Saturday, November 1, 2008

Master Djwhal Khul (Transforming the personality)

Plane-to-Plane Memorandum

To:My Beloved Students
From:Master Djwhal Khul


November 2008 Lesson

Date:October 30, 2008
Beloved Students:

I greet you in the profound energy of transformation as we begin the 11th month of 2008. The year has progressed at record speed, and in fact, we entered the energy field of 2009 around September 15, 2008. Clearly, this makes quite a case for an accelerating planetary process! I do hope each of you has found the year thus far to have held many potentialities and positive challenges.

The month of November should prove to be quite an interesting month. For the most part, it will likely provide some great opportunities for mini-transformations (or, if you are awake and making the most of the month’s energy, “many” transformations). For most of you, it is likely that you will experience a series of transformative points, but not of the radical life-altering type. This is a good month to work on dissolving karmic patterns, since the energetic field of collective experiencing will amplify your efforts.

At the collective level (i.e., the conventional reality level), what appears to be arising is an opportunity to transform the emotional chasm of guilt. Thus, those of you who find yourselves struggling with guilt from time to time may find November brings ample opportunity to review old patterns. As we have previously noted, guilt is actually a form of paralysis, and in that respect one could say it is (or represents) the anti-thesis of transformation. Those of you who manage to stay awake for the process may actually feel your-selves being pulled in opposite directions (i.e., toward old patterns of guilt on one hand, and toward trans-formation on the other hand).

If this seems a bit strange to you, well, you are probably just getting into the energy of 2009. It is, of course, quite interesting when the energetic field of the year to come overlays the energetic field of the year that is ending. The potential for spiritual realization during the remainder of 2008 is still very viable, but the volatility in the conventional reality that is “marking the territory,” so to speak, for 2009’s entrance is also most compelling. Guilt, as many of you already know, is generally preceded by episodes of doubt. The interesting thing here is that just as guilt blocks transformation, so doubt suppresses realization. Thus, you are being called to manage polar energies in your own life. If nothing else, November should (as I said earlier) “prove to be quite an interesting month.”

Because the energy of transformation is so available at this time, I thought a good focus for our concentrated work might lie in transforming the personality level. The personality and the ego are remarkably intertwined. In fact, some even see them as the same thing. I would like to pose for your consideration, however, a bit tighter definition. We could say that the personality (while, generally speaking, it does consider itself to be the ego) is really just the stylistic presentation that your ego is using in this life.

This is so because the ego does not change much in a given life. When one is on a spiritual growth path, the ego is clearly “re-educated” and as one works with it, its preference demands become less compelling. The personality, however, changes (sometimes radically) in the course of spiritual maturation. As one identifies more and more with Essence (and less and less with ego), the personality begins to reflect that shift in identity. Grumpy personalities tend to become happier; surly personalities tend to become kinder; rigid personalities tend to become softer, etc. Of course, this list could become quite lengthy were we to list every personality trait. Just know that the personality can, and does, change. The ego, on the other hand, retains its possessive connection to the “I,” but over the course of spiritual maturing, it should lose its influential magnitude.

If one actually undertakes the rigors of personality transformation, the results are clearly demonstrated in a clarified ego, as well. In fact, conscious personality transformation is perhaps some of the most powerful ego work one can do. In working with the personality, one gains direct access to the ego, but in a somewhat less confrontive way. Working with the personality is somewhat like working with one’s wardrobe. Imagine for a moment a situation wherein a person is habitually given to overly casual dress. Perhaps s/he lives in sweat pants and old stretched out of shape t-shirts. If this habit persists over time, his/her mannerisms will come to reflect the dress patterns, perhaps taking on an unkempt, or sloppy, presentation not only in dress, but in attitude and psychological functioning, as well.

Now imagine that same person being invited to a formal, or so-called “black tie,” event. With the change of clothing is very likely to come a change in mannerisms and behavior patterns. Perhaps the per-son stands straighter, carries him/herself with more confidence, and perhaps even speaks differently. In some cases, the transformation might be so great as to render the former person unrecognizable to the latter person.

While this is a very simplistic example, it does convey the type of transformation we are here considering. The personality, while not quite as neutral an element as a piece of clothing, can (like clothing) be selected and mindfully “worn.” In fact, you may even know people who seem to have a chameleon-like habit of changing their personality depending on who they happen to be with at a given moment. While this is not, in fact, “personality transformation,” it does, at least demonstrate the mutability of the personality. You will notice in those who possess this chameleon quality that the ego does not change at all. It remains completely in charge of the self it runs.

With true transformation, the personality does not simply change (or show another face) from moment to moment depending on the needs of the ego that drives it. Rather, it is recreated in such a way as to more adequately reflect the presence of Essence. As Essence becomes the point of personal identity, rather than the ego, both ego and personality find healthy dissolution in that ocean of Essence, and the life of the spiritual aspirant loses the seeming need to uphold the old codependent bond between ego and personality. Hence, a higher level of functioning is reached and, hopefully, integrated into the application of the self.

Since I treat the basic “how” of personality transformation quite thoroughly in the recorded lecture for this month, I will not go more deeply into the matter in this teaching, for this is but an introduction to our focus for November. Recognize that conscious personality transformation is simply part of the spiritual journey, and undertaking this particular leg of that journey should allow you to apply all the spiritual knowledge you have been amassing since your very first physical incarnation.

In truth, you have tried on many personalities in the scope of your many physical encounters, and you have been honing that ego for lifetimes. Although much of this endeavor has occurred beneath the threshold of consciousness, it is now time to bring the whole process into consciousness. You have an opportunity to mindfully participate in the process of your own becoming in ways that may not have been available to you in previous lives. Not only is this good news, it merits genuine celebration, for it is time to step into your mastery.

Please join me this month in earnestly considering the concepts and practices I present in, Transforming the Personality. While some of the concepts will not be new to you, perhaps the applications in this teaching are somewhat different. After all, since working with the process of dying last month, it seems remarkably appropriate that a new personality be given birth in your life.

May November hold amazing possibilities for each and every one of you, and may you have the wisdom to use well the gifts that come your way. May you transform the personality so that the mind may find its rightful place of calm abiding, and may you prepare yourselves for a beautiful and meaningful transit into 2009, which looks to provide all of you with an exciting “ride.”

Your loving teacher,

Djwhal Khul

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