the decisions and actions thus far, we say: Wait and see! Despite the formidable situations Obama inherited and the determined opposition of Illuminati members of Congress and those who are acting under that dark group's influence, whether by bribery, blackmail or death threats to family, he will pursue his visionary course to benefit his nation and the world.

18. As he does so, you will see changes in the president's closest advisors. As I told my mother when she was surprised about his appointments and nominees for posts, most notably Hillary Clinton, "These are not cast in marble," and I said that Obama was operating in the wisdom of "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." You also will see changes in Congress, either a lessening of opposition because members are turning to the light or they will be leaving in disgrace, as will persons in the previous administration. For several years a gigantic amount of investigation has been going on that ultimately will lead to charges of wrongdoing ranging from corruption to crimes against humanity. This far-reaching effort is being accomplished within legal means that require indisputable evidence, an essential but tedious and time-consuming process, and like all legal matters, progressive developments are not publicly reported.

19. Other information that will come out incrementally includes proof of situations that have been ridiculed by the disparaging label "conspiracy theory"; insidious mind control programs and methods; deliberately contaminated vaccines and laboratory designed diseases to reduce the world's population; corruption in "justice" systems; vast underground areas and what goes on there; the real perpetrators of terrorism and wars; the international web of collusion that has been controlling the global economy and commerce, health care, education and mainstream media; the long-time presence of extraterrestrial beings and their meetings with heads of governments; and the strategic divisiveness of religions. The amount of information is staggering, and revealing it in one fell swoop would be too much for any psyche to handle.

20. As evidence comes forth, emotions will be mixed: shock, disbelief, relief. To the people who believe "official" reports, the revelations are certain to be shocking. Very likely pragmatists will scoff initially, and many, many people will reel. This is understandable, as it is almost impossible to comprehend the vastness, viciousness and secrecy of the darkness that for millennia has controlled everything that affected life on Earth. But to all who have been awaiting the disclosure of long-hidden truths, there will be not only relief that the time has come at last, there will be exultation, and it will shared by light beings throughout this universe!

21. This is world transformation, not only the purging of one nation's corruption and deception. The light that is cleansing the United States knows no national boundaries—it is permeating every country in your world and beneath all the current foment, positive changes are underway worldwide. To the many readers who ask especially about African and Mideastern countries, peace will come more slowly in those regions because of the heavy cumulative karma that has to be transmuted. Also, generations upon generations have inculcated in their children hatred, prejudices and burning desire for revenge, and many of Earth's residents have that orientation. But please do not despair! Within very few years, every country in your world will have honorable, wise leaders and just laws; and tyranny, impoverishment and the inferior status of women will be only lamentable chapters in history books.

22. As for the global economy, we would love to tell you that it has hit bottom and soon will move upwards into stability, but we cannot say that yet. Just as the eyes of the world are on leadership directives in the United States, so are they on that country's actions to remedy its sinking economy. Reports do not reveal the whole story of what is known, but somewhat in defense of this, the fiscal disaster that erupted in the United States is pounding all nations, and there is no way that economists anywhere can accurately assess how far-reaching the impact of the current crisis ultimately will be.

23. The word "toxic" is frequently used to describe seriously sour financial negotiations— it should be applied to the multinational economic system because it is toxic to the core. In a previous message I mentioned several major bulwarks of Illuminati control, and although those foundations have crumbled, the dark minds are fighting tooth and nail to hold onto the pieces. As futile as their maneuvers will be, the complete eradication of their corrupt systems and implementation of systems based in soundness, honesty and fairness cannot be achieved overnight.

24. There will be "fits and starts" on the many fronts that require simultaneous action because all are integral parts of rebuilding the economy, but we hasten to say that some measures being pursued soon will show benefits. During the transitional period until all peoples of Earth are prospering, the spirit of sharing and taking charge of adverse circumstances with a positive outlook is growing exponentially as more and more people are acting upon their inspirations to form neighborhood and community assistance projects, cooperative farming, volunteer help, and exchange of goods and services. This spreading spirit comes from the soul, evidence that the light is magnifying not only negative characteristics and behavior, but equally magnifying individuals' goodness, generosity, ingenuity, cooperative spirit and strong will to surmount temporary hardships. The "grassroots" movement that is spreading will merge with new policies and programs devised at the top, unifying the objectives and goals of the populace and the leadership.

25. Now then, to answer a few more questions. Yes, films about war heroes or making ETs repugnant, fearsome creatures are more than distractions from vital concerns—they are the influence of the dark minds who want to reap the profits of wars and keep the public afraid of the benevolent civilizations those dark ones know are present. However, parts of the entertainment field are slowly moving into metaphysical and spiritual realms and planting fertile seeds in the minds of viewers, bookstores are filled with publications in that genre, and the Internet has a plethora of that kind of material. But as we have often advised, be discerning about which information is truthful in the myriad sources available!

26. As for a pole shift in 2010—or any other of your calendar years—Earth's orbit has been changing gradually and there will be no dramatic geological effects. Your scientists do not understand that the planet has left the space from which they are accustomed to viewing the heavens, and they are puzzled about their observations of unfamiliar celestial activity. And please keep in mind that some information is skewed due to lack of universal knowledge and other information is intentionally distorted to create fear.

27. Individuals who do not absorb sufficient light to ascend with Earth will not leave en masse. The time of physical death will be in accordance with the amount of light in each body, and dying can be the result of any of the current causes such as disease, drowning, vehicle crashes, suicide, fires, and earthquakes. No one in your world can consciously know which souls departed because of insufficient light and which transitioned in accordance with their soul contracts.

28. The fires that raged in Australia had a great cleansing effect by transmuting into light that continent's deeply entrenched negativity caused by brutal treatment of the indigenous peoples. The fires also produced a unified spirit and generated a wealth of caring, compassion and assistance among the peoples there, and the souls who transitioned had chosen their departure in pre-birth agreements.

29. Does chanting help raise one's vibrations? Like everything else, this depends upon intent and belief. If chanting is pleasurable, done for the purpose of elevating consciousness into higher vibrations and you believe it will do so, it will at the time. If chanting is not a comfortable experience but you do it anyway to see if it will have the claimed effect, you are unlikely to feel anything except possibly confirmation of your doubt or disappointment. However, the only way a person's vibrations can be raised and keep rising to new levels is by maintaining steadfastness in the light.

30. There is no clear demarcation between densities, so there will be no dramatic indications that Earth has left third and entered fourth, then traveled into fifth. What you will notice all along her pathway are positive changes in human and animal behavior; the emergence of suppressed technologies and the introduction of new; new energy sources and modes of transportation; restoration of the environment; improvements in health care, educational systems, methods of food production, building materials, communication, employment—really, every facet of daily life. And surely not least, you will be working side by side with members of our universal family as long as you need and welcome their assistance!

31. How does it feel to be in fourth and fifth densities? Some individuals on Earth have evolved into those planes spiritually and intellectually, but I believe the questioner is referring to the residents of Earth who make the ascension journey with her. Think of what fills you with such abundant joy that your heart feels as if it is glowing as brilliantly as the sun itself—that will give you an idea of the magnificence of life in the higher planes. Remembering that the heart is the "seat of the soul" and envisioning yourself as a glowing star can fill you with the sensation of BEing part of the celestial spheres.

32. And now, on behalf of all souls at this station, I say farewell only to end this message. We are with you in loving spirit eternally.

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Suzanne Ward

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And Then God Said…Then I Said…Then He Said… is an extraordinary collection of illuminating messages that Celestial Bluestar, David of Arcturus and I received from God and many other sources. Readers' enthusiastic comments about the book and ordering instructions are on www.awakenedhearts. com/books2. htm.]