QUESTION: One of the things I've been wondering about is: I'm-here on earth . . .
RAJ: Earth is here in You.
QUESTION: . . . and we talk about health and how to improve it. I think the question is, does it matter at all how long we stay on earth in this body; and if it does, what is to be gained by that? When we leave here, or when we drop this body, or whatever, then we go on to another "school" or another experience, and I would like to know why it matters, or if it does, how long we stay here? Or is it, what we do here?
RAJ: You must stop conceptualizing your Eternal Being as consecutive grade levels of experience. This is a product of the three-dimensional sense of things, which causes life to be stretched out on a time-line, and one is either moving forward or backward, progressing or not.
There are only two apparent states of being, and they are either being Awake or being asleep; and in actuality, being asleep is nothing more than a very limited sense of being Awake and doesn't actually constitute a "separate" state of being.
It is the present necessity for the illusionary line separating these two apparent states to be dissolved so that there is no longer a finite three-dimensional-only conscious experience of Being.
By the very nature of the state of "sleep," it impossible for those in the waking state to communicate with those in the sleeping state. And so, the necessity is to be willing to move into the "sleeping state," the three-dimensional-only frame of reference, by virtue of what is experienced as the birth process, and subsequently, while in this finite sense of things, to rouse oneself out of it and wake up! In the process, you are functioning at a level where those who are also asleep can communicate with you, and you with them. And, in the process of being able to communicate with them, remind them also that this was their intent in "being born," and binding themselves temporarily to a finite sense of things.
It is those who are asleep that must be awakened. But, the Awakening can only be initiated from within the finite sense of things, because fundamentally it is only to those who are in that finite sense that the sleeping ones will listen.
Contrary to the popular concepts of reincarnation, what I have described is the only reason for incarnating, no matter how many times one may choose to attempt to contribute to this process of Awakening.
QUESTION: Do you mean, then, to say that the only reason we come back here is to awaken so we can help other people to awaken?
RAJ: Exactly.
QUESTION: That goes for everyone "down here"?
RAJ: Every single one.
QUESTION: We are all messiahs?
RAJ: Exactly. And that brings you back to your educational "dream" wherein it became apparent that you must be the thing. You must be the Messiah; you must be the Christ, because that is what You Are. There literally isn't anything else for you to be that means anything, even though it seems important to be successful in the business world, or it seems important to be wealthy, or it seems important to be the best darn wife and mother. There is nothing meaningful for you to be, other than the Christ, the perfect expression of the Life-Principle that You Are.
You can appropriately add a fifth card to that dream right now that has the word "Christ" or "Messiah" on it. It doesn't mean a thing to watch for Him or study what He has done in the Bible as a history lesson. It only matters to what degree YOU are willing to own what You Are CONSCIOUSLY and BE IT!
QUESTION: I have difficulty understanding. We come here for the purpose of awakening, so that we can help others to awaken. It sounds terribly naive, but I wonder why everybody just doesn't stay wherever they are, and in a matter of 80 or l00 years everyone would be "over there"?
RAJ: Because the nature of the three dimensional experience, minus the Fourth dimensional perspective, is, in itself, quite "capturing," because it engrosses the five physical senses with grossly stimulating sensory data which preoccupies the attention.
Passing on does not automatically release one from the belief systems, which arise out of a lifetime of sensory experience. And therefore, one is not immediately returned to the full open conscious experience of Being, and a process of Awakening continues until total Awakening has been achieved -- and I mean by this, that the process of Awakening continues after what you call death.
The return to physical form, as you recognize it can be achieved prior to total Awakening. And therefore, there is, or has been, a portion of the Brotherhood of Man, the Sons of God, who have been caught in this pattern of moving into the finite, three dimensional conscious experience of being over and over without gaining release from it.
It is the breaking of this pattern which has been the goal, and which is in the process of being broken at the present time.
~early conversations
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